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The get fit, stay fit thread

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Actually didn't think of that to be honest ill double check with my physio. I can cycle a little on a exercise bike but if I try got at speed I get a shooting pain in my knee and need to stop so need to work on that.

Weights im doing just now, mostly machines as I cant bend down and pick up weights at the same time, tried the other day and nearly fell and looked like a bellend haha

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You not like running outside BD? f**k doing an hour on the treadmill imo.

Nah, I have drop foot so I have to be careful when it kicks in. Don't want to be stuck in some woods or something! My ex's dad suffers from a lot of medical problems and had a quadruple heart bypass, so if he runs for an hour, why can't I? Bit of a motivator.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Been doing stronglifts for a while but need a change.

Looking for a 3 or 4 day routine, any suggestions? Really struggling to pick one!

Probably not what you're looking for but I manage all my lifts each week in 4 days.

Tuesday - Legs

Wednesday- Chest & Bi's

Thursday - Back

Friday - Shoulders & Tri's

Plus I do abs on all four of they days. Like I said probably not what you're looking for or you're meaning something completely different.

Anyway onto my own dilemma. I've been making a fair bit of progress the last few months although I still feel I should of made greater progress in this time. I track my macros the majority of my days and I hit my fat and protein macros no bother. It's the carbs I struggle to reach, I'm always about 50g too short when I've hit my daily calorie intake. Fibre is a slight problem to although does that matter a lot?. Anyone got suggestions for foods with high carbs? On a daily basis at the minute I consume Oats, Pasta, Sweet Potato, Bagels etc.

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I'm at the point where I'm skint and will need to cancel my gym membership. I'm at Glasgow Club and I'm being charged about £27 a month, and that's with a 30% student discount - f**k that. Thinking about joining Pure Gym sometime after the new year if I can find a part-time job to sustain it.

In the meantime I'm trying to find some kind of fat loss routine that I can do from home that doesn't involve jumping about mental indoors, as I can't really do that without making noise that will carry through to the rest of the house or to the neighbours. I have a 30kg bar that I do squats, rows or shoulder presses with, and I'll do push-ups as well, but as far as cardio goes I'll either have to settle for the combined two-and-a-half hour walk to and from uni every day, or take up jogging which I hate.

Is there anyone else who just exercises at home, and if so what kind of routine do you do?

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I'm at the point where I'm skint and will need to cancel my gym membership. I'm at Glasgow Club and I'm being charged about £27 a month, and that's with a 30% student discount - f**k that. Thinking about joining Pure Gym sometime after the new year if I can find a part-time job to sustain it.

In the meantime I'm trying to find some kind of fat loss routine that I can do from home that doesn't involve jumping about mental indoors, as I can't really do that without making noise that will carry through to the rest of the house or to the neighbours. I have a 30kg bar that I do squats, rows or shoulder presses with, and I'll do push-ups as well, but as far as cardio goes I'll either have to settle for the combined two-and-a-half hour walk to and from uni every day, or take up jogging which I hate.

Is there anyone else who just exercises at home, and if so what kind of routine do you do?


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I've been doing Stronglifts for just under two months and have basically doubled my squat, deadlift and bench press. I manage everything OK aside from he overhead press which I find a nightmare. I'm basically skipping the scheduled OHP lifts and working on my form with lower weights, I'll then build back up.

It's really good, I'm enjoying it. I'm going to ramp up my running in between sessions as well to train for the Inverness half in March.

I do need to sort out my diet, which im going to do in the New Year. I'm incredibly lazy and eat shite for dinners but I'm confident I'll be able to turn it around. I like eating healthily, once I get into a routine I'll be grand.

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I've been doing Stronglifts for just under two months and have basically doubled my squat, deadlift and bench press. I manage everything OK aside from he overhead press which I find a nightmare. I'm basically skipping the scheduled OHP lifts and working on my form with lower weights, I'll then build back up.

It's really good, I'm enjoying it. I'm going to ramp up my running in between sessions as well to train for the Inverness half in March.

I do need to sort out my diet, which im going to do in the New Year. I'm incredibly lazy and eat shite for dinners but I'm confident I'll be able to turn it around. I like eating healthily, once I get into a routine I'll be grand.

Really good eh. I was amazed at how much progress I made. Unfortunately knees aren't great and it's getting harder to squat 3 times a week, heavier each time.

Looking for a compound heavy, simple workout that I can get stuck in to. Would appreciate if anyone has any to share.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Looking for a bit of injury-related advice P&Bers.

Anyone here has keyhole surgery to a meniscal tear? I've got a large lateral tear and a smaller vertical one in my knee cartilage. I've seen a specialist who's put me forward for an op to trim the cartilage down to the offending tear, as it's torn in an area that can't regenerate. What i'm wondering is the length of time from the op to recover to the extent that I can run, cycle, hillwalk etc. My fitness is in the toilet as a result of this, and I'm way overweight. I've been told I can expect an op end of March.

In the meantime I've started going back to the gym solely to use a crosstrainer on high-ish resistance and a recumvent bike, again on high resistance in an effort to strengthen the leg muscles in some sort of futile gesture aimed at easing my recovery time.

Any advice would be great, especially from anyone else who's had this done.


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Looking for a bit of injury-related advice P&Bers.

Anyone here has keyhole surgery to a meniscal tear? I've got a large lateral tear and a smaller vertical one in my knee cartilage. I've seen a specialist who's put me forward for an op to trim the cartilage down to the offending tear, as it's torn in an area that can't regenerate. What i'm wondering is the length of time from the op to recover to the extent that I can run, cycle, hillwalk etc. My fitness is in the toilet as a result of this, and I'm way overweight. I've been told I can expect an op end of March.

In the meantime I've started going back to the gym solely to use a crosstrainer on high-ish resistance and a recumvent bike, again on high resistance in an effort to strengthen the leg muscles in some sort of futile gesture aimed at easing my recovery time.

Any advice would be great, especially from anyone else who's had this done.


Don't rush it. Took me a full year and a half to recover from injuries to both ACL's. I'm sure you've been given physio routines to follow?

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Don't rush it. Took me a full year and a half to recover from injuries to both ACL's. I'm sure you've been given physio routines to follow?

Nope, I expect to get those either just before the Op or immediately following it. I've been told I can run etc after a few weeks but I will suffer discomfort for 12-18 months after exercise

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f**k it. Just do upper body and get some ridiculous t shirt muscles going. Skinny legs but massive arms. The girls obviously love that.


Perhaps it's the way forward. One of the instructors at the local centre seems to have an upper body to legs ratio similar to that of Kingsley.

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Perhaps it's the way forward. One of the instructors at the local centre seems to have an upper body to legs ratio similar to that of Kingsley.

That's basically 90% of personal instructors and people that lift in general.

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I've had that op. And it was way sorer than a similar one to tidy up after a torn acl on the same knee.

I didn't really do much different in the gym tbh afterwards but it was about 8 weeks before I dared and I started slowly.

Between that and the acl I find that as long as I keep away from any twisting exercise and concentrate on form everything is fine.

I can run and cycle no problem now but I hammered the cross trainer when I was recovering.

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