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The get fit, stay fit thread

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Is every gym full of 16-19 year olds on weeknights or just my one? Used to be OK after 7.30/8pm but now barely worth the hassle of trying to use the equipment as these groups check their phones, do sweet FA then lynxify the changing room.

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41 minutes ago, ThomCat said:

Is every gym full of 16-19 year olds on weeknights or just my one? Used to be OK after 7.30/8pm but now barely worth the hassle of trying to use the equipment as these groups check their phones, do sweet FA then lynxify the changing room.

Same where I go but it's mainly the old codgers, rather than the youngsters who hang around doing fek all. 

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Got back from the US last night after my Super Bowl shenanigans. Feeling pretty jet-lagged, stiff and sore from the flights, and also pretty bloated and lethargic after all the food and booze of the last 8/9 days. The scales suggest I've only put on 3lbs some of which will no doubt be retention from the shit stuff still in my system but I did however cycle off creatine for that 8 days by being away so this has perhaps negated some of that weight.

A Thursday night is part of my normal routine though so I think I'm going to try and get straight back into it tonight, if not I know fine well I'll miss the next one or two and end up doing nothing until at least Monday.

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I exercised for the first time in over a year last night. Went to the gym and jumped on the treadmill for 30 minutes as was my usual starter before going to weights etc. 

I was utterly horrified at my level of fitness, kept having to slow to walking pace while this 65 year old was sprinting away next to me. 

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3 hours ago, throbber said:

I stood on the scales for the first time in about 3 months and I'm 13:1 which is the heaviest I have ever seen myself when on the scales but I dare say I would have been about 13:6 last year for a spell. Feel great with my hiit work outs and swimming though and don't look like I'm that much overweight.

Gaining a bit of weight isn't a bad thing when trying to trim up, good job!

I'm trying to gain a bit of weight at the moment which can be challenging. My appetite deserted me after Christmas probably just because of ridiculous greed around that period.

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I exercised for the first time in over a year last night. Went to the gym and jumped on the treadmill for 30 minutes as was my usual starter before going to weights etc. 

I know everyone has a preference but getting your weights done before cardio makes a difference.
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'When you weight-train, you typically use glycogen as fuel. By doing weight-training first, you can burn the majority of your glycogen stores. Knocking out your cardio after you crush the weights will burn more fat!'

That's off the site I was looking at so I have got it the wrong way round .

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Suppose it depends on your training but from my view I'm always fucked after any sort of weight training and doing cardio sounds a non-starter. Adding to that, I can't stand doing cardio training in a gym. Give me the gail force winds and pishing rain of Aberdeen beach for a run over a treadmill any day.

For my training just now, I have 3 weight sessions per week and two runs of around 5k. The runs are more to keep my heart and lungs healthy rather than burning fat.

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So I've been a fat cunt on and off for a few years. Lost a load of weight but put it back on ad quick.

My granny died from heart related conditions in July last year, my mum begged me to lose weight (I'm over 20 stone).

Within the last 2 weeks I've lost 1 stone and look forward to increasing that.

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So I've been a fat cunt on and off for a few years. Lost a load of weight but put it back on ad quick.

My granny died from heart related conditions in July last year, my mum begged me to lose weight (I'm over 20 stone).

Within the last 2 weeks I've lost 1 stone and look forward to increasing that.

My heart health is what motivated me to lose weight. I was an massive sod and thought I was a ok. A doctor telling me I had high blood pressure for a twenty year old was a shock that I needed.

It's a tough ride but once the initial roughness subsides and you start to enjoy regular exercise it becomes am absolute joy. Now I'm in pretty good nick and have been for several years. Finding that fun point is the hardest bit. I recommend watching the below. Maybe a touch smug but as best an explanation of why exercise is great as I've seen. Congratulations on the first stone and the more to follow.

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Just finished leg day.

3×15 barbell squats

3x15 dumbell lunges

3x15 dumbell deadlifts/3×20 kettlebell swings superset

3x15 leg extensions/3x15 leg curl superset

3x15 calf raises

I have never known jelly legs like it. My gym has a big flight of stairs in the entrance/exit and I severely struggled to get down them - had to walk down sideways while holding onto the handrail. I must've looked cool as fuck. Got downstairs and waddled about 200 yards to my car. Just about managed to lower myself into the driving seat. Sat down and realised I had left my phone up in the gym...



unnamed (18).gif

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43 minutes ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

It's horrible but also very pleasing when you've blasted your legs beyond recognition and basically slither out of the gym like a snake. 


I did it last week and then went to sit in the Gym's Jacuzzi. just delayed the inevitable tbh. 

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