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The get fit, stay fit thread

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Currently training for my first 10k, here in Inverness in September.  Been going out running 2-3 times a week for a month and a bit now, surprising how quickly you can get fit.  When I started I was barely managing to run 3-4k but am now comfortably doing 7-8k, always feel like I have more in the tank afterwards too.  Don't want to be doing too much too soon though.

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Signed up for next years tough mudder. Gives me a whole year to get fit and in shape. Did this years but was knackered halfway through. Doesn't help that I'm a lazy twat and that all the foods I like are bad for me. Always found that the diet part of getting and staying fit the hardest. I've probably just been reading the wrong advice tbh. Mon the curvy lads :thumsup2

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42 minutes ago, GnR989 said:

Signed up for next years tough mudder. Gives me a whole year to get fit and in shape. Did this years but was knackered halfway through. Doesn't help that I'm a lazy twat and that all the foods I like are bad for me. Always found that the diet part of getting and staying fit the hardest. I've probably just been reading the wrong advice tbh. Mon the curvy lads :thumsup2

Try high protein/high fat/low carb diet.  Very tasty because you can eat a lot of things with cheese and chorizo added for example so really easy to stick to.  I've been doing it for 3 or 4 years now and enjoy.  Let me know if you want anymore info.

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52 minutes ago, Boostin' Kev said:

Try high protein/high fat/low carb diet.  Very tasty because you can eat a lot of things with cheese and chorizo added for example so really easy to stick to.  I've been doing it for 3 or 4 years now and enjoy.  Let me know if you want anymore info.

I'll give it a go, cheers for the advice :thumsup2

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It's really good if you're not fussed about eating bread/rice/pasta etc.  I always have some high GI carbs after training, so use that as a time to eat fruit like dates/figs and blueberries.  Apart from that I eat a lot of meat/eggs/fish/green veg/cheeses/nut butters etc.  If you're going low carbs, like under 100g per day it's apparently good to do one day a week of high carbs/low fat for hormone levels. 

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Very impressive, what are you doing weights wise?  I'm thinking of changing routines to something more like the Ross Enemait high rep functional stuff. I can lift heavy weights just now but starting to get bored of it and it's not much use for sports on days when not in the gym.

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Used to make up my own routines but found myself overtraining so been following routines like Stronglifts and 531 and doing well but getting want to get away from strength work in the gym because you really need a days recovery in between and I like to work on my swimming on days after weights but can struggle a bit if I've lifted too much the day before. 

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How did you find boxing in between 531 sessions when you were lifting heaviest?  I set up a routine that's quite similar to Stronglifts 5x5 so doing a lot of heavy assistance work and squat 3 days out of the 4 rather than doing things like leg extensions.  I don't box anymore, swim instead but definitely feel a negative impact sometimes if back or shoulders/chest are tired from the session before.

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I'm going to switch up to something like what that ex boxer Ross Enemait recommends in his Infinite Intensity book. Quite like reading things like that and he's a legit guy. Also getting bored of lifting weights just for strength/hypertrophy.

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11 hours ago, The Chlamydia Kid said:

I find it hard to just train hard cardio without a purpose at the end like a fight. At least with weights it's easyish, sociable, relaxing and makes you look good. If I am getting myself as fit as I can be doing brutal cardio workouts then I want to put it to use- a fight for example.
I've got both they Ross eminait books used to do his workouts years ago- keeps it fresh.
I never read anything about fitness any more sonny knowledge has ceased about 2011. But a great book I bought was "8 weeks out" but Joel Jamie son- he's got a website by the same name I think.

Get a P&B charity boxing bout lined up against @Shandon Par. 3 months from now. All proceeds go to this mob: http://www.fpa.org.uk/

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13 hours ago, The Chlamydia Kid said:

I find it hard to just train hard cardio without a purpose at the end like a fight. At least with weights it's easyish, sociable, relaxing and makes you look good. If I am getting myself as fit as I can be doing brutal cardio workouts then I want to put it to use- a fight for example.
I've got both they Ross eminait books used to do his workouts years ago- keeps it fresh.
I never read anything about fitness any more sonny knowledge has ceased about 2011. But a great book I bought was "8 weeks out" but Joel Jamie son- he's got a website by the same name I think.

Going to start reading Infinite Intensity, been meaning to do it for over 5 years now. In the meantime I think I'll try that Magic 50 Enamait routine I keep reading about twice a week along with 1 day of strength, mainly squats and military press, instead of 3 days a week trying to squeeze an extra 2.5kg per lift on my current 531 routine.  Should be better for swimming on my non gym days and make me a bit more mobile.  Been getting more interested in that recently with that Kelly Starrett book (terrible title but a great read).



Edited by Boostin' Kev
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Looking to join one of the 'franchise' gyms in the ml3 area. Does anyone have any experiences good or bad about the following gym brands:-

Pure Gym
The Gym Group

Have used all three but mostly all in city centre so may only be so relevant. They're all fairly identikit in terms of how they're run and equipment avaliable. Only difference in terms of gear is Xercise4Less, or at least one I use, has punch bags, boxing ring and an mma cage. I found The Gym Groups PT's annoying as they'd often approach trying to get people interested in their services. Unlike the others they don't get paid a salary so are a bit more keen.

Pure Gym being 24 hour is useful and The Gym Group typically offer this also. Due to their cheap nature they can be unbearably busy between 6 and 9 midweek. When living in Paisley this wasn't such an issue as the Pure Gym was big as f**k. When I used the Charing Cross one however it was a fucking nightmare.

Also find these cheap gyms attract a larger amount of nobs but assuming good to pay no notice and get your exercise done then won't be an issue. If have an intolerance for people being stupid, inconsiderate or posey as f**k you may struggle.
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