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The get fit, stay fit thread

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Anyone else on here have their own free weights?  I'm too tight / lazy to get a gym membership, but I do quite like lifting weights in my own living room in front of the telly after a cycle / run.  I'm seeing a noticeable effect on muscle mass on my top half as well, after only a few months.

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Have been going to bed an hour earlier each night. Ditched fizzy juice for diluted and water. Eating just breakfast lunch and tea adding some veg. Walking 10000 steps a day on my fitbit 3 days a week other 2 at the gym (2 days rest usually weekend).

Going back to playing football next season at amateur level so got something to aim for and next November me and Mrs FifeArab are going to New york so another good incentive to keep off the weight!

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After dropping below 20st last year I piled it back on because I’m an utter prat.

Just got back into the gym and feeling better for it, determined to get to 16st.

Some people will still claim I’m a fat b*****d, but I’ll be able to manage it easier at that stage.

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After dropping below 20st last year I piled it back on because I’m an utter prat.

Just got back into the gym and feeling better for it, determined to get to 16st.

Some people will still claim I’m a fat b*****d, but I’ll be able to manage it easier at that stage.

If you tone up they certainly won’t be calling you a fat b*****d. Good luck mate
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  • 4 weeks later...

Due to over indulging over christmas, my weight went up to 13st 1. Made a plan of diet and exercise to get down to 12.7 for going on holiday in april. Started off great, was down to 12.11. Then a few weeks back me and the wife nearly split. Since then, i haven’t been able to control what i am eating or until today hadn’t done any exercise. Just can’t the self control back that i know i can apply to diet and fitness stuff, but just can’t get me head engaged into it. Can’t say no any food right now.

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21 hours ago, ThatBoyRonaldo said:

Thought I'd bump this thread as had an exercise query I wonder if P&B can help with.

I've been doing a fair bit of running recently - up to the point where I was doing 10k or so 3-4 times a week. However I think I overdid it slightly and one of my knees began to not enjoy it so pending that healing up/me potentially getting trainers with more support or whatever, I'm planning to more or less replace that running with swimming. 

My question is, what kind of distance/time in the pool would be a decent workout, if 10k runs is my rough level of fitness? Should I just be aiming to swim continuously for roughly as long as I would run continuously or should it be longer/shorter because I'm using less/more energy?

You use more energy running than swimming so you would have to swim for longer  than your 10k runs takes.

Edited by keptie
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22 hours ago, ThatBoyRonaldo said:

Thought I'd bump this thread as had an exercise query I wonder if P&B can help with.

I've been doing a fair bit of running recently - up to the point where I was doing 10k or so 3-4 times a week. However I think I overdid it slightly and one of my knees began to not enjoy it so pending that healing up/me potentially getting trainers with more support or whatever, I'm planning to more or less replace that running with swimming. 

My question is, what kind of distance/time in the pool would be a decent workout, if 10k runs is my rough level of fitness? Should I just be aiming to swim continuously for roughly as long as I would run continuously or should it be longer/shorter because I'm using less/more energy?

It is very variable depending on how fast you run\swim, how much you weigh and the stroke you use in the water. If you are unused to swimming it will take you a fair amount of time to build the muscle structure, stamina and technique to swim for an hour. Unless you can swim front crawl you will start with breast stroke going relatively slowly. But you will build a far stronger upper body. You can do intervals of a couple of laps then a rest and get some very intense cardio in while you build the muscle strength in the chest, shoulders and arms. To make a decent progression to front crawl will take interspersing a few laps of breast stroke with one of front crawl and slowly building out from there. 


At one hour\100 laps of a 25m pool you can be looking at near 1000kcal. 

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I attended my first body pump class last night after signing up for the gym for the first time in over ten years. It was absolutely brutal, cannot believe how unfit I am.

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10 hours ago, dorlomin said:

It is very variable depending on how fast you run\swim, how much you weigh and the stroke you use in the water. If you are unused to swimming it will take you a fair amount of time to build the muscle structure, stamina and technique to swim for an hour. Unless you can swim front crawl you will start with breast stroke going relatively slowly. But you will build a far stronger upper body. You can do intervals of a couple of laps then a rest and get some very intense cardio in while you build the muscle strength in the chest, shoulders and arms. To make a decent progression to front crawl will take interspersing a few laps of breast stroke with one of front crawl and slowly building out from there. 


At one hour\100 laps of a 25m pool you can be looking at near 1000kcal. 

I would agree with that.

Although FWIW, if he's looking for a rough number. Personally, on the scale of where I am, a 10k run takes me just over 50 minutes, and it feels synonomous to about 80 laps front crawl which takes roughly the same time for me.

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On 2/20/2018 at 15:48, Ross. said:

First 10 days of the gym membership out the way. 5 visits. 4 involving relatively light weights covering most of the major muscle groups then 30-45 minutes of cardio, 1 session last night was just solid cardio with a 75 minute bike session, keeping the rpm stable but the resistance varying every 20 seconds from low to high and everything in between.

Planning on 3 visits a week, will try and do 2 sessions a week with the weights and light cardio and the 3rd being heavy cardio. Not looking to bulk up or increase strength massively, mostly looking to tone up a bit and trim a bit of fat off the belly and waist.

Will sporadically keep you all updated, just because.

Sporadic update just because this has been bumped.

7 weeks in. Averaging 3 times a week. Have cut down on the cardio a little(45 minutes per visit only, no more 1hr+ sessions on the bike) and have found myself on the weights with every visit.

Body weight has stayed almost static, still around the 12 stone 11 mark, but my body shape has noticeably changed and the actual weights involved have increased around 25% all in, though part of that is down to confidence as much as ability.

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After feeling that my gym work/strength had plateaued, I got one of the instructors at my gym to design me a programme.

Started it on 17th January, was also recommended to up my protein intake, which I have significantly.

I'm definitely stronger, all my weights are up by varying degrees. What confuses me is my body weight - I was 92.1kg on 17th Jan, I stayed consistently between 92.5 and 93 during Feb, but lately it's been dropping again, I was 90.7kg this morning.

Diet and nutrition is a very weak suit for me, but how can I be stronger and lighter? I'm within acceptable bmi, so it's not like I'm fat and needed to lose weight.

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10 minutes ago, mjw said:

Are you in a calorie deficit and getting leaner?

No idea, I didn't count calories before, and still don't. Plus, I'm eating more than I did before, plus a protein shake per day.

The only difference to my gym routine is that I now do a leg day and an upper day alternately, where I used to try and do a bit of everything every time I went. The instructor has me doing 4 sets of reps for each exercise where I used to do 3, so I'm working 33% more, I guess.

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I've been doing Focus T25 for the last 4 weeks, and while it's a bit cheesy, I've lost nearly a stone and got quite a bit leaner too. With it being only 25 minutes a day i've found it easy enough to fit in to my schedule, squeezing it in 5 or 6 days a week. 

Edited by bopolopoluss1
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15 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

Inspired by the recent episode of Still Game I'm going to a Walking Football session on Wednesday evening after work,  I even bought a pair of Puma trainers this morning.

Whatever happened to Mitre as the training shoe of choice?

Sambas, Shirley?

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