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Boardwalk Empire

Quentin Taranbino

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The ending of the second episode was just strange, very strange.

I take it the bleeding man stumbling out of the woods was one of the men who's survived the robbery? It's been a decent start, but I have to admit, I was expecting a little bit more.

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Aye its not gonna be for everyone - its very slow paced. It almost seems like nothing is happening alot of the time but it does without you really realising if that makes sense. You don't really have cliffhanger endings at the end of episodes, its not 'action packed' either and for some it just wont be their cup of tea. However I think its brilliantly directed, acted and later in the series it really goes into depth of some of the characters. All of things I love in a tv show :)

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Ah've downloaded and watched all 12 episodes now.

It's slow. Very very slow.

Not that it's bad as such, but it always seemed poised to come to life without ever igniting.

Without giving spoilers the agent weirdo guy and the sniper are excellent, Omar fae the Wire is under used.

Fair share of clunge in it too. Which is nice.

Edited by Sonoframbo
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Indeed, was a bit strange. Was expecting it to be his bit on the side.:lol:

That's exactly what we thought. When he called her "Ma" we both just looked at each other, really quite unsure what to make of it. It's Atlantic City, not Alabama!

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It's pretty good so far, Steve Buscemi is surprisingly good as a gangster of sorts.

The best thing about it though is the detailed sets and backgrounds. I love all the boardwalk shops.

The incubator shop makes my uterus skip a beat.

Did anyone find Mrs Schroder getting a beating off her husband a bit disturbing with the kids watching? I felt really uncomfortable. Young kids, just actors and they looked terrified! I can't remember the layout of the scene or that now and obviously it was meant to appear to us that the kids saw the whole thing, but I wonder how much time they spent filming it and how much play-violence the actors actually saw. The little girl appeared to be really upset and I felt bad for watching. :(

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The pilot episode was the most expensive in tv history, but the sets are stunning.

I've watched the whole series and have been really impressed. Yes, it is slow paced, but it has allowed much greater character depth than you would normally be afforded.

Agree with this, its coming along very nicely.

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I really can't warm to Buscemi at all. I didn't like him in The Sopranos and I don't like him in this.

The show itself has promise, but I can't help thinking it will end up in a story I have seen loads of times before, The Untouchables.

That Lucky Luciano scene at the doctor though, that had me crossing my legs in pain.

Edited by Musketeer Gripweed
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