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Would P & B recommend X-Men: Apocalypse? I haven't really bothered about seeing it thus far, but feel like I should probably go.

I'm away to see it tonight, although judging by the reviews of it, I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not. . 

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Just back from seeing Xmen, it was alright. Although, I wasn't really that big a fan of DofFP. As Randy claims the final battle was a mess but the movie does try to make up for this with more Quicksilver (who is great again in this).

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Just back from seeing X-Men, rather surprised by the luke warm reviews and opinions, i really enjoyed it. Im loving where the franchise is heading and while it wasnt as good as Days of Futures past, i still think it was a solid film, Singer has fixed so many of the issues that he himself caused with the first few films and i think the cast they have brought in to play the younger versions of the characters are vastly superior to thier adult counterparts. Agree with the above that quicksilver steals the show again here, every scene with him was superb. Surprised to say i enjoyed seeing Sansa(cannot remember her name for the life of me) as a young Jean Grey, she definetly added to the character and im glad to see they are finally giving justice to her powers

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't know... new X-men movie, of course, wasn't as bad as the Last Stand and Quicksilver scene was amazing, but seriously what have they done to Apocalypse?? That was one of the mightiest mutants? Seriously??? :blink:

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Regarding X-Men: Apocalypse; do the events of this film further change the future, i.e. does the future Logan awoke to in DOFP exist any more? After Magneto pulling loads of streets apart, I can't really see the US government being too happy with a school full of mutants being allowed to go about it's own business. Then again, they were seemingly happy to have the school running after Magneto tried to kill the president and fucked up the white house.



Going back to Logan, will the events of his next standalone film further change the future he awoke to in DOFP?



Oh and what was the point in Jubilee in Apocalypse? 



Nice to see they kept some Sentinels around for training.

Edited by DA Baracus
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  • 1 month later...

As previously said, the Dr. Strange movie looks like a complete mindfuck, but i am really looking forward to it, nothing meh about Wonder Woman IMO, looks excellent, this seems to be getting used as the DC version of Captain America, as in it is spanning eras thus giving some history and gravitas to the Legends, also wid!!!

Don't know about JLA, part of me is going YEEESSS, but part of me is going, why didn't they use The Flash and Arrow from the TV Shows, as was the original plan, it's going to be weird watching this when The Flash Season 3 is running at the same time!!!

I've probably bored you with this in the past, but for me the entire Marvel Cinematic and TV Universe works so well because it is a single cohesive unit and is used as such, DC doing the complete opposite and having two versions of some characters under the same umbrella isn't really going to work!!!

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Picked up the Ultimate Edition of Batman vs Superman Blu Ray today out of Tesco, pretty good deal tbh cause you get Man of Steel on Blu ray with it for free. I know the superman film and BVS are kinda marmite, you love them or hate them(Not seen BVS yet btw) But i really like Man of Steel, thought it was a excellent origin story, Kevin Costner and Russell Crowe are outstanding throughout and really do supermans Origin justice as it shows how he becomes the character that we all know. Michael Shannons Zod is fantastic, great bad guy to start things off with. Hoping ill enjoy BVS, critically it seemed to pan but everyone i know who has seen it just loves it. 


Love this lassie in it aswell, shes a right ruthless b*****d and any fight scene shes involved in is just brilliant.

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