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I hope it's not going to be a direct sequel to the last Daredevil film. It was actually Born Again i meant not Reborn.

EDIT: Just looked it up there, I must have confused you because it is Born Again that's getting the film.

Further EDIT: It seems like a strange place to start a reboot, if that's what it is, it kind of plants you in the middle of a story. Why not do one of the older ones and then do Born Again?

Edited by ginge123
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Sorry for the double post but:

A sequel to the Daredevil film is in development, and is expected to use the "Born Again" storyline. Director Mark Steven Johnson showed interest in returning to direct with the "Born Again" storyline. Michael Clarke Duncan stated strong interest in reprising his role as the Kingpin. Johnson stated that villains Mr. Fear or The Owl are strong possibilities to appear for the sequel.[1]

In March 2011, Variety reported that David Slade would direct a Daredevil reboot.[2] In June 2011, it was reported that Fringe writer Brad Caleb Kane would be adapting the "Born Again" storyline for the film.[3]

That kind of sends out mixed signals as to whether it's a reboot or sequel.

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I hope it's not going to be a direct sequel to the last Daredevil film. It was actually Born Again i meant not Reborn.

EDIT: Just looked it up there, I must have confused you because it is Born Again that's getting the film.

Further EDIT: It seems like a strange place to start a reboot, if that's what it is, it kind of plants you in the middle of a story. Why not do one of the older ones and then do Born Again?

Aye it was Born Again, I saw the "born" part and just assumed, fucking Daredevil and all his rebirths rolleyes.giftongue.gif

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Aye it was Born Again, I saw the "born" part and just assumed, fucking Daredevil and all his rebirths rolleyes.giftongue.gif

Reborn's the one that's just finished at the tailend of last year I think. Typical of the Forbidden Planet in Aberdeen they only had issues 2 and 4 <_<.

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I hope it's not going to be a direct sequel to the last Daredevil film. It was actually Born Again i meant not Reborn.

EDIT: Just looked it up there, I must have confused you because it is Born Again that's getting the film.

Further EDIT: It seems like a strange place to start a reboot, if that's what it is, it kind of plants you in the middle of a story. Why not do one of the older ones and then do Born Again?

I agree - seems a bit lazy to me, or cynical

if I were suggesting a daredevil trilogy I'd probably go Man Without Fear, Born Again and soemthing from the Bendis era.

or Man Without Fear ,Yellow and Born Again.

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I haven't read anything from the Bendis era yet so I can't really comment on that.

I think Daredevil would be pretty hard to do well because there's a good chance it's going to come across as really cheesy, something the Ben Affleck one really really lsuffered from.

I like Mark Millar's stuff for the best part but I hope no one ever tries to do the Civil War arc as a film. That would be a complete cheese fest I'd imagine. I generally dislike superhero films unless they're really good so I probably wouldn't want want of them. Incognito by Ed Brubaker is one that I would love to see done in a similar style to Sin City.

Does anyone have a subscription to Marvel's online comics? $9.99 a month if you pay monthly or $54.99 a year, roughly $4.99 a month. Apparently it has over 10'000 comics with more getting added everyday. I might look into it.

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I'll do them in order, from best to worst.


Loki - Hiddleston does amazingly and the script really helped. I didn't like the fighting though, Loki isn't a fighter, he's all about the subtle trickery through words, planting the seed for Thor to attack Jotunheim is a prime example of this.

Red Skull - It's fucking Hugo Weaving! Does brilliantly as Johann Schmitt.

Magneto - Both McKellen and Fassbender do great jobs at portraying Erik Lensherr. Fassbender's accent is a bit weird though, doesn't really remain constant throughout First Class.

Sebastian Shaw - Kevin Bacon is absolutely fantastic as him. So sinister and that opening scene is absolute gold.

Bullseye - Colin Farrell is the standout in this awful film. Does really well as Bullseye and looks cool as f**k.

Obadiah Stane - It's Jeff Bridges!! *jizzes everywhere*. He does well.

Ivan Vanko - It's Mickey Rourke!! *jizzes everywhere*. He also does well.

Venom - Topher Grace was great as Eddie Brock, I still maintain that he should've been Spider-man though, but he did well as someone who's supposed to be a sort of copy of Peter Parker, but bad.

Doctor Octopus - Does well, it's an alright film.

Green Goblin - Willem Dafoe does well as Norman Osborn, just the right amount of insane.

Jigsaw - Dominic West does well here.

Abomination - Tim Roth is decent here, I'm not a huge fan of Hulk so I'm not familiar with the character.

Kingpin - Michael Clarke Duncan does well, not a great deal of character in the Kingpin though so it's tough to judge.

Less said about Doctor Doom(he's my favourite villain sad.gif), Sandman, the Elektra, Fantastic Four (second one),Blade and Ghost Rider films the better.

I think that's them all, unless I'm forgetting any.


Joker - Both Nicholson and Ledger do good jobs here. I think Nicholson's is looked down because it's a worse film. If Nolan had written and directed Batman then Nicholson would've received the same amount of plaudits that Ledger did.

The Riddler, similar to the above, Carrey is really good as Eddie Nash, it's just that the film is terrible that he gets overlooked.

Lex Luthor - Kevin Spacey is really good as him. Again, the script doesn't help(Luthor and his real estate swindles!) but he's still really good as Luthor

Two Face - Less so but still part of the above for Tommy Lee Jones's portrayal of Harvey Dent(love how it was Billy Dee Williams in the first film and then they change his skin colour for Forever. laugh.gif Aaron Eckhart does really well as Two Face though, helped but a good script but take nothing away from him. He's great.

Scarecrow - Another good performance, Murphy does a great job.

The other DC films will not be mentioned.

Apologies for the massive wall, I did spoiler it though biggrin.gif


Anyway, Is X-Men: First Class any good?

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I agree - seems a bit lazy to me, or cynical

if I were suggesting a daredevil trilogy I'd probably go Man Without Fear, Born Again and soemthing from the Bendis era.

or Man Without Fear ,Yellow and Born Again.

Not Yellow, I've not read it but Jeph Loeb is a fucking p***k and nothing he does deserves recognition.

I like Mark Millar's stuff for the best part but I hope no one ever tries to do the Civil War arc as a film. That would be a complete cheese fest I'd imagine. I generally dislike superhero films unless they're really good so I probably wouldn't want want of them. Incognito by Ed Brubaker is one that I would love to see done in a similar style to Sin City.

Does anyone have a subscription to Marvel's online comics? $9.99 a month if you pay monthly or $54.99 a year, roughly $4.99 a month. Apparently it has over 10'000 comics with more getting added everyday. I might look into it.

Yeah, his stuff is pretty good. I'd say only Bendis is a better writer just now IMO. Millar's stuff lends really well to film making though, they tend to have a twist (Red Son is a prime example of this) which makes it really good on film. I agree on the Civil War shout, the big Marvel crossovers are a bit too long to be put into a film though. Could be made into a trilogy or something but I think it'd end up shite and would ruin the great reputation it had.


Anyway, Is X-Men: First Class any good?

Oops, I meant to put him in but just forgot.

I think it's great, best X-Men movie IMO. The main three guys (McAvoy, Fassbender and Bacon) are all fantastic in it. Really good story as well. Some minor spoilers:

Even if they stole the Watchmen idea of stopping the Cold War

I can even overlook the fact that only one of the team were actually the X-Men first class rolleyes.gif

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What's the story there?

As I said in another thread Batman Beyond - book it.

I liked The Long Halloween. I haven't ready anything/much of Loeb's other stuff.

He ruined the Ultimate universe in Marvel. He took something that Bendis and Millar had created and he raped it. All of Bendis's Ultimate Spider-man and Millar's Ultimates 1 and 2 were absolutely fantastic, some of my favourite books and probably that Spider-man run (all 20 off volumes) is the best long-term run I've seen. There was also some decent Ultimate Fantastic Four and a few weirder ones(Secret, Vision). Jeph Loeb then steps up and writes Ultimates 3 which was fucking garbage. He then follows it up with Ultimatum which is similarly awful. I wouldn't even recommend downloading it it's that bad. I'll give you a snippet:

I can't remember why but Scarlet Witch dies, I'm pretty sure she gets shot but the bullet was "unstoppable" after Quicksilver tried to catch it. After she dies, Magneto is so pissed that he moves the Earth's magnetic poles which causes shit to go the fan. A massive tidal waves floods New York and submerges it in water. Loads of superhero names get killed off:

Nightcrawler, Daredevil, Dr Strange, Sue Storm. I can't quite recall who else, I think Magneto kills Xavier before he moves the poles because he knew he would stop him doing it.

Boo especially on the first hero that died, you don't kill that person!

One of my uni mates is a big Loeb fan because of his Batman stuff and recommends him quite often, I just can't see past what he's done in the Ultimate universe. I'm sure I'll eventually give it a go but not quite at that stage yet.

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He ruined the Ultimate universe in Marvel. He took something that Bendis and Millar had created and he raped it. All of Bendis's Ultimate Spider-man and Millar's Ultimates 1 and 2 were absolutely fantastic, some of my favourite books and probably that Spider-man run (all 20 off volumes) is the best long-term run I've seen. There was also some decent Ultimate Fantastic Four and a few weirder ones(Secret, Vision). Jeph Loeb then steps up and writes Ultimates 3 which was fucking garbage. He then follows it up with Ultimatum which is similarly awful. I wouldn't even recommend downloading it it's that bad. I'll give you a snippet:

I can't remember why but Scarlet Witch dies, I'm pretty sure she gets shot but the bullet was "unstoppable" after Quicksilver tried to catch it. After she dies, Magneto is so pissed that he moves the Earth's magnetic poles which causes shit to go the fan. A massive tidal waves floods New York and submerges it in water. Loads of superhero names get killed off:

Nightcrawler, Daredevil, Dr Strange, Sue Storm. I can't quite recall who else, I think Magneto kills Xavier before he moves the poles because he knew he would stop him doing it.

Boo especially on the first hero that died, you don't kill that person!

One of my uni mates is a big Loeb fan because of his Batman stuff and recommends him quite often, I just can't see past what he's done in the Ultimate universe. I'm sure I'll eventually give it a go but not quite at that stage yet.

Ok, that's bad :lol: :lol:

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Ok, that's bad :lol: :lol:

Yeah Ultimates 3 was even worse. I can't really remember it because it was so long and I've tried my best to forget it but I remember that

They were trying to break the Ultimate(Avengers in that universe) up and a sex tape of Iron Man got released laugh.gif

Not to mention that they get delaying one of the issues(think it was 3) so that really put me off the story, I felt an obligation to buy it though since I had every other Ultimates book sad.gif

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I can't remember why but Scarlet Witch dies, I'm pretty sure she gets shot but the bullet was "unstoppable" after Quicksilver tried to catch it. After she dies, Magneto is so pissed that he moves the Earth's magnetic poles which causes shit to go the fan. A massive tidal waves floods New York and submerges it in water. Loads of superhero names get killed off:

Nightcrawler, Daredevil, Dr Strange, Sue Storm. I can't quite recall who else, I think Magneto kills Xavier before he moves the poles because he knew he would stop him doing it.

Boo especially on the first hero that died, you don't kill that person!


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I have comixology and the Marvel one. It lets you download digital copies of the comics.

I'm a total fucking luddite man - i can read comics on my iphone? link?

Banterman I read the Old Man Logan synopsis on Wiki, sounds like there'd be far too much going on to make that work as a movie. It would have to be trimmed down considerably I think.

I haven't read that story, think it was forehead who suggested it. Too many fo the great comic arcs are to complex for a straight frame by frame port. for example Death of Superman is one of the most succesful comic stories ever, from a commercial point of view, but a straight port of that would make a horrible movie because it's so convoluted

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