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Game of Thrones

Quentin Taranbino

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Already been convered a few pages back and it's been "out" there for a while.

The books also have Daenerys brother and most people presumed he would be the third dragon, he hasn't been included in the TV show though (much like lady stoneheart) so I'd imagine that's a nod to him not actually playing that much of a part in the story, with everything that's out there it seems reasonably clear that Tyrion is

He was included in the show, Kal Drogo poured a pot of molten gold over his head so he's pan breed so to speak.

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He was included in the show, Kal Drogo poured a pot of molten gold over his head so he's pan breed so to speak.


Book spoiler;



Aegon is mentioned in the books and is Dany's nephew (Rhaegar's son with Ellia Martell), although they're around the same age. The 'plan' is that he meets Dany (who doesn't know he's still alive) and they marry, so the Targaryen dynasty can continue and he's going to be one head of the dragon. TV show has cut this out entirely though, unfortunately, as I liked that storyline. His legitimacy is disputed in a lot of places, and I doubt he will appear now as his story does go quite left field over the course of the books.

Edited by Kyle
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Book spoiler;



Aegon is mentioned in the books and is Dany's nephew (Rhaegar's son with Ellia Martell), although they're around the same age. The 'plan' is that he meets Dany (who doesn't know he's still alive) and they marry, so the Targaryen dynasty can continue and he's going to be one head of the dragon. TV show has cut this out entirely though, unfortunately, as I liked that storyline. His legitimacy is disputed in a lot of places, and I doubt he will appear now as his story does go quite left field over the course of the books.




He's only in 1 book as far as I can remember and even then he's clearly a procrastination device so GRRM doesn't have to write about things that actually matter to the story.



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Book spoiler;



Aegon is mentioned in the books and is Dany's nephew (Rhaegar's son with Ellia Martell), although they're around the same age. The 'plan' is that he meets Dany (who doesn't know he's still alive) and they marry, so the Targaryen dynasty can continue and he's going to be one head of the dragon. TV show has cut this out entirely though, unfortunately, as I liked that storyline. His legitimacy is disputed in a lot of places, and I doubt he will appear now as his story does go quite left field over the course of the books.


It's also the guy who's in charge of him that gets the greyscale instead of Jorah. Given he's been dropped from the show I think it'll turn out he's not really who he claims to be, just some other boy being used as a pawn similar to Jeyne Poole being a fake Arya for Ramsay's needs.


The scene with Tyrion and the Dragons this week has convinced me he is a secret Targaryean.


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I don't think Tyrion is a secret Targaryan.


Depends on how much meaning you derive from Tywins last words, I suppose

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The lore of Westeros videos are always good value. The one from season 5 goes into things like the Faith Militant and the Faceless Men, also helps clear up the TV universe for book readers. 



As for Tyrion. He is a Lannister top to bottom. He had to buy his friend Bronn, the woman he loved Shae, his brain is Tywin + compassion (a special place in his heart for b*****ds, cripples and broken things). And he always pays his debts. 

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I think I'd be a bit annoyed if Tyrion was a secret Targ. His whole personality and character is built around the fact that his family hates him and wishes they weren't related to him because he is a dwarf and his father doesn't give him his due despite his obvious intelligence and nous. Can't help thinking this would be ruined if he was actually a b*****d with no relation to Tywin.

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As for Tyrion. He is a Lannister top to bottom. He had to buy his friend Bronn, the woman he loved Shae, his brain is Tywin + compassion (a special place in his heart for b*****ds, cripples and broken things). And he always pays his debts.

All depends where you stand on the nature v nurture debate....

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Just seen a theory that Hodor was a warg, and either spent too much time warged with a horse or the horse was killed while he was controlling it and that is why he has he characteristics of a horse. Also proposed that he was carrying Lyanna Stark at the time and knows important things about R+L = J.

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If you are really bored look up the Dornish Master Plan. Its basically a 40 minute long rambling tinfoil hattery Westeros style. To give you a taste Qyburn is theorised to be a deep cover Dornish agent travelling with the Brave Companions (not in the TV show) who sets out to get captured then win Lannister trust or something.


Mad as a box of frogs.  

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I think he is. He is clearly one of the most important characters in the entire show and it can't be because he is funny and likes a bevvy.

It'd be a nice counterpoint to R+L=J.

Tywin lies about Tyrion being his child to protect the family reputation.

Ned lies about Jon being his out of loyalty to his sister at the risk of his own reputation and marriage.

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"That's what I do... I drink, and I know things"....

I think that was more than a throw away booze joke.

Didn't he also say something along the lines of if he didn't do so much shagging he'd drink more?
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I don't think it matters. It'll be Dany sitting on the throne at the end no doubt, so I don't see where he'd fit into the puzzle in-between.

I think Dany might be a red herring. Her story looks like she'll sweep all before her and end up on the throne but I wouldn't be surprised if she comes a cropper before the crown sits on her head. I've always thought Jon Snow would end up on the throne once his true parentage, (what most believe to be his parentage anyway), is known.

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I think Dany might be a red herring. Her story looks like she'll sweep all before her and end up on the throne but I wouldn't be surprised if she comes a cropper before the crown sits on her head. I've always thought Jon Snow would end up on the throne once his true parentage, (what most believe to be his parentage anyway), is known.

He could I suppose marry Dany. It's not as if such matches are unknown in Westeros.


Then again, that would be too much of a sweet fairytale ending for GOT

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