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Game of Thrones

Quentin Taranbino

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The 'entire, huge and pointless North' has a lot more importance than you realise, if that's your opinion. Jon told Sam that the White Walkers already had an army of 'tens of thousands, bigger than any army the world's ever seen'.

The whole series is called 'A Song of Ice and Fire' - not Game of Thrones. The Wall and the threat of the WW appears to me as the biggest story so far... everything else just seems like politics. Daenerys seems to be the fire. She seems to be a very integral part of the story that will be there until the end. Jon always seemed like the Ice. Either way, the battle has nothing to do with all the shit between the Lannisters and the Boltons and the Tyrells and whoever else... that's all just politics that are pre-cards to the main event. The main event - as apparently only Jon Snow realised so far - is that the White Walkers are coming for everyone else. 'Winter is Coming' and The Starks seem to have an unshakable grip on the entire story that cannot be ignored despite most of them being killed off.

It's a Song of Ice and Fire.

The WW were introduced in Series 1; it's now the end of Series 5, and they've not even made it south of the Wall, never mind The Neck. That was back in the series when Robert was king, before multiple other kings were bumped off, dragons were hatched and grown to a reasonable size etc. Even more shit kicks off in the South at the end of the books which the show hasn't covered, or won't to bring us closer to the finale. So... short of Ryanair introducing cheap flights from Castle Black to anywhere where we give a f**k, they aren't going to be the centre piece of this story. Much like Stannis landing to defeat the wildlings, the easy get out of this pointless cul-de-sac will be the dragons frying them when they eventually land.

Deal with it.

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I'd be astounded if the dragons simply roasted the WW tbh

I sort of vaguely remember folk talked about the White Walkers being around before, what happened to make this vanish that time? Spring?

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I'd be astounded if the dragons simply roasted the WW tbh

I sort of vaguely remember folk talked about the White Walkers being around before, what happened to make this vanish that time? Spring?

Book spoiler

The children of the forest united with the first men to defeat them iirc. Which could be happening again. And the wall was possibly erected to keep them out. Think the books are bit more hazy on that though.

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Book spoiler

The children of the forest united with the first men to defeat them iirc. Which could be happening again. And the wall was possibly erected to keep them out. Think the books are bit more hazy on that though.

Fair dues. I assume Brans story will maybe shed some light on things for me

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They're still months' march away from civilisation - by which the time the Daenerys thread of story is clearly going to return to Westeros: not difficult to work out how that's going to end. Meanwhile the series as a whole has spent far more time dealing with the utterly pointless wildlings and the Night's Watch than the WW - and they're now absolutely finished as credible forces; it's not a conventional main character/organisation led plot.

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I think Daenerys will be in Essos for a good while yet.

There are 3 main stories. Daenerys, John Snow/Wall/WW and of course the game of thrones between the high families of Westeros.

I have to agree that the GOT is a sideshow and Daenerys and The White Walkers/John Snow, are the real story and both are far more important to the future of all people in Westeros.

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The WW were introduced in Series 1; it's now the end of Series 5, and they've not even made it south of the Wall, never mind The Neck. That was back in the series when Robert was king, before multiple other kings were bumped off, dragons were hatched and grown to a reasonable size etc. Even more shit kicks off in the South at the end of the books which the show hasn't covered, or won't to bring us closer to the finale. So... short of Ryanair introducing cheap flights from Castle Black to anywhere where we give a f**k, they aren't going to be the centre piece of this story. Much like Stannis landing to defeat the wildlings, the easy get out of this pointless cul-de-sac will be the dragons frying them when they eventually land.

Deal with it.

'Deal with it'? Really, champ? Calm doon.

I was trying to make the point about the White Walkers and Winter being pretty much the linchpin of the whole story and as other people have agreed it clearly is. You mentioned some references to the books there. Have you actually read them?

They're still months' march away from civilisation - by which the time the Daenerys thread of story is clearly going to return to Westeros: not difficult to work out how that's going to end. Meanwhile the series as a whole has spent far more time dealing with the utterly pointless wildlings and the Night's Watch than the WW - and they're now absolutely finished as credible forces; it's not a conventional main character/organisation led plot.

The Wildlings and the Night's Watch are pointless? What part of the story do you think makes a point? Personally I think you've got it backwards. Whilst the politics and the character drama of all of Westeros and beyond is very interesting and entertaining, the story of the White Walkers and their impending collision with whatever will (probably) defeat them is the real crux of the matter.

It's like The Wire. Avon, Marlo, Prop Joe, McNulty... etc. They're all the main story in a sense that they take up most of the time, but the real tale is hidden in plain view.

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