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Game of Thrones

Quentin Taranbino

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House Lannister's prospects right now.




Brilliant episode - Olenna telling the Sand saps to get real; House Mormont's ruling brat calling out the entire north on their chickenshit & doing a better job browbeating them into union than Jon Snow could; watching Littlefinger's face as events ran away before his eyes was priceless - no Iron Throne for you, mate, no creepy shag of unrequited crush's daughter either; but best of all was Arya's entry for the Great Westeros Bake Off - which after Jaime's harsh words about his house propping up the Freys all the time is likely to be blamed on the Lannisters which means they'll be switching sides again (assuming anyone wants them).


Could see Jaime killing his sister & promptly "taking the black" - he has little left to live for.


Can't see Dany Divving it now. Massive fleet, Houses Sand-Martell, Tyrell and the rebel Iron Islanders on side; and Westeros waking up to the most hated woman in all the land now being their queen; it's more or less a matter of time before Dany's on the throne & getting ready to join the north in fighting off the White Walker zombie apocalypse.


The one fly in the ointment could be Melissandre rejoining the Brotherhood Without Banners in the Riverlands & causing all manner of mischief. Everything she's touched (bar Jon Snow) up until now's turned to ash. Hopefully Arya will cross her off her list first.

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Gendry? :rolleyes:

If they can bring Jon and Benjen back literally from the dead then finding Gendry sitting fucking about in King's Landing was hardly ridiculous. Okay it didn't play out like I expected, but it wasn't out of the realm of possibility.

As amazing as it was to watch, Cersei has chosen the worst path. In putting herself on the Throne she has alienated the Tyrrells who were keeping the Lannisters in power and feeding her people, The remaining Lannisters and Jamie. In removing all the threats to her power she has also removed almost all her remaining support, all she has is her Mad Shagger Mutant Bodyguard and the mad hatter who made him.

It's a very long shot but even tho he killed his Father, Tyrion still has a claim to the Lannister house. He could argue that he is the lesser of two evils aka "Who would you want in charge, a dwarf or her?"

Jamie could also forgo his vows to the kingsguard and take over the house and break away from Cersei after her actions.

Edited by EdgarusQPFC
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That was a brilliant episode.  Absolutely loved it.  In contrast to the usual Big Events in Game of Thrones, I thought all of it was quite predictable apart from Tommen going all Chris Morris in the IT Crowd on us.  But despite that, it was executed so well it didn't matter.


The Kings Landing sequence at the start was as good as TV gets.  You know exactly what's going to happen from the point Cersei doesn't turn up, but it was so dramatic.  Margaery's controlled panic and the look on the High Sparrow's face as realisation dawns were particular highlights.  And the music, just superb.


I can see history repeating itself further down the line.  Dany at the gates of Kings Landing and Jaime is left with no choice but to kill his mad sister.


Am I the only one who clocked Arya as the serving girl from the start?  Maisie Williams was in the opening credits so I knew she'd turn up at some point, and doing so in disguise to kill Walder Frey seemed fairly logical given he's on her list.  Baking his sons in to a pie was worryingly macabre on Arya's part though.  That's not the actions of a balanced individual.


As for Jon, delighted he's King in the North.  Although he showed some real lack of competent leadership last week after Rickon was shot down.  He'll have to raise his game now.  No idea how the Littlefinger/Sansa dynamic is going to play out now.  I'd like to think that look on her face was just worry about how Baelish would take the development, rather than a sense of disappointment that she'd lost her chance to be Queen in the North.


We know now that Lyanna is Jon's mother, but still no confirmation the father is Rhaegar.  That needs established and communicated to Jon, which should be interesting.


If we accept there's two seasons left, I think we could see season seven deal primarily with Dany's conquest of Westeros.  It'll be heading for a showdown between her and Jon who she'll view as a rebel king, before she realises at the last minute that the true enemy is in fact the Night's King.  Season eight will very much be Ice vs Fire with Dany, Jon et al up against the White Walkers.  That's probably oversimplified but would be a logical overall arc.


A lot of this season has been very pedestrian but ultimately necessary.  There were so many loose ends and irrelevant story arcs that needed closed which now have been.  That said, the final two episodes were up there with the very best the show has produced.  It's now beautifully poised for a focused and epic final two seasons.  I can't wait.

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You hear her whisper to keep him safe, because if Robert finds out he'll kill him.


The best bit about all that is what it says about Ned Stark. He was prepared to let his wife be majorly pissed off at him, and let folk think his otherwise impeccable honour let him down by pumping some barmaid, all so he could protect his sister's child. It demonstrated greater honour really, because no-one would know. Also goes a way to explaining his reluctance to discuss it with Robert in the earlier episodes.



Nothing's really been made about the fact that Jon died and came back. Surely questions will be asked as to why he deserted the watch?


Didn't his vow only last "till his dying day"? Seems to me it's been fulfilled.


Great episode. 9/10. Hefty upper tier cast death list as well. I make it that the following died in one way or the other in King's Landing.

- High Sparrow

- Margaery

- Lancel

- Pycelle

- Ser Loras

- Kevan Lannister

- King Tommen

The opening 20 minutes was probably the best bit. The music was incredible! Put the show on a different level for me. Reminded me of something like Heimat. It was a pretty smart plan from Cersei, not sure about the rapey nun bit, or how this makes her the Quen, but may as well go along with it.



I liked the way Cersei got a small extra bonus by ensuring Lancel Lannister was the one who discovered, and was prevented from stopping, her scheme. A wee f--k you to him for going all righteous and spurning her clunge.


I also found the bit with the Mountain pleasingly OTT. Why just kill someone when you can send a huge zombie in to shag them to death?



Few interesting ones here that I missed. Number 13 in particular about a bleeding star....


A good point from that:



The green Tyrell sails in the top picture are a little more difficult to see, but they are there behind the black and red of Targaryen, and you can see the orange Dornish sails pretty clearly in the picture below.

This doesn't only mean that Daenerys has the backing of three houses as she prepares her assault on Westeros, but it also explains how Varys got back to her squad so damn quickly – he's not some kind of magical teleporting eunuch.

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Why didn't Ned tell his wife about Jon? Surely he would have trusted her to say nothing and she wouldn't have been so majorly pissed off with the whole situation?

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Why didn't Ned tell his wife about Jon? Surely he would have trusted her to say nothing and she wouldn't have been so majorly pissed off with the whole situation?

That's not how secrets work, Dazzle.

I would have made the programme a bit shorter by a few series, I'll give you that.

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Why didn't Ned tell his wife about Jon? Surely he would have trusted her to say nothing and she wouldn't have been so majorly pissed off with the whole situation?

He promised he wouldn't tell anyone, and he's a man of honour. In any case, he didn't know her very well at that point, and it was probably smart not to trust her anyway - she doesn't exactly show herself to be clear headed in difficult situations!

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I fully expect uncle greyjoy to team up with Cersei and I really hope there isn't a battle at sea, as for me personally I'd find that boring.

Just out of curiosity does anyone know granny Tyrell's original house?


A battle at sea could actually be a long term leveller. The dragons get involved start firing on ships but their aim doesn't discriminate so a lot of Dany's fleet is destroyed. Right now it's hard to see any force standing against the numbers she has.

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That's not how secrets work, Dazzle.

I would have made the programme a bit shorter by a few series, I'll give you that.

Sometimes when people tell me secrets I tell other people them too if they are higher up on the friendship scale.

Maybe I'm a bad man or maybe Catlin just wasn't as liked as Lyanna I don't know.

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Sometimes when people tell me secrets I tell other people them too if they are higher up on the friendship scale.

Maybe I'm a bad man or maybe Catlin just wasn't as liked as Lyanna I don't know.

If you were in Games of Thrones you'd have been raped by the Mountain in the first series with that loose tongue of yours.

I dunno, I guess it's supposed to show Ned in such good character that he'd protect his sisters kid. Besides, Catelyn was probably getting little fingered.

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If you were in Games of Thrones you'd have been raped by the Mountain in the first series with that loose tongue of yours.

I dunno, I guess it's supposed to show Ned in such good character that he'd protect his sisters kid. Besides, Catelyn was probably getting little fingered.

Tbh I don't really see myself in Kings Landing, I think I'd fit in nice somewhere like Dorne or Highgarden.

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Hate when people do that. What did he say?

He just went on some pompous rant about EdgarusQP mentioning Gendry and how he's never coming back and he needs to get used to it.

Can't recall it word for word but it was a bit over the top.

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I fully expect uncle greyjoy to team up with Cersei and I really hope there isn't a battle at sea, as for me personally I'd find that boring.

Just out of curiosity does anyone know granny Tyrell's original house?

In the books it's House Redwyn. Also of the reach

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Just out of curiosity does anyone know granny Tyrell's original house?


Olenna Tyrell is of House Redwyne, the main vassal of the Tyrells.  An extremely wealthy house, with the Redwyne fleet being the second largest fleet of ships in Westeros behind the Ironborn. 

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