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Game of Thrones

Quentin Taranbino

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Surely Theon snaps back against Ramsey this season, thought we migh get wedding shenanigans again when he called himself Theon in the Godswood. Not holding out hope for Jorah and Tyrion reaching Dany this season, it's going awfully slowly there and now they've hit another snag. Cersei played a blinder this week but surely Olenna didn't return just to get played, hoping she's something up her sleeve in the way of comeuppance.

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For the last few episodes, it really hasn't, and given the amount of stuff I watch, I can see myself just waiting until the season ends and binging on it, rather than sitting through it week by week in the hope that something good might happen.

I agree this season has probably been a low point so far for GoT, especially a couple of really poor episodes and the Dornish storyline, but then the same goes for the source material.

Despite my grumbling I still think it's one of the best things on TV when it hits it's notes and every episode normally contains at least a couple of fantastic scenes.

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Not holding out hope for Jorah and Tyrion reaching Dany this season, it's going awfully slowly there and now they've hit another snag. Cersei played a blinder this week

I don't think you could really call it a snag in the sense that Mr. Echo and his merry band of slavers are literally going to be taking them straight to Mereen.

Completely disagree on Cersei as well, in the long term this is a terrible plan.

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I don't think you could really call it a snag in the sense that Mr. Echo and his merry band of slavers are literally going to be taking them straight to Mereen.

Completely disagree on Cersei as well, in the long term this is a terrible plan.

On the face of it, they've turned it into a direct lift aye...i'd be surprised if that's how it turns out.

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I thought that was fantastic last night, it's getting better every week again. Some of the conversations in that episode were verging on the hilarious. Olenna and Cersei, Tyrion and Mc Echo, Jaime & Bronn and even Ramsey's scenes.

I am particularly intrigued by the other faceless girl in the House of Black & White at the moment though. In fact that whole thread of the some I am finding fantastic, probably because Maisie Williams is so good as Arya. Must admit I am slightly surprised at the dislike of that on here just now.

I agree about Dorne though, they haven't given it enough time to develop and as a result it looks very rushed. I mean, Jaime and Bronn got to Myrcella unchallenged within seconds before having everyone on top of them within seconds. Whole scene didn't sit right with me.

Diana Rigg though, bloody fantastic.

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Since there was a very noticeable cut to Bronn & the reputation of the Sand Snakes/Oberyn, i'm worried that the blade may have been poisoned. Really hoping i'm over thinking it.

I thought the exact same. Hopefully they don't kill him off, he's one of the few characters I want to live till the end.

Can anyone else see Reek killing Ramsey in a couple of episodes time?

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I don't think you could really call it a snag in the sense that Mr. Echo and his merry band of slavers are literally going to be taking them straight to Mereen.

Completely disagree on Cersei as well, in the long term this is a terrible plan.

Is that not what we were all expecting anyway? With her father dead and her brothers and Uncle off doing other things she will be the downfall of the family as she doesn't have the tactital nouse of the other Lannisters. I think that was pointed out by Kevan in an earlier episode?

The Littlefinger scene made no sense to me though. Why exactly was he summoned back to Kings Landing, it was him who was making all the requests, not her. Again though, it did show up the fact that she is willing to take counsel from all the wrong people in the absence of the rest of her family.

I like the way her story is playing out in this series far more than the previous ones where she was merely shown as a cold hearted tart, as Olenna would say.

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Agree about Cersei - I think she's going to find herself in trouble soon. She's trying to outplay the Queen of Thorns, and that's just a brutal mistake. She seems to be ridding herself of all her best counsel, arrogantly believing that she is always right.

I'm seeing a bit of a mirror image between Cersei and Robb. She appears to be winning the battle, but she's going to lose the war IMO, especially as she's making enemies all over the place and the allies she does have are either dead or elsewhere.

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I can understand why some people are finding this something of a down season so far. Season 4 did reach very high standards, and there hasn't really been much of a Oberyn or, Hound v Brienne level of HOLY F*** type moment this season.

To me, it feels like a lot of re-positioning of the main characters is being manouveured in their respective plot before the shit starts getting real again.

As Kyle said, with the hole Cersei is digging herself, Daenerys' isolation of council in a power vacuum, a showdown at Winterfell (amongst Brienne hovering, and Theon surely about to crack with what's going on to Sansa), Jaime in Dorne, and Arya's transistion to nobody (because you need to become someone else before you can become no-one), and lastly another intricate double act in the shape of Tyrion and Jorah it feels like with all this posturing, the shit is looking like it's about to get real on all fronts.

Edited by the jambo-rocker
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For those unable to wait, you can have a look at the IMDB guides to see what cast-members are in each episode. While they're not extensive in advance, there are a few clues to who the main characters involved in each episode are.

Returning cast spoiler

I see Yara Greyjoy's back next week while the White Walkers back the week after

On another note, Thronecast mentioned that Episode 10 is expected to "break the internet". The final episode of a season is normally a slower one tying up some loose ends!

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For those unable to wait, you can have a look at the IMDB guides to see what cast-members are in each episode. While they're not extensive in advance, there are a few clues to who the main characters involved in each episode are.

Returning cast spoiler

I see Yara Greyjoy's back next week while the White Walkers back the week after

On another note, Thronecast mentioned that Episode 10 is expected to "break the internet". The final episode of a season is normally a slower one tying up some loose ends!

There has been a fair bit of outrage on the internet after what happened to Sansa at the end of the episode. No idea what could be in episode 10 but surely the battle of Winterfell will feature? Littlefinger managed to travel all the way from the North to Kings Landing so Stannis shouldn't be far away from Winterfell.

Cersei is complete fucking idiot, she's giving far too much power to those religious nuts and it's not as if she is squeeky clean herself. What a coward Tommenn is as well letting his wife get carried off by the sparrows.

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There has been a fair bit of outrage on the internet after what happened to Sansa at the end of the episode. No idea what could be in episode 10 but surely the battle of Winterfell will feature? Littlefinger managed to travel all the way from the North to Kings Landing so Stannis shouldn't be far away from Winterfell.

Cersei is complete fucking idiot, she's giving far too much power to those religious nuts and it's not as if she is squeeky clean herself. What a coward Tommenn is as well letting his wife get carried off by the sparrows.

I guess the 'break the internet' reference has something to do with Jon Snow and the brooding 12 year old that keeps giving him the evil eye :P

Sansa scene was pretty hard to watch but at least they didn't take it to GRRM levels of perversion. :lol:

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Why exactly was he summoned back to Kings Landing

Was he though? I remember him saying he was, but literally everything he says might be a lie. Fully expect him to be the most powerful man in Westeros come the end of the season.

Thought this episode was better, although it felt like it should've come about three weeks earlier. Dorne is completely tedious and I couldn't give a shit about anyone there, although I hope Bronn survives I'd be amazed if he did, as this poison theory sounds very plausible indeed. Im intrigued to what happens with Jorah and Tyrion now, and if they'll ever actually reach their destination, while Ayras story is picking up a bit more pace.

Have a feeling we'll see both Tyrells killed off by these creeps, against Cerseis orders, and we'll see the complete wrath of Olenna unleashed against her and the sparrows. No idea why but something about her just suggest shes far more deadly than she looks, and Cersei is simply no match for her. It would be nice to get rid of the religious weirdos though, as they annoy me.

Also (not sure exactly how to put this) sort of glad at what happened to Sansa, I know Joffrey was a dick to her, but what Ramseys done now is completely break the final barrier, mentally. She'll know likely be willing to kill to protect herself after this to prevent it ever happening again. Her story can only get better now as we can't look at her as being squeaky clean anymore. Not sure about the whole "Reek kills Ramsey" idea, theres been thousands of opportunities for it that hes turned down, and if he can watch Sansa effectively get raped and not react I can't see what will make him. Far more likely to just top himself I reckon.

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