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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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7 minutes ago, PWL said:

Still think we should create a P&B Facebook headline story that ticks all the boxes and see how far it gets.

'Asylum seeking poppyless Travellers who jump housing queues whilst marking your door with an chalk symbol to steal your dog and children'.

...driving a white van....

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You know how whenever there's a big football game, or tournament on and certain people feel the need to let everyone know that THEY aren't interested?


Well, their USAian equivalents are tripping over themselves this morning to show how edgy and remarkable they are because they don't care about last night's baseball result. And yet somehow they think their regular "It's wine O'clock!" type memes are keeping the rest of us on the edge of our seats.


And before anyone asks, no I don't know why it's called the "World" Series. Any more than I know why it's called the UEFA "Champions" League.


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1 hour ago, Shotgun said:


And before anyone asks, no I don't know why it's called the "World" Series. Any more than I know why it's called the UEFA "Champions" League.




Josh Laventhal, the author of World Series, said early organizers used the term as a marketing tactic. "By emphasizing the global significance of the game, they would be able to draw more people to the ballparks."

Several baseball blogs claim that the New York World newspaper was a sponsor of the game. They're in error, according to Eric Enders, head of Triple E Productions, a baseball research and consulting service.

"The truth is that at the time when it was first called World Series the two teams were really the best teams in the world," he said. "So they could semi-legitimately call that the World Series." But he conceded that today, with numerous other countries playing professional baseball, it might no longer be a legitimate claim.


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The alleged 'War on Christmas' has been around for decades but picked up steam about 10 years ago after Bill O'Reilly declared liberals were waging a war on religion by forbidden Americans to use the term "Merry Christmas."

“Secular progressives realize,” O'Reilly continued, “that America as it is now will never approve of gay marriage, partial birth abortion, euthanasia, legalized drugs, income redistribution through taxation and many other progressive visions because of religious opposition. But if the secularists can destroy religion in the public arena, the brave new progressive world is a possibility. That’s what happened in Canada.”

Shit like that meme has been circulating ever since as Christians look to portray themselves as victims just because other people are celebrating at the same time as them.

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7 hours ago, Shotgun said:

The alleged 'War on Christmas' has been around for decades but picked up steam about 10 years ago after Bill O'Reilly declared liberals were waging a war on religion by forbidden Americans to use the term "Merry Christmas."


“Secular progressives realize,” O'Reilly continued, “that America as it is now will never approve of gay marriage, partial birth abortion, euthanasia, legalized drugs, income redistribution through taxation and many other progressive visions because of religious opposition. But if the secularists can destroy religion in the public arena, the brave new progressive world is a possibility. That’s what happened in Canada.”


Shit like that meme has been circulating ever since as Christians look to portray themselves as victims just because other people are celebrating at the same time as them.


Nothing is more evil than income redistribution. No wonder Bill was concerned. He'd probably need a bigger gun.

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Lots of (US) election related stuff being posted today, as you might expect. As usual, the posts themselves are only a part of it - it's the comments where you'll find the real gold. Among other things, I've learned that Hillary Clinton is...

A satanist
A pedophile
A spokesperson for ISIS
A communist
...and my personal favorite - an abject, psychopathic demon from hell that as soon as she gets into power is going to try to destroy the planet.

She smells of sulphur apparently, as does Barack Obama and this is "proof" that they both come directly from hell. These are all things the liberal media won't tell you. Be informed! God loves you and wants you to do the right thing. Vote Trump!


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