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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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2 minutes ago, Jamaldo said:

There's absolutely nothing wrong with sugar-free Irn Bru. Incredible how many people get on their high horse about sugary drinks.

If there was nothing wrong with the assorted sugar free versions of Irn-Bru they wouldn't make them. They would be normal Irn-Bru.

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29 minutes ago, WeAreElgin said:


Aye, but a fucking petition?

Indeed. I prefer the shite-through-the-letterbox sort of protest.

18 minutes ago, Jamaldo said:

There's absolutely nothing wrong with sugar-free Irn Bru. Incredible how many people get on their high horse about sugary drinks.

Nothing wrong with it per se, but to some people it's nothing more than carbonated water compared to the real thing.

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4 hours ago, WeAreElgin said:


From a news article about Irn Bring changing their recipe.

No surprise he's a fat f**k.

And no surprise that's he highlighting the one instance where a company changed the recipe and it wasn't popular, as opposed to the thousands of times it is improved and people either don't notice or they think it's better. 

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I'm not sure if I'm annoyed at the stupidity, or if I'm happy that I'm not this stupid.

Following reports that Angus Council were attempting to move a community owned artificial football pitch from Brechin to Arbroath, this self employed landscape gardener has come up with an easy solution to the problem.


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On 20/02/2017 at 08:04, deej said:


Strong opening sentence - check
Refer to people as "one" - check
"Think of the children" - check
Helpful solution - "dog diapers" - check
Public health concern - check
A nice hefty dig at the council - check
Reinforce that responsible dog owners are alright - check

What does he think will be achieved by this - go to the council and say "here I got 100 likes so you've to kill dogs that shit without nappies"

Exterminate all dugs.  

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8 hours ago, Aidan said:

I'm not sure if I'm annoyed at the stupidity, or if I'm happy that I'm not this stupid.

Following reports that Angus Council were attempting to move a community owned artificial football pitch from Brechin to Arbroath, this self employed landscape gardener has come up with an easy solution to the problem.


I see the same sort of drivel on the Forfar/Kirrie pages as well. That last comment though, fucking hell. Just how much does he/she think is in the Common Good fund? :lol:


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Was just sent this in a private message.

"Hi there trying to raise awareness for prostrate cancer can all you men (only men ) (i made this one up for you blokes).can you please put a [emoji463]on your wall dont comment then send this on to all your male mates .
Hold your finger on this message and hit forward"

That'll do a grand job.

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If you're man and haven't already had it surgically removed. then you have a prostate. If you're an adult man you should already be aware that prostate cancer is a thing. If you've reached your forties without hearing about it, then you pretty much deserve to get it IMO.


Which reminds me of another age-related FB moan. The majority of my contacts, male and female, are roughly close to my age - forties and fifties for the most part. A depressing number of them have an unhealthy obsession with the 1980's and are constantly referring to them as some kind of golden age. Posting MTV videos of music that was shitty the first time round, "Like if you remember when..." links and of course, the perennial "Only people who were kids in the 19080's will appreciate this..." type dreck.

Apparently, very few of them were paying attention in the eighties when Bruce Springsteen sang about "Glory Days." It would appear that for many of them, nothing remotely good has happened in the last 27 years.


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2 hours ago, Shotgun said:

If you're man and haven't already had it surgically removed. then you have a prostate. If you're an adult man you should already be aware that prostate cancer is a thing. If you've reached your forties without hearing about it, then you pretty much deserve to get it IMO.


Which reminds me of another age-related FB moan. The majority of my contacts, male and female, are roughly close to my age - forties and fifties for the most part. A depressing number of them have an unhealthy obsession with the 1980's and are constantly referring to them as some kind of golden age. Posting MTV videos of music that was shitty the first time round, "Like if you remember when..." links and of course, the perennial "Only people who were kids in the 19080's will appreciate this..." type dreck.

Apparently, very few of them were paying attention in the eighties when Bruce Springsteen sang about "Glory Days." It would appear that for many of them, nothing remotely good has happened in the last 27 years.



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1 hour ago, Black and White Tragic said:


Exactly. My generation didn't own iPads so that somehow makes us special. BFD. People 30 years older than us didn't have televisions when they were kids and anyone born 30 years from now will have stuff we can scarcely imagine. Who gives a monkey's chuff?

ETA: AAAAND...if you were born in the 1980's and you don't remember those things you either grew up on a different planet or you've developed early onset dementia in which case you have different issues altogether. Why would you NOT remember stuff you and your friends owned when you were younger?

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24 minutes ago, Ned Nederlander said:

Shared by my Aunt ffs - the standard response from her gang of friends has been " In sickness and in health xxxx"

This kind of pish would be much more fun if it was "share if you wouldn't".

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