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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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My Uncle (name deleted to hide his shame) shared Nolan Daniels's photo.

"Share this photo and I'll seriously give a random person 1 mil. I swear on my sons life and my life. You can have a lawyer hold me true to my word. "I will give 1 MIL to 1 person who shares this photo" I will choose this person on June 1st, 2013 at 12:00 PM PST"
I'm lost for words to think that anyone would believe this.
Edited by Stevie Aitken's Love Child
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Whits that? 1 Mil lira? Arseholes.

Without stating the obvious, mille is French for 1,000, so I'm guessing that note is as noteworthy as the shite I just did.

At least a shite serves a purpose

Turns out it's Costa Rican money, and it's worth about £1.30.

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like this if you like stuff that everyone else likes

like this to save someone you don't know who has cancer

like something then share it and like other people liking your link that you liked as if it's something you just made up

like something then like someone slagging it off

moron central

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Farmers talking about and posting pictures of agricultural shows. It's like music festival chat for ugly people

If your not happy then stop looking at the Perth & Kinross council page

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any girlies willing to come into reid kerr for a bikkini wax Monday coming I know its a big ask but my friends qualifications are at stake she's despreate!! ill pay for your travel ♥


There's a lassie in mines that's constantly looking for folks hair to do, for her exams. Luckily they should now cease since she's passed.

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like this if you like stuff that everyone else likes

like this to save someone you don't know who has cancer

like something then share it and like other people liking your link that you liked as if it's something you just made up

like something then like someone slagging it off

moron central

All that shite and the inspirational happy feel good pish. Got a burd i used to work with who posts all that kinda shite and seems a bit of a goer, she seems to go thru men quicker than knickers and of course when it all ends shes always posting and moaning that "all men are arseholes, useless, c***s, blah blah fucking blah" And when she wasnt posting it on Facebook, she was saying it at work and eventually it started to get on my nerves. I ended up pulling her up about it stating that including myself there were at least 5 guys in the room who had never done her wrong and even more next door, so her claims that we are all arseholes is a load of pish. Her response of course was that she was "obviously" joking about men being arseholes. Despite saying it every single day endlessly :thumbsdown

Oh and ive said it before, but people who use that Check in shite

Blah blah has checked in at Nando's - I dont care

Blah blah has checked in at, Walking to work lol - Go f**k yourself

Blah blah has checked in at, wait let me stop you there, i dont fucking care!

Edited by EdgarusQPFC
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There's another weapon called Justin Godfrey doing a similar thing. Wacky observations, hilarious videos, pratfalls, that kind of thing.

At least Godfrey's quite a handsome guy - that boy Moffat looks like a convicted sex offender who lives down the road from me. I'm not exaggerating, they really do look similar.

Godfrey popped up on the news feed there so had a look. He is the opposite of funny. He had two videos up - the fits one was him shouting "I love custard" with his mouth full of custard so it sprayed everywhere (hardly the type of behaviour if you loved it, spitting it out?) and the second was a minute long and was him talking about his pish smelling of sugarpuffs. Dear God, how does anyone actually find this stuff funny at all.

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I can't believe nearly 18,000 have shared this, including people I know:


This "Daemon Hunter" lad makes my skin crawl more than the guy he's outing as a beast. Who takes it upon themselves to be some kind of paedo vigilante? What a complete fucking c**t.

Edit to add: He calls his followers "my little hunters" and in return they sook his arse by saying what a credit he is to the country and how their kids are safer because of him. Wut?

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