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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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You do realise you're coming across as pretty homophobic, don't you?

In all seriousness, you're probably right. Jesting taken a bit too far! Will end it at that. Apologies SJC.

Apology accepted Gaz......although you do realise I've never actually fcuked a ladyboy and have no desire to! :P

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"When you hear the sound of thunder, don't you get too scared. Just grab your thunder buddy and say these magic words: f**k you thunder. You can suck my d***. You can't get me thunder because you're just Gods farts."


It's from the film Ted. It seems most people who saw the film wrote it the first there was thunder and lightning afterwards.

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I have genuinley just seen the most stupid thing i have ever seen on facebook.noticed a fb friend had liked some anti Islam picture on an edl page so decided to have a look at the other pictures to entertain myself. After looking through numerous pictures full of scaremongering about the dangers of Islam there was a picture to show it was the anniversary of hms hood being sunk by the bizmark. I couldn't believe my eyes when of the morons comments actually read

"rip heroes, lest we forget, no surrender and seig heil" .

surely this has to be the most ridiculous thing on the internet . your respects to the 1400 dead on the ship by quoting the phrase used by the enemies that blew them up and who they were fighting. Jesus wept. Morons.

The idiocy is compounded by the inability to spell "Sieg" correctly.

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Did anyone see the Asian rangers fan signing bigoted stuff?

Some twat on my feed linked others and said "good on him for embracing it".

I think he was being genuine?


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Someone who went to my school and who is friends with half the people on my friends list got done for rape yesterday. Utter carnage, culminating in this picture of said rapist showing up:


There are also a ridiculous amount of "fuckin beast man, wish ad said sumhin sooner" type posts from cretins trying to take the moral highground as soon as the shit hits the fan. Sorry champ, but if you conceal vital information about a serious crime, then I'm afraid you're about as guilty as the beast in question.

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I just spent quite a while deleting folk off my friends list that I hadn't spoke to in ages. Deleted more than 250 people tonight. No point in having these kind of folk who you might say "hi" to once every few months.

Deleting people gets old real quick when they request to be your friend again

ive started blocking them :ph34r:

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Someone who went to my school and who is friends with half the people on my friends list got done for rape yesterday. Utter carnage, culminating in this picture of said rapist showing up:


There are also a ridiculous amount of "fuckin beast man, wish ad said sumhin sooner" type posts from cretins trying to take the moral highground as soon as the shit hits the fan. Sorry champ, but if you conceal vital information about a serious crime, then I'm afraid you're about as guilty as the beast in question.

So you're taking the moral high ground about people taking the moral high ground?

Ok then.

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Someone who went to my school and who is friends with half the people on my friends list got done for rape yesterday. Utter carnage, culminating in this picture of said rapist showing up:


There are also a ridiculous amount of "fuckin beast man, wish ad said sumhin sooner" type posts from cretins trying to take the moral highground as soon as the shit hits the fan. Sorry champ, but if you conceal vital information about a serious crime, then I'm afraid you're about as guilty as the beast in question.

he has one of the strangest shaped head i think i have ever seen :lol:

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