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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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There's a lass on mine who is the ultimate attention-seeking Like-whore. A few years ago her mum passed away and for some time after the lass tagged her in every post because "she's always with me".

The shit hit the fan when she announced that facebook were trying to remove the profile of the deceased, sparking utter outrage with the girl and her ever-present sympathy crew, who seemed to be under the impression that facebook intentionally went around seeking out bereaved families to disrespect the memories of their loved ones.

Theres a lassie on mines who constantly posted about dead relatives and also lots of "im upset dont ask why", "i know i let everyone done but im changed now" and "stop being so snide and sneaky and just insult me" then "i wont say your name but you know who you are" type posts.

Shes calmed down since getting a steady boyfriend but now its just seven selfies of her with him in the background everyday.

Only sticking with it for the inevitable break up then breakdown

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Yep total agony. I know a girl who has a PhD in psychology, very intelligent etc who has a page for her cat. Likes to post as the cat asking when her human is coming home to feed it, and then logs in as herself and replies to the cat. Entire pages of her just talking to herself. She's at least 35

Presumably she was the subject of her own thesis.
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Jesus f**k...Iain Wilson and Liam Smith's comments! I thought the Liam guy was joking about his Bentley til I clicked on his profile. What a fucking cock.

Would you accept a Bentley if it meant having that face?

I wouldn't.....

TBF she's married. Was still at it for a while even then but it calmed down once she had a wean.

I think we're all owed lots of money now.

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The constant sharing of "Staffies r loving animals" memes and related pictures. Trying too hard.

The best one I saw was a pic of someone's newborn baby laying on the floor next to some slavering mutant hell-hound with the caption along the lines of "Kassidee with her guardian angel xxxxxxxx".

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