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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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I have pretty much got rid of all the annoying Celtic/The Rangers fans on my Facebook, I have a couple of young mothers on it (i.e. mothers in their 20s ''Oh such as such has started climbing up on the couch herself'' and other such assorted shite that no one gives a flying fcuk about except the other young maws and their replies of ''Oh dats when da fun begins!'' and other pish.)

But what really grinds my gears on Facebook is a particular 17 year old lassie who posts all the typical 17 year old lassie pish. I have put her as an acquaintance on my settings so as to limit the number of her 10 and upwards posts a day I see on my page. Some slip through the net, however, and the reason I don't want to delete the lassie is because I know she's nowhere near as annoying as this in real life, quite pleasant to talk to actually. These are all just from the past 3 days alone...

''One rule for guys and another for girls! What a load of shit.''

''Just been given the biggest wake up call ever! It's time for my to pull it together and get on with it! Life goes on and I am no longer living in the past! Time for me to forgive and forget :) and to get the hell on with my life!''

''As long as I have my mum I don't need a man! Best cuddles in the world ♥''

''Very few people in the world that I actually like, wish people didn't act like tits, then I'd love everybody.''

''If looks could kill I'd be 6ft under! The growls I get on a daily basis is unreal!''

''Hahaha never been so amused in all my life! Hilarious how guys lie about stupid silly wee things, it's clear that some people have some mental issues! Either that or they think carrying story's is going to make them look good! Jesus!''

Just please stop posting this hormonal, insecure nonsense crying.gif

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She's "stumbled over a loophole", because if a child can't be named in a court case or buy alcohol, then they shouldn't pay full price. Someone get this woman a job.

Venables and Thomson were not "annonymous" until they were 18. In fact, it was only when they were 18 that they were given new identities and became "annoymous". Stupid bint. Get her telt.

But what really grinds my gears on Facebook is a particular 17 year old lassie who posts all the typical 17 year old lassie pish. I have put her as an acquaintance on my settings so as to limit the number of her 10 and upwards posts a day I see on my page. Some slip through the net, however, and the reason I don't want to delete the lassie is because I know she's nowhere near as annoying as this in real life, quite pleasant to talk to actually. These are all just from the past 3 days alone...

Unsubscribe from her posts. Go on her page, click on "Friends" and untick "Show in newsfeed". Et voila, you'll never have to see it again unless you go looking for it.

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Another day, another keerrazy consumer complaint polluting Facebook...


When did these things start spreading? Seems like everyone is now thinking that Facebook is the best place to air grievances and complaints about something. I could maybe see the point if some of them were genuine complaints (although Facebook still isn't the place to put them) but most of them just show a fundamental misunderstanding of everything.

A good smattering of people telling her what a bint she's being, but there are a good few mind-cripples in there too

She's "stumbled over a loophole", because if a child can't be named in a court case or buy alcohol, then they shouldn't pay full price. Someone get this woman a job.

Based on that "logic", child labour is prevalent in the UK, with all these "children" aged 16 and 17 in employment rolleyes.gif

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Was working all nite missed the game :( but we won all the same, fantastic :D

Ignoring the fact that she's a girl who's probably never been to a game in her puff, that's acceptable so far.

Ended with this though

up the ra!


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People that feel the need to tell their wives/girlfriends how much they love them on Facebook when they're almost certainly sitting next to each other in the house really do need to re-evaluate their life. Twice I've seen that on my feed this week, what's going on?

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People that feel the need to tell their wives/girlfriends how much they love them on Facebook when they're almost certainly sitting next to each other in the house really do need to re-evaluate their life. Twice I've seen that on my feed this week, what's going on?

Totally agree, definitely over compensating.

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Shakey's alright. It's the 'I love u so much babe. I never want 2 loose u', 'I luv u 2 baby' that make me want to vomit.

Speak just for myself, I've done plenty of 'loose'ning of the wife over the years* :ph34r:

*straight to hell, do not pass go, do not collect 200 quid

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People that feel the need to tell their wives/girlfriends how much they love them on Facebook when they're almost certainly sitting next to each other in the house really do need to re-evaluate their life. Twice I've seen that on my feed this week, what's going on?

My girlfriend posted something similar on my wall when we first started dating. I told her off and it's not been done since. The argument was worth it laugh.gif

Females seem to be the worst posters. A "friend" of mine was sacked for stealing a few months ago, and every single bloody day has at least two statuses asking if anyone knows of any jobs or about going to an interview and how "this is the one". It's getting kinda funny as she's obviously been knocked back from about 7 jobs in the last month laugh.gif

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People that feel the need to tell their wives/girlfriends how much they love them on Facebook when they're almost certainly sitting next to each other in the house really do need to re-evaluate their life. Twice I've seen that on my feed this week, what's going on?

Last week one of my pals was having a full conversation with his girlfriend who he was sitting in bed next to via her Facebook wall about who was going to make the breakfast in bed. As a couple they're regular culprits for this sort of nonsense too, regularly using words such as 'snoodle' and excessive kisses in wall posts to each other. If it weren't for that fact that they're friends who I see regularly and know that they're actually not even that bad in person (well, him anyway, she's a massive pain in the arse) I would absolutely be deleting them both.

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Last week one of my pals was having a full conversation with his girlfriend who he was sitting in bed next to via her Facebook wall about who was going to make the breakfast in bed. As a couple they're regular culprits for this sort of nonsense too, regularly using words such as 'snoodle' and excessive kisses in wall posts to each other. If it weren't for that fact that they're friends who I see regularly and know that they're actually not even that bad in person (well, him anyway, she's a massive pain in the arse) I would absolutely be deleting them both.

No excuse, get them gone. Seriously, who are they trying to convince with all this shite? I've had another friend at it today, it's cringeworthy. I barely speak to my wife when we're in the house together, let alone have full blown conversations via Facebook.

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