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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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I'm having great fun reading the fallout from a girl I used to work with being named on the 'Falkirk/Stirling slags name and shame' page (I don't follow the page, but her comments on it came up on my newsfeed.

I'm in a computer lab so can't post it just now, but will do later. Sample comment:

'Eh considering we weren't in a shop ya freak!!! Omg u really dae live in la la land skank ! Ahaha get that fake tan under control btw u just look like ur just bk fae a festival !!! Pure dirt !'

This isn't even one of the best, just one that I picked at random. :lol:

Okay, here goes...





Edit: the writing's a bit small, but it's worth making the effort. Not hidden any names as it's a public page anyway.

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People who go on about 'our troops' being heroes and how they should earn huge amounts of money get instantly removed from me. Since when did they achieve this god like status? It's a job that they have chosen to do, and they are not heroes (unless they do something heroic by going above and beyond the call of duty - which I'm sure many do, but just being a soldier does not make you a hero).

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"All these ppl saying proud to be English, sorry to stick my ore in but I do beg to differ!! This country lays in ruins, we have immigrants fleeing in left right & Centre to be greeted with homes, benefits, education & free nhs then breed 20 kids in every family, our system is a joke!! A large majority of our youth today are gallivanting around with knives & guns, what country would allow the riots to go on like they did, you'd be shot in a split second in other countries! We were a laughing stock! There's no jobs for our people and waiting time for serious issues on the nhs is a joke!! Our pensions for the elderly is doomed, We have footballers earning more wages than our troops, Hospitals & charities are trying to raise money but yet we have money to send over to other countries and buy the queen a boat LOL we are holding some of the most world wanted terrorist in Britain whilst paying for there existence and can't deport them back for punishment or justice because of there 'human rights' and the punishment for rapists, child abusers even murderers is a joke!! So no I'm not proud to be English in fact I'm kind of embarrassed!!"

I'm ashamed that 3 of my friends liked this, one really should know better and one is a jake who hasn't worked in over 8 years. A clear out is overdue.

I agree with the boat comment, but on the whole is a very misdirected and bizarre rant.

Being British is a bit embarrassing on the whole, and I make no apology for that.

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I see it's time for the ridiculous Status updates to "show support for breast cancer".

Yay. It's nearly breast cancer and poppy outrage month on Facebook. dry.gif

Celtic have a home game on Sunday November 11th, so the mock outrage will be twice as high this year.

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In case anyone's wondering, it's your shoe size, followed by the word inches and how long it takes to do your hair.

I don't know why people insist on sending me these things. I never actually do them, I just tell everyone what they mean instead.

I don't understand the correlation between these things and breast cancer. Enlighten me.

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I don't understand the correlation between these things and breast cancer. Enlighten me.

I have no idea. In fact, I don't get how they're meant to "raise awareness" of breast cancer when the whole point of it is keeping it a secret from "the men". It doesn't make any sense to me whatsoever.

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I have no idea. In fact, I don't get how they're meant to "raise awareness" of breast cancer when the whole point of it is keeping it a secret from "the men". It doesn't make any sense to me whatsoever.

I've googled this and still can't make any sense of it. I guess the people who create these Facebook games are much smarter than me.

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When I see

"7 inches, 40 mins"

I think fucking. that's what it is supposed to do, It catches eyes and is ten times better than anything else on this thread

Oh right, that makes sense now. Thanks.

Hopefully this makes more people aware of breast cancer as it is only by word of mouth/ Facebook that we can prevent this horrible disease from spreading.

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In a nod to the "car nuts" thread

Those 17,18 year old boy racer virgins who buy some piece of cheap basic crap with a 900cc engine, insure it 3rd party only on that basis, then inteminably post pics of all the "modifications" they do to make it "fast as shit, like, ken".

1) It still won't get you laid you acne ridden lump of f**k-wittery

2) You're now driving uninsured and I'm sure local plod will be delighted to "chat" to you about this sometime seing as you've made it public knowledge.

Absolute bams the lot of them!

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