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Horrific club photos

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Not sure if this one has been posted already, but it's a bit of a classic that did the rounds a couple of years ago. I believe it's from a club in the Glasgow area.



I've been in a nick a few times over the years but these c***s are in an utterly fucking ridiculous state. All the classic club afflictions - and more - are on display:

  • The lassie's got ecto claw (ecstasius gubbedwrist) like nobody's business. The weight of her ear ring appears to be getting the better of her. Gravity's a bitch when you're that fucked. Estimated pill consumption - 9.
  • The boy at the back has one of the best ecto masks (ecstasius meltedcoupon) that I've ever seen. The fact he's still managing to get a hand in the air indicates he's running the show on the dance floor. Estimated pill consumption - 14.
  • The boy at the front's went baws oot to the point he's actually starting the mummification process right there in the middle of the floor. Check his mince pies - nothing but white! That c**t stood rooted to the spot like that for the rest of the night, past closing time and probably had to be wheeled away by the cleaner like some kind of perty warrior Hannibal Lecter. Estimated pill consumption - 35. Minimum.

Stephen Hawking wouldn't look out of place among this crew. That's how fucked these people are. They've gone Hawking. He's not their kind of guy though, because while Hawking's undoubtedly a clever c**t, bitch can't fucking dance worth a f**k.

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Not sure if this one has been posted already, but it's a bit of a classic that did the rounds a couple of years ago. I believe it's from a club in the Glasgow area.



I've been in a nick a few times over the years but these c***s are in an utterly fucking ridiculous state. All the classic club afflictions - and more - are on display:

  • The lassie's got ecto claw (ecstasius gubbedwrist) like nobody's business. The weight of her ear ring appears to be getting the better of her. Gravity's a bitch when you're that fucked. Estimated pill consumption - 9.
  • The boy at the back has one of the best ecto masks (ecstasius meltedcoupon) that I've ever seen. The fact he's still managing to get a hand in the air indicates he's running the show on the dance floor. Estimated pill consumption - 14.
  • The boy at the front's went baws oot to the point he's actually starting the mummification process right there in the middle of the floor. Check his mince pies - nothing but white! That c**t stood rooted to the spot like that for the rest of the night, past closing time and probably had to be wheeled away by the cleaner like some kind of perty warrior Hannibal Lecter. Estimated pill consumption - 35. Minimum.

Stephen Hawking wouldn't look out of place among this crew. That's how fucked these people are. They've gone Hawking. He's not their kind of guy though, because while Hawking's undoubtedly a clever c**t, bitch can't fucking dance worth a f**k.

Seems like a decent night out.

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Not sure if this one has been posted already, but it's a bit of a classic that did the rounds a couple of years ago. I believe it's from a club in the Glasgow area.



I've been in a nick a few times over the years but these c***s are in an utterly fucking ridiculous state. All the classic club afflictions - and more - are on display:

  • The lassie's got ecto claw (ecstasius gubbedwrist) like nobody's business. The weight of her ear ring appears to be getting the better of her. Gravity's a bitch when you're that fucked. Estimated pill consumption - 9.
  • The boy at the back has one of the best ecto masks (ecstasius meltedcoupon) that I've ever seen. The fact he's still managing to get a hand in the air indicates he's running the show on the dance floor. Estimated pill consumption - 14.
  • The boy at the front's went baws oot to the point he's actually starting the mummification process right there in the middle of the floor. Check his mince pies - nothing but white! That c**t stood rooted to the spot like that for the rest of the night, past closing time and probably had to be wheeled away by the cleaner like some kind of perty warrior Hannibal Lecter. Estimated pill consumption - 35. Minimum.

Stephen Hawking wouldn't look out of place among this crew. That's how fucked these people are. They've gone Hawking. He's not their kind of guy though, because while Hawking's undoubtedly a clever c**t, bitch can't fucking dance worth a f**k.

I've lifted that whole passage for another forum mate. You are credited man I did't claim it as my own work but high 5 for an LOL. Superb attention to detail with the latin names. Inspired! that photo just keeps giving and hopefully will again

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Not sure if this one has been posted already, but it's a bit of a classic that did the rounds a couple of years ago. I believe it's from a club in the Glasgow area.



I've been in a nick a few times over the years but these c***s are in an utterly fucking ridiculous state. All the classic club afflictions - and more - are on display:

  • The lassie's got ecto claw (ecstasius gubbedwrist) like nobody's business. The weight of her ear ring appears to be getting the better of her. Gravity's a bitch when you're that fucked. Estimated pill consumption - 9.
  • The boy at the back has one of the best ecto masks (ecstasius meltedcoupon) that I've ever seen. The fact he's still managing to get a hand in the air indicates he's running the show on the dance floor. Estimated pill consumption - 14.
  • The boy at the front's went baws oot to the point he's actually starting the mummification process right there in the middle of the floor. Check his mince pies - nothing but white! That c**t stood rooted to the spot like that for the rest of the night, past closing time and probably had to be wheeled away by the cleaner like some kind of perty warrior Hannibal Lecter. Estimated pill consumption - 35. Minimum.

Stephen Hawking wouldn't look out of place among this crew. That's how fucked these people are. They've gone Hawking. He's not their kind of guy though, because while Hawking's undoubtedly a clever c**t, bitch can't fucking dance worth a f**k.

I don't think that photo is from a club, as the guy far right of the photo looks to be injecting smack straight into his arm.

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