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This year's Christmas special had already been commissioned ;)

DWM and the Radio Times say its this years Xmas special and 13 episodes. Nae offence but I trust them more than you, 8)

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Christmas special (2011) is filming in September and thats it for this year - the next filming will be next year, there will not be a normal series of 13 episodes in 2012.

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I've only watched this season and the one before it of the new incarnation of Doctor Who, never saw any of the Tennent or Eccleston stuff, so I might have missed something important, but why are all the fighters and armies etc religious?

Like there are the Headless Monks, the gay married fat thin Anglican soldiers, there was talk of them being on a war for God, then in the last series with the weeping angels the soldiers where all Christians and the commanding officer said he was a Bishop. That plus there is a mention of the Headless Monks in that episode as well.

Is there some form of religious war or something underpinning everything?

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Christmas special (2011) is filming in September and thats it for this year - the next filming will be next year, there will not be a normal series of 13 episodes in 2012.

Confirmed -

BBC1 Controller Danny Cohen today revealed that, after much speculation generated since the Private Eye article and subsequent BBC announcements last week, Doctor Who will indeed be returning in a curtailed form during 2012.

Speaking at the Church and Media Conference this afternoon, Cohen's comments were relayed via Twitter, with BBC Merseyside's Religious Editor Wayne Clarke reporting: "Danny Cohen says there won't be a full series of Doctor Who in 2012, but a special run for the anniversary in 2013". The BBC's Entertainment Correspondent Liza Mzimba confirmed the comments this evening, adding that other reported comments by Cohen on the decision being made to enable head writer Steven Moffat more time to write his other hit series Sherlock were light-hearted and not meant to be taken seriously.

No other details on how many episodes will comprise the 2012 run at present, though the BBC confirmed last week that fourteen episodes had been commissioned, including this year's Christmas Special, with Matt Smith at the helm in the role as The Doctor.

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  • 2 months later...

The Lets Kill Hitler preview is crap - dull as heck, looks like a scene that was snipped for slowing the episode down rather than a prequel.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Did anybody else think of The Numbskulls from The Beezer???


Also did I detect a solution to the old "The Doctor's running out of regenerations argument" with a clever and very direct reference to solution conjectured from a Classic Who storyline, specifically the Mawdryn Undead story, where it was established that Timelord regenerations can be transferred???


So can we now asume that if River had 10 remaining regenerations and the doctor died of the poison he now has ten more potential lives???

Edited by King Kebab
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Did anybody else think of The Numbskulls from The Beezer???


That was my first thought.

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Also did I detect a solution to the old "The Doctor's running out of regenerations argument" with a clever and very direct reference to solution conjectured from a Classic Who storyline, specifically the Mawdryn Undead story, where it was established that Timelord regenerations can be transferred???


So can we now asume that if River had 10 remaining regenerations and the doctor died of the poison he now has ten more potential lives???

A good thought but given that we don't know how many times River has regenerated and she knew about the regenerations she may have had less than 10 left. Also interesting was that the Date when the Doctor dies is a fixed point in time and does happen which he now knows about.

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Also did I detect a solution to the old "The Doctor's running out of regenerations argument" with a clever and very direct reference to solution conjectured from a Classic Who storyline, specifically the Mawdryn Undead story, where it was established that Timelord regenerations can be transferred?? So can we now asume that if River had 10 remaining regenerations and the doctor died of the poison he now has ten more potential lives???

I ask the question: why couldn't the Doctor just have regenerated (in principle) in this episode? It seems that there's something about surrendering her regenerations just to keep the Doctor alive here, rather than necessarily prolonging his regeneration cycle count.

Whilst the death of the Doctor is indeed a fixed point in time, you'll recall the huge age differential between the Doctor in the stetson and the one who was sent a blue envelope. We also saw that he just found out when and where he dies. As for the stetson Doctor's age, it's unlikely the series will let that much time pass. Rule 1: the Doctor lies. This is coming a lot sooner than we think.

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Here's just one more mindfuck for you from the first episode!!!

The Doctor is dying in 1938 - he asks the TARDIS voice system(or whatever it was called) for support/advice and the system in the form of Amelia says "fishfingers and custard" - he gets an idea and flies away!!!

The Doctor reappears in 1938 about half an hour later in the same outfit he wore at Amy and Rory's Wedding, iif I remember he first appears at the wedding in the middle of the dance floor and then skips out again to move the Tardis for the dancing. Although we know he can't be the same Doctor we saw at the wedding because there (a) he seemed fine, (b) he was genuinely curious about who River was, and © he took Amy and Rory to their honeymoon place right after it!!!

The Doctor we saw at the wedding was just brought back into existence through Amy's memories but with the help of River's diary (if River hadn't left the diary for Amy she might have not remembered)!!!

Does this outfit now have a double importance: it's how the Doctor looks when he is brought back into existence by Amy and it is how the Doctor looks when Melody becomes River (in the sense that she leaves her murderous self behind and starts to become the person who will eventually sacrifice her life to save the Doctor's)???

I don't know if we can draw any conclusions for the moment, but given the wibbly wobbly timey wimey thing, one guess is that River who was present in Amy and Rory's wedding had something to do with "her" Doctor being the one who was brought back in that episode. As for what the Doctor's plan was we still have no clue, Perhaps he went back for the Diary and now he has all the spoilers.....he knows them now not River!!!

But should we trust him when he said that he had "used up all his regenerations?" is this a big ploy to save River from the library???

Time can be rewritten.....but can the diary? If Rivers first entry in the diary is "I have just given up my future lives to save the Doctor"!!!

I'm not at all sure where I'm going but the whole thing is a bit fishy...and custardy obviously!!!

Edited by King Kebab
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