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I reckon a lot of Capaldi's first series will be him searching for Gallifray. When he does find it, after a long search, he'll be killed just as he sets his first triumphant foot on his home planet. Of course he'll then be saved by Timelord medicine and given loads more regenerations.

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How did the Doctor and Clara escape Trenzelore?

my guess is when they seen the war doctor at the end of the last series it was a vision, and they just walked back to the tardis and the doctor explained it all. As it looks like the next episode will be on trenzalor we will probably be given a more detailed description as to how they managed it.

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I reckon a lot of Capaldi's first series will be him searching for Gallifray. When he does find it, after a long search, he'll be killed just as he sets his first triumphant foot on his home planet. Of course he'll then be saved by Timelord medicine and given loads more regenerations.

That would be pretty amazing to be honest, I like the fact eccleston, tennant's and smiths doctors all looked young, and the 13th will look old, I wonder if it's to reflect what smith seen in hurt's doctor.

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I'm really damn glad I DVR'd the early show here (I was still at work) rather than wait and watch it "live" later, as I got the ad-free version, PLEASING

Really enjoyed it, going to watch again tonight whilst eating my dinner, as apparently we get extra "interview" footage from Tennant and Smith.

As for the show itself, I really enjoyed it, just the right amount of "silly" in the right places to counterpoint some of the deeper darker issues, and I was happy with the resolution. "Saving" Gallifrey makes much more sense than being capable of genocide, makes him much more the character Tennant was when Tennant Mk2 destroyed all the Daleks, Ecclestone wouldn't kill life on Earth just to stop the Daleks and going back to Genitals Genesis of the Daleks when Baker refuses to commit genocide, again against, guess who?

Also, Capaldi's eyes, he's going to scare poor wee Clara!

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Really liked it. Smart plot devices all over the place. Loved the veil of ignorance idea for the Zygon treaty negotiations.

Very Rawlsian, I liked it as well. Really enjoyed Smith in this. A lot of the past two series have been held up by him being enjoyable to watch rather than great ending so I'm sad that he is leaving.

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Don't know how to react to that. Both delighted the took on the Time War, yet a little bit disappointed that it was so Star Wars-ish. Also hugely disappointed they decided to "save" Gallifrey. The whole scenario was bred from the Doctor desiring to rid the Universe of both the Daleks and Time Lords, hes referenced this throughout the new series', and has quite often said how the Time Lords of that time were as bad as Daleks. So I'm a bit disappointed he's suddenly decided they're actually alright and worth saving. Not to mention the fact there must of been Daleks on the planet anyway as we seen them roaming the streets, so effectively what he seems to have done is simply freeze the Time War rather than end it, which is simply daft.

Whole episode seemed to be going quite nicely and then for some reason it started flying on, seemed quite rushed and might well have been better split over two parts. The quickness in which the Doctor decides he'll no longer use The Moment isn't too smart either, seeing as hes also said at numerous times in the new series' that he doesn't always regret what he done. Claras character seemed entirely forced into the situation aswell, as was Roses', and Tom Bakers. Although I'm glad Baker made an appearance in some guise.

Perhaps I'm being overly cynical as I hate how ultimately the Doctor seems to have managed the impossible yet again. I always enjoyed the fact he'd made a "mistake" when he killed everyone, it added a humanity and a darkness to the Doctor, it added a threat and gave reason as to why he was so feared in the Universe. That can no longer be used, part of his fear factor has gone as he's now operating within limits again. I enjoyed the episodes best when he seemed to pull it off before ultimately being crushed (Waters of Mars comes to mind quickest), and I'd probably have enjoyed it more if he'd failed to save Gallifrey.

I do understand why they done what they done though, and I know its highly likely its related to a future storyline they've already thought up, so I'll wait to see how it turns out. Just feel slightly let down they went down the "Everythings perfect in the end" route, even the acceptance of the John Hurt Doctor seemed incredibly forced into the whole thing. To me it would've been better if Tennant and Smith had gone back to stop Hurt, and he'd shown them, and told them why he must do it. Then he'd done it. To me that "acceptance" of him, with a hint of hate still there, would've fitted better with the entire new Who better. This just seemed slightly adrift from whats gone before

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Anyone else notice that the chairman of the School Governors, as listed on the school sign was I Chesterton, as in the original companions? Same school he taught at, so.............continuity anyone :thumsup2

There were loads of nods to the old series - when Clara leaves the school on the motorbike the clock shows 5.16pm which is the time the first ever episode started and Kate Stewart in the under gallery talked on the phone about getting files for Operation Cromer? - a reference to a quote from her character's father The Brigadier in The a Three Doctors

The classic - You've redecorated - I don't like it - also made an appearance !!

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On the whole, I enjoyed it. Loved the cameo by Tom Baker (I actually did a little shriek when he appeared), and thought the interaction between Smith, Tennant and Hurt was excellently done, particularly Hurt's reaction to "Timey Wimey".

There were little niggles though. I thought the actress who played Queen Elizabeth was utterly dreadful. I mean really bad.

It'll be interesting to see how this changes the Doctor in future episodes. For me, part of his make up, part of the texture that made him what he is and the kind of guy aliens shouldn't f**k with, is the darkness he always had in him, which I always felt he had as a result of his role in the Time War.

Are we going to get a more relaxed, happy Doctor from now on? I hope not.

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I think the issue with the time war was that no one would know the correct way to set it all up and make it look, it probably would have went wrong for at least one set of fans. I liked it.

Regarding daleks on gallifrey, the timelords and gallifreyans would have had enough time to destroy them. Also if all 13 doctors were there it would've been likely every dalek would have went there in an attempt to destroy one of them.

I like the idea that the universe will still think the doctor responsible for destroying gallifrey and skaro.

Although on second viewing Elizabeth was annoying as f**k and the only good thing was the cleavage on show

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Nope, had a night to sleep on it. Still angry. Agree with a lot of what random guy said.

I'm not particularly angry about it. It just seemed rushed, and the whole thing feels like it was forced simply to save Gallifrey and make the Doctor "perfect" again, there just seemed a lot of unnecessary actions and moments in it, which served no real point. I know from the moment we seen Billie Piper that he would save Gallifrey and change the past, it was obvious, and thats the most disappointing bit as the writing of the lines was sublime. The interaction between the three Doctors was utterly brilliant and utterly perfect, yet the actual plot was poor

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As I said last night, the lines tuey gave John hurt were good, and he delivered them exceptionally, but I wanted to see more about what made him like he was. He was a warrior who fought in the war, what else did he do that was so bad that he had already besmirched the name by then? I thought it was a tragic waste of john hurt.

I also think the tone felt wrong. Even when they were preparing to blow a planet up, it still felt like a bit of fun banter, because there didn't seem be enough emotional punch.

Plus yes, the plot was stupid. Tried to be too clever imo. I absolutely hate their chosen resolution. Maybe it will improve on a second viewing, but after thinking about it, I have no desire to waste my time watching it again.

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Good episode, really enjoyed it. The three doctors worked really well with each other. Zygons were good, like others have said, it'd be great to get them back for the next series. Thought the Tom Baker scene was nice, even it wasn't clear who he was.

Christmas special looks good :thumsup2

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