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Finally watched it last night, really don't get where all the hatred on here is coming from, thought it was a decent episode. Nothing spectacular but certainly not a bad one.

It hasn't been a bad series at all so far. Not great either but definitely not deserving of the hate, (apart from the sonic sunglasses - they can fcuk off).

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I've enjoyed this series far more than the last. The 2 parters are good. The first ones with the daleks was not bad; I really liked Under the Lake/Before the Flood; was a bit meh about the Maisie Williams ones; and this latest effort isn't half bad.

What I don't get is why people seem to feel that every Doctor Who episode must be a masterpiece. Every series has had its stinkers and its high points.

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The 2 parters are a step in the right direction. Chance for better plots rather than needing to tie up a story in 45 minutes. The writers have maybe gone too far in moving away from accessible plots and some of the current quirks - sub glasses, guitar playing - are naff.

Not great. Not bad. Overall a bit meh.

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I've enjoyed this series far more than the last. The 2 parters are good. The first ones with the daleks was not bad; I really liked Under the Lake/Before the Flood; was a bit meh about the Maisie Williams ones; and this latest effort isn't half bad.

What I don't get is why people seem to feel that every Doctor Who episode must be a masterpiece. Every series has had its stinkers and its high points.

I won't be worrying until we start to get episodes worse than 'Fear Her', 'The Lazarus Experiment', 'Daleks in Manhatten', 'The Lodger', or 'The Curse of the Black Spot'. Shudder.

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If you are brave enough ( or a masochist ) here is the link to where you can find Dimensions in Time the aforementioned Doctor Who / Eastenders crossover from 1993 Children Need - it is completely and utterly shite :)

Cheers I'll watch that later.

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It's been fine so far. Nothing terrible but nothing spectacular.

There's a Mark Gatiss episode coming up, and that'll inevitably be shit because he's devoid of talent but gets away with it because he's Moffat's pal.

Edited by SGMilne
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Can't believe I thanked someone for posting that link. I should've watched it 1st.

Oh,Clancy :(

ETA I still don't think it's any worse than Fear Her. That's got to be the worstest ever ever ever ever.

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