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Given the nature of this season and the themes running through it and the last couple of episodes I think Clara will die at some point in the season finale. Not necessarily staying dead as it's a family show but you never know.

Without wanting to drop any spoilers, I think shes due to drop out in the Christmas special. The Christmas special will also star Michael Troughton....

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Disappointed by that.

I was hoping that Missy was kidding about being The Master - having the character revert to doing their usual cheapens the memory of their actions in Tennant's last story.

I don't want to watch the Christmas Special. Cringe moment after a dramatic Doctor/Clara moment.

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Disappointed by that.

I was hoping that Missy was kidding about being The Master - having the character revert to doing their usual cheapens the memory of their actions in Tennant's last story.

I don't want to watch the Christmas Special. Cringe moment after a dramatic Doctor/Clara moment.

The Doctor's personality changes significantly after each regeneration, whilst remaining basically the same person.

The Master was never going to turn over a new leaf for long.

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I just noticed they gave Jenna Coleman top billing aswell as the eyes in the intro.

I saw that at the beginning of the episode and had to rewind it to make sure i'd seen it properly.

Watched the last three in a row as had fallen behind and wanted to see the two-parter back to back.

The tree episode was pretty shit and once again Capaldi was the one who pretty much saved it from being unwatchable shit. And yes the kids were fucking annoying. Pleasing that the Doctor was going to piss off before he worked it out. Hated the ending when the sister turned up, cut out the sentimental guff.

The two parter was brilliant with plenty of surprises (the specky lassie getting killed will have upset a few folk and the whole concept around death has folk complaining :thumsup2:P ), a true mad bat as the big baddie (even more doolally then Simms Master). Disappointed that they save Kate Stewart however but happy Danny got killed as wasnt a fan of his. About time Doctor Who went darker.

Clara will reappear sometime, no news has been made about whether or not she signed up for the next series, just lots of no comment.

Can't believe the series is over, has flown by.

Edited by meanmistermustard
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Was quite heart breaking at times, Claras "only man I trust" speech to Cyber-Danny was harsh to the extreme. Episode sort of petered out, but was already pretty good by then.

Once again we dont find out Claras "news" though, the first time Danny got hit by a car, this time the Doctor cut her off.

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Good last episode. Gomez was great, particularly in the scene where she kills the Speccy UNIT expert.

Season got better as it went on. Capaladi was consistently brilliant, easily my favourite Doctor of the new generation, probably as the spikier elements harked back to the Doctor Who's of it's prime.

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I used to love Doctor Who as a children's TV show and now it's degenerated into a childish idiot fest for adults. That ratty faced actress from "The Acid House" really chewed the scenery and some of the script was atrocious. The sentimental parting of two of the protagonists had a touching quality that was out of touch for what's meant to me sci-fi fun. Clearly some humanists have taken over writing and it lacks the original's apolitical fantastic (as in Fantasy) charm. They've ruined the show which is a shame because Peter Capaldi is very good in the title role.

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