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A great feeling at Cappielow..

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Ah... orange handlines and bubble floats.

Until you got the big fuckin' hook in the palm o' yer hand and Dr. Mirrey had to take the fuckin' thing out with pliers and no local jab.

VT pliers and big hook...........you might be onto something there....no local jab you say (cant spel anisthitec either)

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It's the best team we've had in years and it's an exciting time, but let's not start thinking we're the best team in the league already. Plenty of teams have had a brilliant start to a season then fallen away; we should know that more than most. We're only five games in. For now, I'm just enjoying watching a team playing good football and being able to go to games believing we can win every week. This is all very Dundee-esque.

This is great reading ya know.

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I have the feeling tomorrow could be nasty viewing.

McCaffrey out, Tidser and Bachirou major doubts, O'Brien, doubt.

11/10 on County for me.

I'm resigned to them all making it (bar McCaffrey). However if they are all out, then I'll scream like a teenage girl at a Justin Bieber concert.

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There's been so many daft Morton threads this week, I'd actually forgotten abot this one.

You're obviously still well placed this year and must have a decent chance.

There's no doubt though that some Morton fans just set up a result like this with their recent nonsense on here. Here's hoping they learn something.

Well of course you didn't literally set it up - I thought you'd have understood that.

However, you could figuratively be said to have invited it in a 'tempting fate' type of way, and Morton fans certainly invited the schadenfreude which followed for the rest of us.

At a stretch, I could maybe claim that the arrogance evident on here was indicative of a wider complacency at the club, but that would indeed be stretching it, so I won't.

Much in the same way Livi fans did in the run up to the opening game of the season against us. However, that result seemed to cool things down in that respect. If I remember correctly there were a few Morton fans on that ripping them for getting ahead of themselves too.

I don't think I'll ever get bored of re-visiting this thread.

It it is an underated thread and I think it should be rated higher than the one star it currently has.

Ah well, at least this didn't come back to bite you on the arse. Lets hope Monkey Tennis 'learns something' from visiting Methil and Brechin next season.

GIUY and GTF down to the seaside leagues.



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:lol: :lol: These absolute diddies didn't lose again today did they?

Got three more than you lot today though, on top of four out of six from you chaps so far.

I'm prepared to admit that I hadn't realised quite how brilliant Tidser was.

Every week without him, the magnificent Morton seem to struggle really badly.

Throughout the autumn and now into the winter, his reputation grows and grows. Is he now better than Messi?

You should have gone back a further week.

That's when this hilarious and seemingly unstoppable slide kicked off.

I refer all honourable gentlemen to my previous question.

Note to Mods: Is there any way I can just get it to show up automatically at around 5 o'clock each Saturday?

It would be a real timesaver. Thanks.


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Brilliant, the Morton fans are now squabbling among themselves like the membership of some already fragmented lefty splinter group.

There are idealogical difference here which may prove difficult to reconcile.

On the one hand, there are the Morton fans who think their team is really shit.

The opposing camp however contains the followers who think the team is seriously, alarmingly, scarily shit.

This could be messy.

Pull up a chair.

Monkey Tennis --- This is that good that it could easily be pay per view . Things would be boring if everyone was reasonable like us so thank god for Morton fans

Well played Biggie.

Been away all weekend myself. Some Tidserou chap has kept this thread dormant for a bit, but it's good to see it revived via our utter ownership of those hapless buffoons from Greenock this season.

Seriously son, sort out this "use" business.

It makes you sound as stupid as your team looked today.


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Ah well, at least this didn't come back to bite you on the arse. Lets hope Monkey Tennis 'learns something' from visiting Methil and Brechin next season.

GIUY and GTF down to the seaside leagues.



This was my favourite part:

At a stretch, I could maybe claim that the arrogance evident on here was indicative of a wider complacency at the club, but that would indeed be stretching it, so I won't.

Except this is exactly what he did, for several weeks. That's what happens when chin-strokers get over-confident: they start chatting shit.


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I would like to thank our good friends from Greenock, as they have kindly donated us 8 points from a possible 12 this season. Two wins at Palmerston and two draws at Cappielow mark them down as good guys in my book. :)

Shame it still wasn't enough ;)

Edited by IainMorton
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:lol: :lol:

Well played VT.

To be honest, I'm not too gutted - I've been resigned to it for a while.

We have been truly dreadful from beginning to end and deserve our fate.

I'm in reflective mood - at one point I stroked my chin - and among the things I'll miss about this forum are the box office posters.

I'm just clinging to the indisputable fact that if Rangers die this season, it'll still be my finest ever as a football fan.

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