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The Wire


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Had a week off with f**k all to do so I've started over again. A few episodes of series 1 left to watch....again....for about the 10th time.

Good characters:

1) Marlo

2) McNulty

3) Stringer Bell

4) Ziggy

5) Bunk

6) Omar

7) Lester

8) Boadie

9) Slim Charles


11) Wee Bey

Shite characters:

1) Cheese

2) Prop Joe

3) Valcheck

4) Daniels

5) D'Angelo Barksdale

As for favourite scene:


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Had a week off with f**k all to do so I've started over again. A few episodes of series 1 left to watch....again....for about the 10th time.

Good characters:

1) Marlo

2) McNulty

3) Stringer Bell

4) Ziggy

5) Bunk

6) Omar

7) Lester

8) Boadie

9) Slim Charles


11) Wee Bey

Shite characters:

1) Cheese

2) Prop Joe

3) Valcheck

4) Daniels

5) D'Angelo Barksdale

Valcheck and Prop Joe are fucking quality. I would agree on Boadie though, didn't know he was about 30. And there are not redeeming qualities to Chris.

It's actually interesting to see which actors originally auditioned for which roles, I won't say the actors name because they won't be recognizable but Cedric Daniels went for Bubbles (and was second choice), Slim Charles went for Marlo and Marlo went for Cutty.

And the campaign organiser for Carcetti went for Daniels originally.

And the former policeman called Jay Landsman went for the role of himself and didn't get it, and instead was the number two for the legalise drugs major in season 3.

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I doubted this from the very beginning, sure they kept referring to her as a women but I thought they were taking the piss! Didn't want to check wiki until I had finished watching the show but when I did there is quite an interesting story behind who she is and how she got part.

Basically a convicted murderer and drug dealer from Baltimore who met Omar in a nightclub and went on to play herself for two series laugh.gif

Yeah, at the start I was kind of annoyed at how far fetched the plot was but by the middle I was gripped, and genuinely didn't know how it would turn out.

I watched the entirety of the show in about 2/3 months so can't really differentiate between the quality of the seasons, I enjoyed them all.

As much has been discussed about the best characters, mine is Bunk by the way, there is a few characters I will pick out as being particularly poor.

Chris Partlow is the worst offender, how is this guy muscle? Physically he isn't intimidating, the performance from the actor was average and the character was just devoid of anything interesting to say or do. Weebay was a far better character, not to mention Snoop.

Avon, as mentioned elsewhere. Initially, you think Stringer is the physically intimidating mobster and Avon is the weedy intellectual, then it emerges Stringer is the clever one and Avon is the reckless and stupid one, as well as being not even remotely intimidating.

From the police side I thought Greggs was poor, but Herc underrated.

I have forgotten his name, but the press guy who runs Carcettis election campaign in series 4 is excellent.

And I've just started watching Sopranos and have watched season 1 of Oz. I would recommend the latter. Adebesi (not correct spelling) is a superb character.

I would disagree with you re Chris Partlow, I thought the guy played the role well, done in a really creepy way. He represented the new breed of gangster who would kill anyone, anytime for any reason or none at all. Wee-Bey represented the 'old-school' who lived by a kind of moral code.

'Muscle' is not a word in the literal sense in a world where all violence is carried out with a gun, the most feared enforcer could be a skinny wee guy the height of shite. What I did disagree with about his character was the way he all of a sudden had a family etc tacked on at the very end.

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Bunk burning his clothes in the bath to get rid of the "pussy smell" was a personal highlight for me.

According to the season five extras - I'm honestly not the kind of guy who usually watches extras - that is based on a true story about a Baltimore homicide detective.

I would disagree with you re Chris Partlow, I thought the guy played the role well, done in a really creepy way. He represented the new breed of gangster who would kill anyone, anytime for any reason or none at all. Wee-Bey represented the 'old-school' who lived by a kind of moral code.

'Muscle' is not a word in the literal sense in a world where all violence is carried out with a gun, the most feared enforcer could be a skinny wee guy the height of shite. What I did disagree with about his character was the way he all of a sudden had a family etc tacked on at the very end.

I don't think it was creepy, maybe the actor just wasn't good enough. And I accept that an effective enforcer doesn't have to be big but he did beat a guy to death, and was later described as a very powerful man, he certainly doesn't appear to be one.

Weebay was certainly more entertaining, and he was involved in the torture of Brandon in season 1 so perhaps not one for the 'moral code'.

And yeah, that was poor. Different people have different interpretations of characters, but I though throughout Chris was a poor character, he doesn't even have an entertaining gangster nickname!

Another word about Clay Davies - best silver tongued politician performance ever, helped by superb writing. And apparently the actor got his trademark off his uncle and, as Banterman mentioned, had already played the Clay Davies character in a movie. The 'sheeeit' was already written into the script when the actor was called up to resume the role.

I love the idea that he does it in real life :lol:

Edited by Supras
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Another word about Clay Davies - best silver tongued politician performance ever, helped by superb writing. And apparently the actor got his trademark off his uncle and, as Banterman mentioned, had already played the Clay Davies character in a movie.

25th Hour. Bizzarre stuff. You go "Oh there's Clay Davis playing a poh-lice" then he busts out a "sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiitttttttt" and you're head explodes.

I prefer Carcetti in the politcal charcter stakes personally. Couldn't decide if I sympathised with him or hated him. Nicely rounded.

Edited by banterman86
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25th Hour. Bizzarre stuff. You go "Oh there's Clay Davis playing a poh-lice" then he busts out a "sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiitttttttt" and you head explodes.

I prefer carcetti in the politcal charcter stakes personally. Couldn't decide if I sympathised with him or hated him. Nicely rounded.

Clay had always seemed familiar to me when I watched the show but I could never place him. Then I re-watched 25th Hour (great film) and when the door opens and he comes in I pretty much gave a round of applause (yes, in my living room).

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So what are the opinions on other David Simon TV fayre, Homicide, The Corner, Generation Kill and Tremé?

Homicide I can take or leave, though Detective John Munch is worth the admission price on it's own. The Corner I thought was incredibly depressing and it was a real slog getting through that series. Generation Kill was absolutely fantastic, no heavy handedness with the rights or wrongs just a great depiction of soldiers doing their job.

Tremé though is by far my favourite, and I think I might even prefer it to The Wire. It was just perfect, from start to finish. It's also probably got the finest soundtrack ever assembled for a TV series.

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I effin love the Wire but surely the Sopranos got there first??

It's a different form of storytelling, the Sopranos is basically the story of one man and his day to day life. The Wire however is a contemporary Dickens, or Walter Scott novel. The story is really about the city in its entirety, and every aspect of life in the city is explored from the lowest classes to the very elite. Then you can go on to substitute Baltimore society for society as a whole in 21st century America.

The Sopranos is a fantastic show, no argument, but it is essentially a character study. In The Wire though you probably have the most ambitious attempt at scripting a TV serial ever. It is just that good.

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Weebay was certainly more entertaining, and he was involved in the torture of Brandon in season 1 so perhaps not one for the 'moral code'.

Brandon was a stick-up boy and therefore fair game for anything. I did say a 'kind' of moral code, obviously a guy who kills people for a living isnt going to be the nicest.

Its all in the game, baby.

I love the idea that he does it in real life :lol:

I like to think the guy has the same patter in real life, probably not though.

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Apparently the guy who played him is an ex gang member and I know that Snoop Pearson (played by Snoop Pearson) served time for murder and was brought into the show after meeting one of the actor's (might'v been MKW) in a night club. I think the real air of authenticity running through the wire is its main strength.

It's very authentic :P

I don't know what's more surprising - she does this in real life or that she's 30.

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Chris Partlow is the worst offender, how is this guy muscle? Physically he isn't intimidating, the performance from the actor was average and the character was just devoid of anything interesting to say or do.

I know everyone will have have their own opinion, but I think it worked better that they didn't go for the obvious, cliched huge meathead black guy, that had been shot 5 times but survived it. Surely the intimidation factor comes from his actions/reputation on the street rather than appearance. When he caves in the skull of Bug's dad (that was brutal, I turned away during that scene), they left the body on the street to be found - everyone would know he was someone not to be messed with. Snoop's reaction in that scene was brilliant.

Avon, Marlo, Snoop, Brother Mouzone, and even Omar were not huge intimidating guys by appearance - it was the knowledge of what would happen if you crossed them.

I thought Chris worked well in the show - he didn't need to have a huge background story, I thought less was more.....you were never let in close enough to get to know Marlo, Chris and Snoop in the same way we did with others like Stringer. I have to agree with others that it was disappointing the way they tacked a family onto Chris at the end of season 5.

Probably the funniest scene in The Wire (Season 3):

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Just finished this yesterday, simply a superb show. Although I was very disappointed to see how Dookie ended, he was always one of my favourite characters. The scene with him and Prezbo in the fourth season where Prezbo gives him half his lunch and money for a drink really tugged at the heart strings for me; that's the kind of thing that always gets me.

I was seeing in the Press & Journal today that the girl that played Snoop, Felicia something, was arrested in real life with about 30 others yesterday in Baltimore on drugs charges. It also mentioned how as a teenager she was charged with second degree murder or something along those lines.

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I like to think the guy has the same patter in real life, probably not though.

The actor claims he picked up the mannerism from his uncle, and did it before he starred in the show.

I know everyone will have have their own opinion, but I think it worked better that they didn't go for the obvious, cliched huge meathead black guy, that had been shot 5 times but survived it. Surely the intimidation factor comes from his actions/reputation on the street rather than appearance. When he caves in the skull of Bug's dad (that was brutal, I turned away during that scene), they left the body on the street to be found - everyone would know he was someone not to be messed with. Snoop's reaction in that scene was brilliant.

Avon, Marlo, Snoop, Brother Mouzone, and even Omar were not huge intimidating guys by appearance - it was the knowledge of what would happen if you crossed them.

I thought Chris worked well in the show - he didn't need to have a huge background story, I thought less was more.....you were never let in close enough to get to know Marlo, Chris and Snoop in the same way we did with others like Stringer. I have to agree with others that it was disappointing the way they tacked a family onto Chris at the end of season 5.

Probably the funniest scene in The Wire (Season 3)

All those charecters had something else, apart from Avon, who I also didn't rate. And Omar certainly was intimidating with his appearance, as was the sheer composure of Mouzone.

I've already went into it in more depth, but I just didn't buy this character as an 'enforcer'.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Got really into it recently, only seen the first two seasons, about mid-way through the third at the moment.

This is my favourite bit so far:

"Did he have hands? Did he have a face? Yes? Then it wasn't us."


Also accidentally slipped my hand when trying to give you a green dot and accidentally gave you a red. To make up for it I'm going to give you two greens from other posts.

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And Omar certainly was intimidating with his appearance,

Couldn't agree more, especially when he turned all psycho after they fucked up his boy.

Just the sight of him walking down the street with his shotgun and whistling farmer in the dell is bone chilling.

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