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Black Mirror

Al B

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I wouldn't worry about spoilers ruining the first episode, the David Cameron clone shagging a pig element is introduced at the very start. I enjoyed the first one much more than the second, fell asleep half way through to be honest...

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I didn't manage to catch the first episode, although intending to, and now that I've read reviews I probably won't in a hurry having been spoiled badly on the twist, but will eventually get round to it I'm sure (probably once 4od comes onto the Xbox, but I digress).

Yeah as the guy above says, there is no twist...it's just a straightforward (albeit unusual) story. I guess thats kind of why I wasn't sure what to make of it, something that unusual tends to have a twist that makes you go "ahhhhhhhhh right!", but with that it was just a completely linear story of events.

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I enjoyed the first one,but i was always waiting for something to happen in the 2nd,liked the idea that it was piss take of the crapola factor,and how people would sell theres souls to get off the grind of life for a bit of fame though

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I watched the third, and thought it was pretty good, but much preferred the 2nd to it. It was a good story, and nice and simple this time, but I think the ending, although good, was a strange one.

The point was obviously that this kind of technology would take over our lives, and the hour was spent concentrating on how it would be a very bad thing. But then in the end, because of that bad technology, the husband finds out his wife had cheated on him, and that his daughter wasn't his. If he hadn't had the grain, he would have never found this out, so you could argue that that was a good thing. But then on the other hand, maybe blissful ignorance is better than awful knowledge. I thought it would've been better served by cranking up his paranoia, then turning out that it was completely unfounded. The ending itself was pretty well done though, once again great acting from a small cast.

I really hope that Brooker gets involved more in things like this. I do love his Screenwipe series, but I think he's lost that edge that made them so great in the beginning. After all, he mercilessly attacked those TV celebrities in the first few series, and now he pretty much is one. Would be a bit hypocritical really. Newswipe was pretty good and let him do some of the more serious stories, which he does very well, but he is clearly a talented writer, and I look forward to Black Mirror Series 2, or something different.

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I liked all three, although my only complaint is that with the nature and style of the stories an hour wasn't long enough for them to be standalone episodes. Each one would have been much better if they had more time to develop the stories a little...maybe each one a 2-parter.

Also just found out that the 2nd one was written by Konnie Huq, the Blue Peter presenter!

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I liked all three, although my only complaint is that with the nature and style of the stories an hour wasn't long enough for them to be standalone episodes. Each one would have been much better if they had more time to develop the stories a little...maybe each one a 2-parter.

Also just found out that the 2nd one was written by Konnie Huq, the Blue Peter presenter!

I think an hour is more than enough for the concept and was actually too long for one or two of them.

Konnie Huq is Brooker's (now preganant) wife.

Only just caught the third one and I thought it was by far the best, which is a little ironic since Brooker didn't write it. It was done by Jesse Armstrong of 'Thick of It' and 'Peep Show' fame. This one was far closer to the ideals of The Twilight Zone and was both entertaining and thought provoking. With the progress of technology and the obsession with social networking, the whole idea of a 'grain' isn't that farfetched at all.

In response to the bit in the spoiler tag above -

The grain may have helped the guy expose the affair, actually more of a one-off shag, but it brought misery upon him. After he reflected on how much she clearly loved him and balanced this against one act of unfaithfulness, he decided his life (and maybe everybody's) would be far better off without it.

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Not yet cuaght the 1st one, but really enjoyed the 2nd and 3rd ones, with the 2nd being my favourite. Can't agree about them being too long, thought they were well paced.

Liked the points made in them and as some have said, it's not that much of a massive leap to imagine something like them being reality.

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I think an hour is more than enough for the concept and was actually too long for one or two of them.

In a weird way, that's kinda what I mean. In the sense that each one could potentially have become a bit more involved, but because they didn't have the time-slot they had to start tying everything up instead, so it kinda ended up in a middle ground. Not having the time to embellish anything left it feeling a bit empty.

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  • 1 year later...

Did anyone catch the first episode of the new series on Monday? Really enjoyable but very creepy and an interesting concept. Must say I'm looking forward to the next ones now.

Yes. Thought it was very good. Very, very creepy as you said, but an interesting study into human grief and the things people might do when dealing with it.

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I thought it was quite a strong episode, though it fell away a bit for me towards the end. Considering Charlie Brooker keeps throwing around the Twilight Zone comparison, it has to be said that this one got very close to the spirit of the kind of ideas Rod Serling used to develop.

To my mind the last series had only one really good episode, hopefully this series can go at least one better.

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One of the best things on the telly right now. Tonight's episode was something else.

Like all the episodes, it's dark, satirical, and most frightening of all, completely possible at some point in the future.

And it also has the feel of a kinda modern day Hammer House of Horror. Which was also great.

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