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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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No, Dave.

I'm not trolling anybody.

There is only like 3 Rangers fans on here and I don't care if they quote me or not, we still stand united.

Your club are shit - all I would have to do to troll you is make you realise how shit your club are instead of you obsessing over Rangers while remaining glib to the real outset.

You're trolling yourself with your repeated incessant posts in Rangers threads every day which are all meaningless.

If Rangers threads stopped on P+B you would be like the guy in school whose class is all away on a trip and he is walking about with no mates all day extremely bored.

Ok maybe you don't know what Troll means.

I genuinely wouldn't be like that, but thanks for your concern.

I'd love to see you try to make me realise how shit my club is. That would be a laugh.

Incidentally, why did you dodge the first question?

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Dave, this isn't Rangers related.

if you want small chat go back to your side letter pm's - asking people questions no doubt plus making rhetoric, senile, glib parrot-like statements about gers like usual like you do in the threads all the time.

Edited by RangersMind
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You're the shit bag Dave - up at 2am nearly crying, obsessing over Rangers huddled over your dusty pc waiting for me to reply. Not this time. I'm not going to feed your obsession. Bye.

@i have outed Dave.j As a spam poster

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No, I was saying that I won't spam post this thread non stop with meaningless posts like you do every day whilst not even making a contribution like you. If I was a mod I would delete your posts every day because it must be very very hard for anyone else to find real information to read in the thread because of your repeated senile glib posts where you obsess with RFC posters all the time over meaningless info, I'm not going to engage in that anymore unless you make the discussion meaningful for once.

Yeah you said the same thing 2 minutes ago.

Then replied to me again.

So we can add gutless to your list of traits. Lying, gutless, shitebag.

Imagine resigning from a football forum, coming back, resigning, coming back, then... Creating a new user name.

You're a joke, pal. What ever you want to get from here. It's not working. Maybe resign and come back under a new name.

Third time lucky.

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I don't know what on earth you're talking about but your head is in the clouds Dave.j you've maybe spent too much time spam posting in this thread and not enough time living or sleeping it seems like.

I don't want to get anything from the forum, I want you to stop quoting my every post and that of all other RFC posters while asking them a question that means nothing every time in your spam post manner

That's why I won't reply to you ever again unless it's Rangers related. Remember, I am the king in this forum.

Ps calling me gutless? You're like a goldfish in this thread quoting every RFC post every 10 seconds asking them a glib question that's meaningless like 10 second tom

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I don't know what on earth you're talking about but your head is in the clouds Dave.j you've maybe spent too much time spam posting in this thread and not enough time living or sleeping it seems like.

I don't want to get anything from the forum, I want you to stop quoting my every list

you haven't posted any lists.

I could post your top 3 resignations.

Or your top 3 meltdowns.

Would that help?

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Your obsession has overcome you. What a pity. Everyone else will get to read how I proved you are like a goldfish by spam posting off topic questions and parrot like statements every 10 seconds. 5000 posts and counting from Dave but not one of them as juicy as my post where I proved false information blogger JJ is a liar today

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Your obsession has overcome you. What a pity. Everyone else will get to read how I proved you are like a goldfish by spam posting off topic questions and parrot like statements every 10 seconds. 5000 posts and counting from Dave but not one of them as juicy as my post where I proved false information blogger JJ is a liar today

You're not actually a parody account are you?

You really, genuinely are a thick, bewildered, monobrowed, bellend with no friends and body-odour that would strip the gloss paint off a door-frame.

Edited by Ned Nederlander
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The usual for Pie and Bovril

Prove someone wrong then they spam post 20 posts so you lose the evidence in the back pages of the thread, and when all else fails resort to an insult that usually fails like above this is the usual from CFC minded bigots who also usually support JJ and philco

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