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Getting all upiity about 'WATP' and treating it as all sinister and stuff, passes for measured and sane stuff in Bumpkin city? or perhaps it is the wild and inaccurate predictions he makes and gets wrong on a daily basis that push him into this category, then again it maybe just the fact that he praised Neil Lennon and wished (his team) well before a CL match that you class as measured and sane.

It was a comment on the site, rather than the work of JJ himself, was it not?

That was my understanding. I was just addressing the bit in blue which was indeed entirely measured and sane.

I saw no mention of Lennon and did not think the author of the bit I addressed had made any either.

Am I mistaken here?

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We are the people comes from an old chant which was used in the govan shipyards and factories during industrial actions and carried over to the terracing.

Hadn't heard that one before.

Do you mean that it's origins are all Socialist? Have you got a link to evidence of this?

It would be ironic, given how the phrase is now used, and wouldn't detract from the soundness of the point made earlier in blue.

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The site is ran by a celtic fan pretending to be a Rangers fan, that is simply fucked up before we even get to the content.

The bit in blue was the author ranting on about 'WATP' alongside painting a picture (if you include the full article) that King should just admit to 'something' he then immediately went to to mention the court case (as he did before the WATP bit), we can only assume therefore that he is suggesting King should have just plead guilty today, which of course would have been utterly ridiculous given how the Judge ripped through the utterly ludicrous case put before him before throwing it out.

Ok, So I was addressing the stuff provided, which I referred to as sane and measured.

You've chosen to respond by attacking me for where I'm from, while saying that someone else altogether said something silly, and the author of this bit, said something silly elsewhere.

Nothing at all about what was wrong with the bit I was clearly commenting on.

Pretty poor stuff Ted.

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Oh come on, the real meaning behind WATP has already been guessed by some, let me recap;

I don’t consider myself a brave man, nor am I a seeker or justice or truth like so many of my counterparts on other side of the Old Firm. But I can no longer stand by and watch the club I love be ruined by hate and bigotry.

As a responsible law abiding Rangers fan who supports his club through thick and thin I feel it is my duty to expose the secret truths of Rangers Football Club in a bid to cleanse it forever of its toxic elements. Although this may be hard and shocking for some of you to read, I am going to lay bare the truth behind some of the songs, statements and style of Rangers.

Let’s start with one you will all be familiar with but may be unaware of its secret meaning: We Are the People. It sounds harmless right? Wrong.

"We are the People" of course refers to Unionist leader and first Prime Minister of Northern Ireland, James Craig, who in 1921 declared that NI would be "a Protestant State for a Protestant People." He made this declaration after a conversation with Bill Struth, who of course had taken over as Rangers manager the previous year.

A little known fact is that James Craig was a keen footballer before entering politics and almost became Bill Struth’s assistant at Ibrox. When the two friends met up in secret they often discussed their proud Catholic hating Protestant roots and had regular meetings of a secret club known as “We Are the Protestants” (WATP) preceded by many a secret handshake. Struth decided this was too contentious a name and We are the People was born and exists as an anti-Catholic masonic organisation run from within the corridors of Ibrox to this day.

The Club logo fills us all with pride. The colours, the words, the lion – they all hold a special meaning to Rangers fans worldwide. But it also holds more sinister secrets you might not be aware of.


It should also come as no surprise that the WATP Organisation were behind a plot named the “Ready to Destroy Ireland” movement of 1973, or simply, “Ready,” which is why it now appears on the club crest.

Rangers new boy Nicky Clark this week declared “I'm ready for round two.” This was a sickening secret anti-Irish comment from Clark who was inducted into the WATP Organisation just six days earlier. Not only that, but the lion which stands so proudly on the badge that is printed on your child’s shirts and t-shirts every year, covering their now vile and twisted bigoted little hearts, is a nod to the Norman invasion of Ireland in 1169, and more specifically Henry II, who in 1171 took Dublin and accepted the fealty of the Irish kings and bishops and was known simply as The Red Lion in Ireland from then on.


The original chant was indeed 'We are the Prods' !! (WATP)

The Who picked up on it in their 1979 film production of Quadrophenia. Wee Roger Daltry knew the score!!

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Dunno, but he's done Tedi a favour. Rather than tackle the actual matter at hand, Ted can instead ridicule something ridiculous that nobody on here has either said or attempted to defend.

Tedi? Use a strawman? Surely you cannot be serious?

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Hadn't heard that one before.

Do you mean that it's origins are all Socialist? Have you got a link to evidence of this?

It would be ironic, given how the phrase is now used, and wouldn't detract from the soundness of the point made earlier in blue.

It was in an (older) book thst I read, the song every other Saturday has similar origins.

Historically the support was working class and I'd guess that a lot of the support back then had socialist leanings.

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It was in an (older) book thst I read, the song every other Saturday has similar origins.

Historically the support was working class and I'd guess that a lot of the support back then had socialist leanings.

Yes, logic tells us that that must have been the case.

Indeed, similar logic tells us that there must in recent decades have been overwhelming Labour support among Rangers fans and that the SNP must currently command lots of support among them.

I know you for instance, support the SNP Bennett. I was at the Ibrox game in late August last year when the big 'No' banner was unveiled and widely applauded. I also know that the George Square post referendum hassle was inspired by Unionist types who'd identify with Rangers.

It must surely be however that a great many in that Ibrox crowd must have voted Yes three weeks later and subsequently voted SNP a few months later.

Genuine question(s): Have I got this right, or are the vast majority really Tories and/or Unionists as regards Scotland's position at least?

If not, does it not piss off lots of people to have the support's identity hijacked in this way?

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Oh come on, the real meaning behind WATP has already been guessed by some, let me recap;

I dont consider myself a brave man, nor am I a seeker or justice or truth like so many of my counterparts on other side of the Old Firm. But I can no longer stand by and watch the club I love be ruined by hate and bigotry.

As a responsible law abiding Rangers fan who supports his club through thick and thin I feel it is my duty to expose the secret truths of Rangers Football Club in a bid to cleanse it forever of its toxic elements. Although this may be hard and shocking for some of you to read, I am going to lay bare the truth behind some of the songs, statements and style of Rangers.

Lets start with one you will all be familiar with but may be unaware of its secret meaning: We Are the People. It sounds harmless right? Wrong.

"We are the People" of course refers to Unionist leader and first Prime Minister of Northern Ireland, James Craig, who in 1921 declared that NI would be "a Protestant State for a Protestant People." He made this declaration after a conversation with Bill Struth, who of course had taken over as Rangers manager the previous year.

A little known fact is that James Craig was a keen footballer before entering politics and almost became Bill Struths assistant at Ibrox. When the two friends met up in secret they often discussed their proud Catholic hating Protestant roots and had regular meetings of a secret club known as We Are the Protestants (WATP) preceded by many a secret handshake. Struth decided this was too contentious a name and We are the People was born and exists as an anti-Catholic masonic organisation run from within the corridors of Ibrox to this day.

The Club logo fills us all with pride. The colours, the words, the lion they all hold a special meaning to Rangers fans worldwide. But it also holds more sinister secrets you might not be aware of.


It should also come as no surprise that the WATP Organisation were behind a plot named the Ready to Destroy Ireland movement of 1973, or simply, Ready, which is why it now appears on the club crest.

Rangers new boy Nicky Clark this week declared I'm ready for round two. This was a sickening secret anti-Irish comment from Clark who was inducted into the WATP Organisation just six days earlier. Not only that, but the lion which stands so proudly on the badge that is printed on your childs shirts and t-shirts every year, covering their now vile and twisted bigoted little hearts, is a nod to the Norman invasion of Ireland in 1169, and more specifically Henry II, who in 1171 took Dublin and accepted the fealty of the Irish kings and bishops and was known simply as The Red Lion in Ireland from then on.

Mad phills latest blog

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Yes, logic tells us that that must have been the case.

Indeed, similar logic tells us that there must in recent decades have been overwhelming Labour support among Rangers fans and that the SNP must currently command lots of support among them.

I know you for instance, support the SNP Bennett. I was at the Ibrox game in late August last year when the big 'No' banner was unveiled and widely applauded. I also know that the George Square post referendum hassle was inspired by Unionist types who'd identify with Rangers.

It must surely be however that a great many in that Ibrox crowd must have voted Yes three weeks later and subsequently voted SNP a few months later.

Genuine question(s): Have I got this right, or are the vast majority really Tories and/or Unionists as regards Scotland's position at least?

If not, does it not piss off lots of people to have the support's identity hijacked in this way?

Not many Tories in my neck of the woods, most bears that I know of vote labour and a fair few are SNP. Saying that on follow follow and other Gers sites the unionist/Tory stance is quite vocal, being staunch is the in thing. Given the numbers there has to have been a fair lot of bears who voted Yes/SNP, I mean the SNP took Glasgow in the election and referendum.

I'd like to see us embrace our Scottishness more but I've always had that 'romantic' bit in me about Scotland.

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