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You think saying you don't think something will happen but you hope it does is ooooft worthy do you? Put the spade down Tedi ffs.

Leave him. He thinks that people cared about the outcome of the case for reasons other than ammunition for piss taking. Ask him about the fraud case and how it's result may impact on the ownership of Rangers assets. He will disappear.

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lol, obviously you think that stating the possibility that something may not happen protects you from being mocked for openly stating what you hope happens.....it doesn't.

Lying again? I'm shocked. There is a world of difference between your "stating the possibility that something may not happen" and his "I'd be shocked at that tbh", but you keep pretending Tedi. Since you enjoy it so much here's a freebie:

I would love for the old firm to die completely in the next 20 minutes, it's a fervent hope but I'd be shocked if they did tbh.

Assuming you fail to see just how stupid this sounds feel free to say ooft in 21 mins.

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I never denied crowing about it.

Another curve-ball ! What does that even mean ?

You accused me of not answering a 'simple' question that I've twice now went out my way to point out was actually an incorrect assumption on your part and you reply with the above !

and please stop with all the 'i like you' crap, 'cringe' I think you are a c**t, you think I am a c**t, honesty is always the better approach in my opinion.

Well at least I can understand that bit.

I aint got any issues with the 'Rangers' posters on here, indeed I can remember telling you a while back that you lot were missed back when this sorry saga kicked off - I've also dished out a fair few greenies to 'Rangers' posters over the years so I'm happy to ackowledge when they make good or valid points.

You stating you think I'm a c**t reflects more on you than me.

Edited by Ned Nederlander
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Nope, you may have noticed the King has not replied to the question I asked him, good of you to keep fighting his corner though.

You do not give a f**k about the OF dying, you never have, it is all about Rangers for you.

I never fail to see how stupid you 'sound', no need for an ooooft here.

That was pathetic even by your standards tedi.

The King answering or not has nothing to do with you saying something really stupid. No matter what reply The King could possibly provide it would not change the fact that what you said is cretinous at best.

All about the rangers? That's your white flag that is - you may as well log out now.

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It was spot on, bosshogg has openly said that it would be nice for all of you if DK was jailed an xmas present as he put it, if you think him adding a disclaimer 'it may not happen' means he cannot be laughed then you really are thicker than I thought.

For you, absolutely, here you are on yet another crusade to protect one of you celtic supporting mates, you did it numerous times with dhense, numerous times with johnnyc, you really become an angry mess whenever a Rangers fan laughs at them.

Not my fault tedster. It just so happens your 'best' posts are generally when conversing with celtic fans. All reason deserts you when you talk to them - it's hilarious.

Also can you please stop with the lying? 'it may not happen' and 'I don't see it happening' are so far from each other it's comical. Equating them instantly makes anything else you claim suspect.

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If only it was just me you get all angry at, this nonsense may have just about got you through this, it is not just me though.

I am not lying, both are shite disclaimers, neither would ever work.

It's no coincidence that your equally intelligent fellow fans also have their best posts when talking to celtic fans, but you keep believing whatever you want if it makes you feel better.

If you aren't lying you simply don't understand English. Ask Kinky, I'm sure he'll be glad to explain varying degrees of certainty to you and there is a slim chance you might believe him since he supports the same team as you (I hope that's not really true but sadly I suspect it is).

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It's no coincidence that your equally intelligent fellow fans also have their best posts when talking to celtic fans, but you keep believing whatever you want if it makes you feel better.

If you aren't lying you simply don't understand English. Ask Kinky, I'm sure he'll be glad to explain varying degrees of certainty to you and there is a slim chance you might believe him since he supports the same team as you (I hope that's not really true but sadly I suspect it is).

Will "slim chance" be interpreted now as you wanting it to happen more than life it's self? Or will he realise that what you actually want is for Tedi to stay dumb so we can keep laughing at him?

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lol, obviously you think that stating the possibility that something may not happen protects you from being mocked for openly stating what you hope happens.....it doesn't.

I hope i get a threesome with 2 page 3 sluts tonight.

I actually think It wont happen.

ETA hope no one laughs when it doesnt happen!

Edited by THE KING
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All this for laughing at a lie and pretending to be too stupid to realise.

FTFY. I know in your world the idea that the celtic fan is irrelevant is an anathema to you but I'm afraid that's just the way it is. Even if the celtic fan was a rangers fan what you said would still one of the daftest things you've spouted so far.

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It means I never denied crowing about it, fairly obvious I would have thought, it seems this somehow bars me from asking questions about it though :huh:

But what did that have to do with what we were talking about ?

It's starting to feel like a long time ago now but this current run of posts was about you wrongfully believing I was saying that the money wasn't in the bank :huh:

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Deary me Ned, you are a touchy wee soul, I am not allowed to ask questions, now it seems I am not allowed to confirm that I was crowing about something.

I'm genuinely not following this Tedi.

I made a simple point, you asked a question, I reponded, you suggested I hadn't answered your question, I reponded again and you replied with a seemingly random comment.

Now you're suggesting you're not allowed to ask questions or make seemingly random comments!?

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