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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Yeah, I knew that. I've been grave dancing for 4 years since. Fair burns the calories.

As the phrase Old Firm is redundant, what can we use to describe present day Celtic / Rangers 2012 FC synergy?

C***s United.

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Apologies from me for all the 'yin' nonsense.

No complaints at all on the temporary ban, completely deserved.

I will not be making anymore attempts to bypass the word filter.

Are we deid yet?

I thought you had been banned for a couple of days, not a few years. Of course you are deid. ;)

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Yeah, I knew that. I've been grave dancing for 4 years since. Fair burns the calories.

As the phrase Old Firm is redundant, what can we use to describe present day Celtic / Rangers 2012 FC synergy?

There isn't one, at least no in any way comparable to the SFA/sfl, spfl love in with sevconia. And that isn't driven by Celtic , but by the other clubs through their chairmen.

Smsm is culpable for maintaining the myth, but until the non Celtic / sevconia fans stop buying/reading their shite that won't change.

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Except the F word isn't. Probably a pretty accurate description for a large % of the Celtic support and indeed a fair number of fans of some other clubs.

It is NOT sectarian in itself , but banning it is like banning the word 'black'. Indeed , the F word's meaning is faaaaaaaar from sectarian , and just because shit the beds like the self appointed wankers of nil by mouth say it is, doesn't mean it is true.

Now I admit I probably don't know enough about all this to pass comment but I'll stick my nib and and suggest that whilst a word may not actually be offensive it's use as a means to cause offence takes it over that threshold!?

When someone shouts the "f" at someone they do so in the belief that it will cause offence and in many occasions I guess it will - can we then just dismiss it cause the roots of the word are not actually sectarian?

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Now I admit I probably don't know enough about all this to pass comment but I'll stick my nib and and suggest that whilst a word may not actually be offensive it's use as a means to cause offence takes it over that threshold!?

When someone shouts the "f" at someone they do so in the belief that it will cause offence and in many occasions I guess it will - can we then just dismiss it cause the roots of the word are not actually sectarian?

You mean that guy I annoyed the other day wasn't calling me a bundle of sticks? :(

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The 'F' word you refer to is archaic. I'm interested in where the assertion about the large percentage of the Celtic support comes from, though I understand that people turn epithets on their heads.

The F word was never sectarian when it applied to the people who first used it, but in the footballing context some bright boys have made it so and use it as such. It's complicated but it is sectarian, maybe not in your postcode area but in general it is not used to flatter an identifiable group.

The F word is like 'Mau Mau', which was used to insult people of African origin.

Courts? Well, arguably courts sit in a little bubble but I think in most courts you'll find a dictionary and in that dictionary the word 'sectarian' will appear. In order to work, laws need consent and that comes from the public. Maybe you can see where I'm going with the rest of this.

Aprops nowt, when my late mother was young, a shade of shoe polish called 'n*gger brown' was common in shops. Times change, standards evolve and nothing is set in stone, not language and not the law.

As to 'two cheeks', are you seriously asserting that the former Rangers and Celtic never made common cause in business and sporting matters? Your ignorance is astounding.

Do cars have postcodes? I suppose they do, just a little more variable than most.

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How to spend 500k?

What a choice

Pay the bills or spend it all on a player we can't afford?

Pay the bills or spend it all on a player we can't afford?

Pay the bills or spend it all on a player we can't afford?

spend it all on a player we can't afford!!

logic defeated

diddies defeated

Bank credit??? wtf

Warchest? Who needs a warchest when we have real Rangers men throwing loan money at it when we need it.

Champions League here we come!!

We are Rangers we do what we want

F... you Celtic, diddies, Spears, BBC and especially you Mike Ashley. and spelling.


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The word "Klan" is clearly inappropriate.

The KKK is an organisation notorious for racism, bigotry, violence, intimidation, etc., and mainly composed of insecure, socially-disadvantaged and poorly-educated white males.

Rangers fans, on the other hand, have proved themselves incapable of forming an organisation.

Seems legit :unsure2:

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We would all be more convinced with you moral stance if you ever applied the same standard to your fellow fans who relentlessly refer to Celtic fans as Bheasts, Plastics Terrorists sympathisers and child abusers not to mention mocking their Irish heritage.

The day you start pulling up your own fans and demanding this stuff is banned , and also stop singing about being in a Nazi loving Facist racists gang...I'll stop refering to you as the Klan.

One thing i don't post is describing Celtic fans as beasts or child abusers. Terror sympathisers, yes, most certainly, after all not one person can state that there is not any support for terror groups amongst the Celtic support, as there is amongst Rangers fans.

Now enlighten me, what exactly does the term 'The Klan' mean as regards to Rangers fans, if it doesn't imply that we're all racist?

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One thing i don't post is describing Celtic fans as beasts or child abusers. Terror sympathisers, yes, most certainly, after all not one person can state that there is not any support for terror groups amongst the Celtic support, as there is amongst Rangers fans.

Now enlighten me, what exactly does the term 'The Klan' mean as regards to Rangers fans, if it doesn't imply that we're all racist?

So you are happy to generalise that they are all terror sympathisers. But unhappy if rangers fans are generalised as racist.

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So you are happy to generalise that they are all terror sympathisers. But unhappy if rangers fans are generalised as racist.

Huge sections of the celtic support join in and sing songs glorifying terrorsists regularly ,

What back up do you have to label Rangers as racists

Historically the celtic fans have had more issues with racism than Rangers

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Huge sections of the celtic support join in and sing songs glorifying terrorsists regularly ,

What back up do you have to label Rangers as racists

Historically the celtic fans have had more issues with racism than Rangers

I've never labeled them as racists you fuckin clown.

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