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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Prior, a childhood Rangers fan, owns around 2.5 per cent of the club and has invested £1million in the last 12 months.


1. How has he invested £1 million in the last year? AFAIK they haven't issued any shares, so he must have bought existing shares. That hasn't helped the "club".

2. £1 million for 2.5% means he values Rangers at £40 million. Does this "financial genius" know something we don't?

3. Do the bigots know that their "club" is part-owned by someone called Kieran, who doesn't appear to share their religious affiliation?

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1. How has he invested £1 million in the last year? AFAIK they haven't issued any shares, so he must have bought existing shares. That hasn't helped the "club".

2. £1 million for 2.5% means he values Rangers at £40 million. Does this "financial genius" know something we don't?

3. Do the bigots know that their "club" is part-owned by someone called Kieran, who doesn't appear to share their religious affiliation?

but, but, but 5 stars said there was no mechanism for investing :huh::lol:

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I'm not an expert in Clubs, like you seem to be, but I think you'll find that no Club of any description whatsoever has a legal personality.

Therefore they cannot "own" anything.

That also includes your Club.

That's not the case though as the rest of us recognise that our clubs are companies with legal personality.

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1. How has he invested £1 million in the last year? AFAIK they haven't issued any shares, so he must have bought existing shares. That hasn't helped the "club".

2. £1 million for 2.5% means he values Rangers at £40 million. Does this "financial genius" know something we don't?

3. Do the bigots know that their "club" is part-owned by someone called Kieran, who doesn't appear to share their religious affiliation?

You can invest into something without taking ownership. If he gave the club money to pay for a player or players for example then he would see it as investing in the team in the hope that he would see a better return with better results.

Was his 2.5% previously owned or bought with the investment mentioned?

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3. Do the bigots know that their "club" is part-owned by someone called Kieran, who doesn't appear to share their religious affiliation?

He's supported Rangers since childhood, that's all that matters, certainly not his name. Typical behaviour though, those who throw insults about our support and religion, are usually the ones who continually bring it up when completely irrelevant to the subject. Speaks volumes.

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He's supported Rangers since childhood, that's all that matters, certainly not his name. Typical behaviour though, those who throw insults about our support and religion, are usually the ones who continually bring it up when completely irrelevant to the subject. Speaks volumes.

Should we expect any protests when Father Michael O'Flaherty is appointed chairman?

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He's supported Rangers since childhood, that's all that matters, certainly not his name. Typical behaviour though, those who throw insults about our support and religion, are usually the ones who continually bring it up when completely irrelevant to the subject. Speaks volumes.

Note that I wrote "the bigots", not the Bears, or the H***s, or the K**n. The only people I may have insulted are the bigots, who are of course a tiny minority. ;)

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Note that I wrote "the bigots", not the Bears, or the H***s, or the K**n. The only people I may have insulted are the bigots, who are of course a tiny minority. ;)

A completely irrelevant point, but you thought you were being clever by bringing the guy's name up to have a wee dig. Well done you.
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A completely irrelevant point, but you thought you were being clever by bringing the guy's name up to have a wee dig. Well done you.

Only a bigot would see it as a dig, surely?

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1. How has he invested £1 million in the last year? AFAIK they haven't issued any shares, so he must have bought existing shares. That hasn't helped the "club".

2. £1 million for 2.5% means he values Rangers at £40 million. Does this "financial genius" know something we don't?

3. Do the bigots know that their "club" is part-owned by someone called Kieran, who doesn't appear to share their religious affiliation?

And a 'plastic' too! Born n bred in England yet calls himself Irish.

He loves nothing more than going to the pub to watch Ireland play so he can sing the Soldiers song and pledge his life to Ireland ....just like his fellow 'plastic' Rob Keirnan!..sore wan for the klan who use ' plastic' all the time.

Ps before he invested in Rangers anyone got any evidence that this "Raised in Salford by a devout Catholic family whose origins lie in the west of Ireland" was a life long Rangers fan?!

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When you say our support you include the entire spectrum from the football fan who supports the club to the bigot who sees Rangers as a vehicle for his or her toxic view point.

and you also say our religion?

is religion so important to all Rangers fans??

is this why some Rangers fans want to appear superior to everyone else, not just because their club has a full trophy room?

there's nothing like religion that can bring out the arrogance and superior nature in some people, even above money or success

the subject of religion is something that constantly gets brought up often by certain Rangers and Celtic fans without any prompting by supporters of other clubs

Its not difficult to see why Rangers football club itself are at odds with certain factions in the support who regard anyone who doesn't share their view point as not real Rangers people with in their mind what is 'traditional' Rangers values. Are you defending them?

I didn't say 'our religion' at all. The inference that it would be an issue was there,because of the guys name, its completely irrelevant for an investor in the club, our detractors just can't leave it alone though. The obsession runs deep.
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Bennet has a plan....


An interesting email...

One of the more interesting emails received on this site was from a fellow I will not name, but the content certainly piqued my interest.

It went something like this:

"As Rangers fans we want the best for our team and our Club. As a member of, and monthly contributor to the Rangers First Fund, it dawned on me that the way to get Ashley and Sports Direct out of our Club is to hit him and them where it hurts... in the wallet. As he has shares in Rangers why don't Rangers First have shares in Sports Direct and create a noise from within his camp?

We want him (and his crew) out of Ibrox as quickly as possible - primarily because he's getting away with daylight robbery; and we 'seem' powerless to stop him. It is often said that you have to 'speculate to accumulate', that is, you have to pay to gain. What if Rangers First bought shares in Sports Direct with an entirely sole objective of giving them away? Yes, 'giving them away'? What a waste of Rangers First money? Ah, no! We pay to gain! Gain what?

If Rangers First were giving Sports Direct Shares away, no one else would be able to sell their Sports Direct shares and no one would want to buy any either. Sports Direct shares would in effect be worthless.

We could buy up £100,000 worth per month to give away on a monthly basis. We could have a very public monthly give away of these shares. It seems hugely costly, and seems like we're giving our money away... and oney that could be used for buying Rangers shares. It's not wasteful if it gets Ashley and Sports Direct off our back sooner than the inevitable 7 years.

The value of Sports Direct would drop (plummet?) on the stock exchange and become worthless if people could receive shares for free. The bad press surrounding this for Sports Direct would be another cost.

Shareholders in Sports Direct wouldn't be long in demanding a complete withdrawal from all things Rangers, to protect their investment.

Making it known that this was being considered would worry many at Sports Direct. But the key is to be ruthless - like Ashley himself - in seeing it through, and doing it. If it had to be done for many many months it would be worth it. Even if it was for 6 years it would be worth it if Ashley and Sports Direct were to depart just 1 year before the contractual 7 year termination of contract agreement. The shareholders in Sports Direct wouldn't want their shares valueless for that long. Just imagine what damage this could do to that company.

We have the power. We are Rangers. Ashley and the Sports Direct shareholders don't know how determined or ruthless we can be for the life of our Club. We should play him at his own game, and win."

Is this madness, genius, or a bit of both?

Ibroxnoise.co.uk at 20:27


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The value of Sports Direct would drop (plummet?) on the stock exchange and become worthless if people could receive shares for free.

Or alternatively, the price would rise if existing shareholders knew they could sell them every month to a bunch of absolute fucking fruitloops.

ETA: Even though I'm sure it isn't the intention, this wouldn't be the worst scam in the world. Use someone elses money ('the fund') to buy shares in a sizeable company. 'Give' them away to the 'right' people. They can sell them back to the original owners at half the price. Original owner then sells them back to 'the fund' at full price. Repeat ad infinitum. Everyone's a winner apart from 'someone else'.

Edited by Joey Jo Jo Junior Shabadoo
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I didn't say 'our religion' at all. The inference that it would be an issue was there,because of the guys name, its completely irrelevant for an investor in the club, our detractors just can't leave it alone though. The obsession runs deep.

Really? You accused me of "Typical behaviour though, those who throw insults about our support and religion ...". (Post #206027). Seems pretty clear to me.

For what it's worth, I wasn't insulting your support (except the bigots who are allegedly a 'tiny minority'), nor indeed religion. If I was insulting anyone it was the bigots.

I would respectfully suggest that anyone who mentions "our" religion in the context of a football club is probably somewhat less than un-bigotted.

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