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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Nacho might have not been the brightest but two things he did know in life that held him in good stead 1)how to say no thanks 2) how to place the ball in the back of the celtic net That was all he really needed


That and a hatered of Catholics. With that, he'd always be one of The People.

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I am surprised that no one is commenting on the fact they are now £9.25 million in debt and still losing money. Although with a promotion likely they might have a chance to break even next season. I am assuming that is when the warchest will be opened?

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if Rangers Football Club (or whatever they are called) wish to pay their previous debts from their previous incarnation then I (and I am sure everyone else) would have no problem with the "continuation/same club" narrative


Otherwise, you are a contemptible spoiled brat of a club and if you can't see why others would view you as such then I feel sorry for you.


can't have your cake and eat it springs to mind.



I read a wee while ago that King is going to rescue Oldco from liquidation and make 'Rangers' the Traditional Rangers again, says it'll put and end to folk saying they're not Rangers anymore,


The process must be quite advanced by now 'cause it was like September or something he said all that, I expect we'll get an update soon.

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Well being from Spain I would guess their was a strong chance he was most probably brought up a catholic you absoloute moron , wether he still is one or not I don't know nor care

I must hold my hands up and admit my mistake. He doesn't hate catholics. He just thinks celtic fans are Paedophiles.

I'm sure folk will understand, when thinking of the dregs of society like wee Nacho and his allegiance to the bigots of the Southside of Glasgow, it's an easy mistake to make.


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I would prefer if you whine / bitch / howl at the moon and bump your gums forever about this to be fair, honestly please never stop.


Ok, so just to get these few points clear, if you don't mind.


You are saying that Rangers' supporters are actually delighted that everybody else of a non Rangers persuasion views what your club did as contemptible, and whose fans, instead of being enraged by the last few years, actually aggressively bask in the glory of being morally corrupt? and furthermore, you feel hard done by and victimised for having to re-apply as a new club in division 3?


If these things are true, then it is little wonder you are held in contempt by most fair minded observers.


Also, I suspect that you (and your fellow supporters) were lazy and let your club die because deep down you always knew that you'd somehow find a way of continuing (by hook or by crook), and no surprise, that is exactly what happened.


Instead of being ashamed by that though, all we see are displays of blatant triumphalism. The reality is, that you should all be completely ashamed of yourselves.


What an embarrassment from top to bottom your club was and still is.  

Edited by xj2011
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Ok, so just to get these few points clear, if you don't mind.

You are saying that Rangers' supporters are actually delighted that everybody else of a non Rangers persuasion views what your club did as contemptible, and whose fans, instead of being enraged by the last few years, actually aggressively bask in the glory of being morally corrupt? and furthermore, you feel hard done by and victimised for having to re-apply as a new club in division 3?

If these things are true, then it is little wonder you are held in contempt by most fair minded observers.

Also, I suspect that you (and your fellow supporters) were lazy and let your club die because deep down you always knew that you'd somehow find a way of continuing (by hook or by crook), and no surprise, that is exactly what happened.

Instead of being ashamed by that though, all we see are displays of blatant triumphalism. The reality is, that you should all be completely ashamed of yourselves.

What an embarrassment from top to bottom your club was and still is.

I couldn't give a f**k what obsessed zoomers think about my club , majority of fans simply don't give a f**k about our situation anymore and find the dwellers of this forum just as much of weirdo's as what is Rangers fans think of you aswell , if singing "your not Rangers anymore" is what gets you by in life then carry on because we simply don't care especially when our team is putting four past your mob like we did to dundee in Saturday , they sang it as it is all they had left and the Rangers support just replied with a chuckle or a "weheyy" and a sarcastic clap Edited by forever_blue
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I couldn't give a f**k what obsessed zoomers think about my club , majority of fans simply don't give a f**k about our situation anymore and find the dwellers of this forum just as much of weirdo's as what is Rangers fans think of you aswell , if singing "your not Rangers anymore" is what gets you by in life then carry on because we simply don't care especially when our team is putting four past your mob like we did to dundee in Saturday , they sang it as it is all they had left and the Rangers support just replied with a chuckle or a "weheyy" and a sarcastic clap


Have you kept your Red Card you held up against Liquidation as a wee momento of when you knew the club might die?

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I couldn't give a f**k what obsessed zoomers think about my club , majority of fans simply don't give a f**k about our situation anymore and find the dwellers of this forum just as much of weirdo's as what is Rangers fans think of you aswell , if singing "your not Rangers anymore" is what gets you by in life then carry on because we simply don't care especially when our team is putting four past your mob like we did to dundee in Saturday , they sang it as it is all they had left and the Rangers support just replied with a chuckle or a "weheyy" and a sarcastic clap


I think we are getting to the crux of the issue here.


Although you failed to answer the questions I asked, I suspect I know what the answer would have been


And I repeat


"Instead of being ashamed by that though, all we see are displays of blatant triumphalism. The reality is, that you should all be completely ashamed of yourselves."

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