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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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You got lucky, and it was too small for Tesco at the end of the day. That is why they never developed it.

Tesco made an arse of it, and you survived. Not through great planning.

Not quite as simple as that. Indeed there is more than that but I'm not going into it in detail as it's pointless.

In any case our debt was actually fairly modest compared to other clubs and it was being taken down steadily. I don't know full details on the debt, but there is a school of thought that we'd have been in existence at Love Street and fine without the deal.

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I've been a season ticket holder at Tannadice for a number of years and have had by existing seat for over a decade. In that time I have seen other season ticket holders come and go. A few I know still attend matches more selectively, others have just decided they have better things to do with their time (and money).

It would be nice to think that SPL chairmen would use this opportunity to make changes that would have long term benefits for the game i.e. make the league more competitive and, therefore, more attractive. But I don't think they will.

Instead they'll bend over for Rangers II and, in the process, some more non OF season ticket holders will call it a day. It's not beyond the realms of possibility that I will be one of them.

You seem to be of the mindset that the OF are oppressive dictators. We saw in the 10 team SPL debate clubs were far from united. Celtic and Rangers were for it due to more chances at glamour friendlies. Aberdeen, Hibs and Accies were for it; Motherwell and St Mirren were on the committee that drafted it. United were most vocally against and Killie, ICT and Hearts voted against the plan.

When the topic of a 14 team league came up only 3 clubs were in favour (Killie, ICT and Hearts) so let's not go down the road of pretending that Rangers or Celtic are holding the cards when it comes to reconstruction. The simple fact is all the clubs can't agree.

If the SPL chairmen "bend over" as you put it they will be doing so knowing that they can't endanger the existence of their own clubs to get one over Rangers.

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Listening to Hugh Keevins discussing the subject on Clyde1 there. His stance is of a typical snivelling OF apologist - fans of other clubs would be left disappointed with fewer visits from Rangers.

I'm fairly sure the stats would show otherwise, certainly from my club's perspective, and anecdotal chat on here.

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You seem to be of the mindset that the OF are oppressive dictators. We saw in the 10 team SPL debate clubs were far from united. Celtic and Rangers were for it due to more chances at glamour friendlies. Aberdeen, Hibs and Accies were for it; Motherwell and St Mirren were on the committee that drafted it. United were most vocally against and Killie, ICT and Hearts voted against the plan.

When the topic of a 14 team league came up only 3 clubs were in favour (Killie, ICT and Hearts) so let's not go down the road of pretending that Rangers or Celtic are holding the cards when it comes to reconstruction. The simple fact is all the clubs can't agree.

If the SPL chairmen "bend over" as you put it they will be doing so knowing that they can't endanger the existence of their own clubs to get one over Rangers.

Sadly, I think you're partly correct. Too many chairmen will be blinded by short term necessity.

I think Granny Danger is spot on with the thrust of his point. The molecule of integrity the competition has will be utterly demolished if Rangers get a soft touch. The impact that has on the mentality of normal punters should be considered. I am another who will have had it if this goes in that direction.

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Sadly, I think you're partly correct. Too many chairmen will be blinded by short term necessity.

I think Granny Danger is spot on with the thrust of his point. The molecule of integrity the competition has will be utterly demolished if Rangers get a soft touch. The impact that has on the mentality of normal punters should be considered. I am another who will have had it if this goes in that direction.

your not alone in the waiting to see the outcome, if Rangers are given an easy ride then i myself will have to think long and hard to part with my cash for a ST in a league that will have lost all integrity in my eyes

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I didnae' start it. Honest Guv...

All it needs is a cheeky wee bodyswerve to get it back on track. Like this....

Ellis apologising to the Rangers fans for introducing Whyte to the club. Ally McCoist shocked, but not surprised at revelations about Whyte. Gordon Smith firing a parting shot at Whyte as he leaves his post. Alex Salmond stepping back from the debate as Whyte's character is ripped to shreds... He becomes more toxic by the day. Can Whyte stick it out and 'finish what he started'.

Nicely back on topic. No-one will ever remember the off-topic posts when the thread hits 10,000 pages...

I was savagely beaten in the early stages of the debate for seeing right through Salmond's slimy actions on day one. As predicted he has now dropped interest in this whole grubby episode , just as he dropped his pal Fred the Shred .

For future reference, I can confidently predict that should by some miracle, Rangers come out unscathed, then Salmond will re-emerge and profess to be the key figure in all dialogue!!!!!! Politicians are on the same slime ladder as dodgy wide men like Whyte and Minty .

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Meanwhile, back at Duff & Phelps...

Aye, enough of this petty squabbling. There's a bigger fish to fry here and we all need to remember that..

Loving tonights Evening Tully where the two folk doing the prediction competition ( Reporter Tom Duthie and some bint fae Ladbrokes) both go for an ICT win this weekend...:lol:

I cannea see it masel but I really do hope so.. Can you imagine the rage on Ranjurs meedya..

So my I be one of the first on here to wish ICT all the fucking best.. We are all behind you..;)

Edited by The ghost of Jim Morton
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An Ibrox Farce – A Guest Post by Brogan, Rogan, Trevino & Hogan

I love words like “unwound” and “unknotted” and so on.

So let me simplfy this just a wee bitty.

Craig Whyte stands tonight as a secured Creditor for say £23Million– that’s the £18M Paid to Lloyds and another £5M for the sake of the buggeration factor.

Now let’s say– and it is eminently possible given his track record,– that he has made a cod of the security. So presume for a moment he says, OK, I am not secured.

But I am still owed £23Million cause I paid off Lloyds.

“Oh No you didn’t” says AJ–” you never invested a penny.”

“Oh Yes I did” says Craigie Baby—” I just punted a few seats after I got hold of Rangers, and I personally secured that sale to Ticketus.”

“I might have set it up before I secured Rangers, but I only drew down the money after I had control of Rangers– albeit within a few seconds— but the seats were mine to sell– just the same as they were yours to sell when you were in charge AJ.”

“Too damn righty ( we think ) says Ticketus! WE bought those seats from Whitey here— or if we didn’t then we bought them from someone, and at the end of the day our money paid off your debt AJ. So either you owe the money to Whitey or you owe it to us. Of course if you let us sell the tickets then you don’t owe us squat.— Do you get that? Squat?Seats? ah well”

“AH but we can’t afford to let you sell the tickets because we will go bust” screams AJ

” Right enough” says ticketus ” so we will just sell tickets to see whoever is playing at Ibrox anyway.” says Ticketus

“Eh, you might not be able to do that” says Duffus and Fuddus ( might copywright that one actually )

“Why?” says Ticketus and Whytey together

” Because, if Rangers are Liquidated and Whytey accepts he is not secured, then we might sell Ibrox to someone else in a new Company!”

“Well Secured or unsecured, I am still owed £25Million” says Whytey— “give me 40p in the pound and I will feck off to Costa Rica”

“Your arse and Parsely” shout everyone else.

Whytey rolls both eyes in different directions and mutters something in what appears to be Swahili!

“If you give him any money, then he has to pay it to me” say Ticketus ” In fact we might bankrupt him anyway cause we have a personal guarantee!”

” Not from me!” says Whytey

“What?” say Ticketus

” You don’t have a personal guarantee from me” Whytey replied

“Here it is here” say Ticketus

” Not mine” says Whytey ” Wrong name and date of birth and everything– look check my Passport!” Whytey reveals that he is a citizen of Liberia!!

Ticketus is stunned.

“Anyway ” says Whytey ” Not only do I have a claim- secured or unsecured– on the stadium and Murray park– I also own several players!”

“What?????” says Fuddus and Duffus

” I own several players” says Whytey “They are contracted to me, and so when they are sold on I get the dough– and not you!”

“Well why did we pay their wages then? say Fud & Duff

” Because, you are Fud and Duff” says Whytey ” WE knew that you would make a Cod of it, so we can claim your PI Insurance so as to get some money in the kitty– didn’t we Hector?”

A small man– a smiley man not unlike THE George Smiley man says ” Yes, I’m afraid that is true. You were appointed because of your reputation for incompetence and because you have a nice big shiney insurance policy that we can sink our teeth into” says Hector.

” But what have we ever done to you to desrve this?” say Fuddus and Duffus

” Nothing at all” Replied Hector/George with a gentle voice and a far away stare ” But you are insured with Lloyds are you not? And they deserve a right kick in the Nakas– if you pardon such Vulgarity. I am looking forward to claiming a few quid off them!”

AJ guffaws at this

” Mind you” says George/Hector ” That will not stop me from Liquidating the company when the big tax case comes in anyway– and after that I am suing all of the Directors for wrongful trading anyway– regrettably that includes you Alastair so I would save your mirth with respect!”

“Are you going to let him het away with this?” Shout Alastiar, Whytey and Ticketus altogether looking at Fuddus and Duffus.

” Perhaps I can help?” says a voice from the back of the room

” And you are?” enquires George/Hector

” I am Dave King!”

” Are you now?” Hector/George looks at Dave and says ” Yes, you can help enormously! Go and get us all a nice cup of tea and some buscuits… and try just for once not to get into any trouble whilst doing that.. eh?”

Dave looks crestfallen and leaves the room.

” Now ” says George ” The way I see it, is that secured or unsecured, on Paper Whytey is owed £25Million.. yes?”

There is a general nod– apart from AJ who has vowed never to nod again.

“Good. And I am owed £15Million and rising as we stand today” says Hector/George cleaning his glasses. Again there is a nod– apart from AJ who starts to whistly dixie ever so gently.

“So allowing for nobody else other than me and Whytey— You ( refering to Duffus and Fuddus ) have to come up with at least £38Million… Yes?”

Duffus and Fuddus nod, Whytey shouts ” Gawn Yersel Hector!”, Ticketus say nothing and AJ tries standing on his head just for the sake of it.

” Now, do you have £38Million?”

“No” says Duffus “Maybe” says Fuddus

” Please explain Mr Fuddus”

“Well if we and ticketus were to sell all the tickets over the next 3 years– we could get £38Million”

” Yea but I have already paid for my tickets, and so what ever I sell them for is my business– I have to make a profit!” Yells Ticketus

” So you do, Ticketus– and you will pay the taxes on that profit to me won’t you?” says Hector George

“Of course” says Ticketus

” But you see, i want all of the money” says Smiley ” Not just the taxable bit

” And where Do I come in?” says Whytey

” Oh, you can go and collect the money saved up by the Vanguard Bears and bring it to me”

” Your kiddng? They will kill me!” Screams Whytey

” Precisely” says Hector/George ” You are a Billionaire are you not?”

” Absolutely” says Whytey puffing out his chest ” I have assets all over the world and interests in many many businesses that I do not disclose”

” Absolutely. And so on your demise, you will be good for some inheritance tax– will you not?

” Eh no” says Whytey smugly ” It is all tied up in off shore trusts in tax havens where you cannot get your hands on it”

” And prey do tell who told you that Whytey?”

” Eh.. Sir David Murray…he organised it for me……”

” Do you undertsand why I am here at all Whytey and what lead to all of this? Sir David is a lunatic and so you cannot accept what he says at all Whytey. I am afraid your trust funds are gone”

Whytey starts packing a bag because he is not getting a good vibe!

” Look all I know, is that Sir David said that I could buy Rangers for a quid.. and that it would all go smoothly with a nod and a wink”

” I never Nod” says AJ ” and I don’t wink, and I don’t walk away either… i was in the Boys Brigade”

” Ah the old brigade?” says Duffus wistfully

” Your not allowed to say that in Scotland so shhhhh!”

The door opens and a group of men walk in. One says

” I have an idea, why don’t we unravel this whole thing?”

” Are you Irish? ” asks Hector/George

” English” comes the reply

” You sound Irish”

” I am Irish”

“You just said you were English!”

” I am Irish, but my name is English, and I write for the Scotsman!”

“Which Scotsman? Where is he?”

” The Newspaper!”

” Well this is all very confusing. Where do you pay your taxes?”

” We are not here about my Taxes– we are here about Rangers- the fans have a right to know”

” Ok.. and who are these people?”

” This is Chic Young” says English in an Irish accent

” It’s Chico time” shouts Whytey and then ” Oh.. I am not talking to you! I am only talking to Tom and Jabba”

“Jabba?” asks Hector/George

” He means me” says a fat man at the back ” I am Jim Traynor from the Daily Record”

” And who is the small chap with you?” asks George

” I am with the BBC, my name is Mark Daly ”

” So we have Irish English Scotsman, Jabba Daily Record, Daly BBC and…..?”

” I am Spiersy… I’m freelance!”

” My dear boy, John Inman delivered that line far better, and nobody calls me Lance unless it is in one of those clubs in Edinburgh– you know the ones– down by the Bridges with the late night entry and after I have stopped being Hector for the day! . Nice scarf by the way and I do like the chords. I DO so like a nice trousered gentleman”

The assorted Press just look at one another.

” Are Rangers going bust?” asks Chic

” No” says AJ, Ticketus, Whytey, Duffus and Fuddus

” Yes” says Hector quietly

” But, I have a rescue plan” says Chic to everyone’s astonishment!

” Well let’s hear it then” shouts Whytey

” Look St Mirrin is for sale for £2m. Just buy them and their licence, they are in the SPL, change their name to Rangers 1872 Ltd and Bob’s your Aunty. Sell St Mirrin park for another Tesco or Sainsbury– that will get about £70Million– give it to Hector, Ticketus can then sell the seats, sue Duffus and Fuddus and get a few quid off Lloyds— come on Fuddus and Duffus you guys don’t pay the money anyway, let the bears kill Whytey so Hector gets the inheritence tax–Sorry Whytey but you are a fanny, and seen as we signed Mo Johnstone twenty years ago– sign Messi, Iniesta and Xavi, sell the TV rights to Spain and Argentina and just watch the cash roll in …………. and we will all write it up as if it is the greatest come back since Lazarus. Apart from tell tale Mark.here .. but he won’t say anything because scoop Guidi has the photos of him, Jackie Bird and Shereen Nanjani in the sound recording booth at the BBC night out Last Christmas complete with mini handcuffs on his winkie, which big Jackie always said she would give me back by the way…. oh and I want my season tickets for nothing for the next ten years…!”

There is a stunned silence while evryone ponders this suggestion. Hector/ George starts to nod, as do all the rest with smiles on their faces.. apart from Whytey who is busy trying to figure out how he can fake his own death… something he sees as a challenge.


A small fat man wearing a sweatshirt with the initials AMcC walks into the silent room and stares from one to the other. It is George/Hector who breaks the silence

” Well……… OK……. but we will have to sack this fanny to make sure we get some dough in the door…………………….

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I agree with every single word of this. Remarkable.

First Division forum for this pish! :lol:

Again - I like the sentiments and I want these things to happen - but the "death" of Rangers which you're basing this on is just misty eyed fantasy and nothing more. Do you honestly think that an entity called "Rangers" won't be about after this?

Hence my part at the end regarding a hasty reconstruction in order to get the resurrected Voldermort FC back into the top flight as fast as possible "legitimately". That said, it may in turn however see Vlad or someone else cry "foul" with UEFA over it - and even if they don't, it may still mean trouble.

After all, the Hampden beaks happily saw Gretna and Livingston forcibly relegated to the bottom tier to maintain its "integrity" - if they start jumping through hoops for a successor club whose massive unpaid bills not only hurt other clubs but that nation's Revenue and Customs, the beaks at UEFA may decide that they're bringing the game into disrepute - and we are certainly no England, France, Germany, Italy or Spain with the clout at UEFA HQ to persuade them to grant an exception to a little "rule bending".

As I said before, Scotland's football chiefs need to get a grip of the reality of how meaningless Rangers are in the great scheme of things as far as the wider footballing world is concerned. Currently there's the possibility that the Turks may find their football league stripped of official recognition and their clubs debarred from European competitions next season due to an ongoing row over political interference in the running of the TFF (in the wake of the still ongoing match fixing investigations), something UEFA have made clear they refuse to tolerate. Just like HMRC, UEFA would have no qualms making an example of some diddy European football association in order to hammer the message home to the rest that they mean business.

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An Ibrox Farce – A Guest Post by Brogan, Rogan, Trevino & Hogan

I love words like “unwound” and “unknotted” and so on.

So let me simplfy this just a wee bitty.


Craig Whyte stands tonight as a secured Creditor for say £23Million

” Well……… OK……. but we will have to sack this fanny to make sure we get some dough in the door…………………….

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This saga is now entering the boring phase, either through lack of hard detail or a plethora of irrelevant and distracting stories.

Typical is the "Ally says we are not going ahead with the signing of Cousin". He knew it, I knew it, my granny knew it from the start. This was never going to happen and merely a distraction.

Administrators getting 2 people out the door so far. Yes only 2. Why are they holding on to the full squad? Plus loads of support staff in ticket office, PR - why are they still needed? Creditors must be asking why are you forking out money for players and staff who are not needed this season? Must be the most slow motion administration ever. Why???

Who is owed money? Forget HMRC, they will fight their own corner. But all the rest. The small companies scammed by Rangers who will probably be looking at laying off some of their own staff?

Before anything solid is happening, we have a Dave King photo opportunity with Ally - setup or what? Ellis being a nice guy and feeling guilty, but not too guilty. Paul Murray having meetings with the administrator. Are they talking about facts or just possibilities. All totally inconsequential until facts are known. But hell it keeps the idiots at the Record and Sun busy trying to make stories from all this nonsense.

This is a company which has stolen £80 million plus of OUR money. Action should be happening and be seen to be happening.

So beware the fluff and nonsense. Hateley (do anything for a few quid), Gough (Scotland career cut short) giving it big licks. Fills the tabloids though.

Essential to keep following the money. Not just in Whyte's time but the 10 years before as well. Thank God for the 2 blogs which keep the story on track.

The Rangers story must be told in its entirety.

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There would potentially be ways of 'placating' their fans, too.

One obvious way is to explain the financial consequences by way of lost sponsorship/TV income, gates, etc.

Another is for Rangers to be seen to be heavily restricted e.g. mooted 15pts deduction per season, for 3 seasons, plus European ban.

so could spartans for example offer to come into the SPL with a 15pts deduction per season for 3 seasons and a european ban

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best thing ive ever saw on facebook

the SPL shid rearrange aww rangers away gemz to be played at ibrox from noo till the end uv the season so we cin get mare money in to help uz out of admin

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