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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I'm quite partial to some twinings green tea but thats another story. The Dundee United thing has been brewing for a few years now and is due to Gers fans ebing charged twice for a game which was postponed while the United fans got in for free with their season tickets, then a few weeks ago that lovely wee baldy bloke spoke about banning gers fans from Tannadice.

Rangers fans are always talking about boycotting there, it never happens and never will. A bit of a moot point anyway.

They got in free with their season tickets? The utter b*****ds

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Or merger with Berwick Rangers? As the big rangers the govanites can keep that part of their name. New name Berwick Rangers.

Sell ibronx to lidl then move to Sheilfield. The bluenoses get to play in England and nothing really changes for wee Rangers fans as being the host club they keep their history, titles and team colours. Everyones a winner :P

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Explain what exactly?

Your attitude stinks, you've ranted on about how me much you hate Rangers/my kind (whatever my kind maybe?), as i said fair enough thats up to you.

Now i'm trying to watch Emmerdale farm so please and with the utmost respect do one.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with my attitude. You, I'm afraid, came on here with a superiority complex that a New Rangers, would somehow be doing the smaller clubs a favour by gracing them with your collective presence. I simply pointed out that as a support, you are a bunch of horrible cretins who most decent people wouldn't want within a ten mile radius of their ground on a matchday.

Please explain which part of my attitude bothers you most?

Is it the part where I told the truth that you have been bleeding the game dry for years?

Is it the part where I told the truth that your support and indeed former chairman at the point where you were diddling your way to numerous trophies, slaughtered the rest of Scottish football for being 'uncompetitive'?

Is it the part where I told the truth that you didn't seem too concerned about Scottish football when you were trying to put together a 'European Superleague' after the Englsih told you to in your own words: 'Do One'?

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Just heard on Clyde 1 thats Steven Davis has returned back to Murray Park tonight :huh:

At least he's used to late night at the Crucible. I'm worried about Lafferty leaving his dogs in the house shitting and barking all over the place....

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I'm quite partial to some twinings green tea but thats another story. The Dundee United thing has been brewing for a few years now and is due to Gers fans ebing charged twice for a game which was postponed while the United fans got in for free with their season tickets, then a few weeks ago that lovely wee baldy bloke spoke about banning gers fans from Tannadice.

Rangers fans are always talking about boycotting there, it never happens and never will. A bit of a moot point anyway.

I see what you did there - clever. smile.gif

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The frustrating things, a lot of Rangers fans want to start in Div 3 if liquidated, the fans of the other clubs want it, the only ones who dont want it are the worried chairman who would lose a bit of dosh.

What we need to do collectively (includes the Rangers fans) is to organise a protest that would kill Scottish football if Rangers go back into the SPL straight away.

The only way forward is for them to be treated like everyone else and to be fair most of their fans want this too from what Ive read on Rangers media (the ones who arent completely mental and think they can swan off to Spain or some other foreign country to play).

Reading again I think bennett might have misunderstood my post.

I was meaning that I would boycott any SPL grounds in the future where the chairmen voted in favour of keeping NEWRANGERS (or allowing NEWRANGERS to waltz straight back) in the SPL.

I didnt mean that about the SFL clubs voting a NEWRANGERS into the 3rd Div.

Its my understanding that its not the clubs who vote new teams into the league in the event of a space opening up.

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I suggest if any other SPL clubs have money issues now is the time to go into Administration. Pay nothing back, keep your current squad and waltz back in next season as good as new :)

And clubs like us who have been sensible over the last few decades can just GTF. :(

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There is absolutely nothing wrong with my attitude. You, I'm afraid, came on here with a superiority complex that a New Rangers, would somehow be doing the smaller clubs a favour by gracing them with your collective presence. I simply pointed out that as a support, you are a bunch of horrible cretins who most decent people wouldn't want within a ten mile radius of their ground on a matchday.

Please explain which part of my attitude bothers you most?

Is it the part where I told the truth that you have been bleeding the game dry for years?

Is it the part where I told the truth that your support and indeed former chairman at the point where you were diddling your way to numerous trophies, slaughtered the rest of Scottish football for being 'uncompetitive'?

Is it the part where I told the truth that you didn't seem too concerned about Scottish football when you were trying to put together a 'European Superleague' after the Englsih told you to in your own words: 'Do One'?

His problem is your failure to acknowledge that they are the master race and therefore the Big Hoose must stay open.

I'm afraid if you washed down a kilo of magic mushrooms with paint stripper, you still wouldn't manage to get close to the mindset that is your average Rangers fans' version of reality.

Edited by WaffenThinMint
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Just heard on Clyde 1 thats Steven Davis has returned back to Murray Park tonight :huh:

There was a suggestion on the bbc that there may be a press confernence later tonight. Christ knows whats going on though.

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There is absolutely nothing wrong with my attitude. You, I'm afraid, came on here with a superiority complex that a New Rangers, would somehow be doing the smaller clubs a favour by gracing them with your collective presence. I simply pointed out that as a support, you are a bunch of horrible cretins who most decent people wouldn't want within a ten mile radius of their ground on a matchday.

Please explain which part of my attitude bothers you most?

Is it the part where I told the truth that you have been bleeding the game dry for years?

Is it the part where I told the truth that your support and indeed former chairman at the point where you were diddling your way to numerous trophies, slaughtered the rest of Scottish football for being 'uncompetitive'?

Is it the part where I told the truth that you didn't seem too concerned about Scottish football when you were trying to put together a 'European Superleague' after the Englsih told you to in your own words: 'Do One'?

You think that by wanting a new Rangers to be in the 3rd division rather than the top flight is a superiority complex then you my friend are off your head.

I must have missed the part where Rangers were found guilty of anything. If we are found to have done anything wrong then i'd have no problems what so ever with us being punished

The super/atlantic leagues were pie in the sky, i've never wanted us to move to England or any of that rubbish, we are a Scottish club in my eyes. You seem to have a lot of daft stereotypes concerning Rangers fans, i suggest you take the time out and actually talk to some of us.

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I'm quite partial to some twinings green tea but thats another story. The Dundee United thing has been brewing for a few years now and is due to Gers fans ebing charged twice for a game which was postponed while the United fans got in for free with their season tickets, then a few weeks ago that lovely wee baldy bloke spoke about banning gers fans from Tannadice.

Rangers fans are always talking about boycotting there, it never happens and never will. A bit of a moot point anyway.

Firstly it wasn't just Gers fans that got charged twice, it was all non-season ticket holders and it was half price anyway! The game was abandoned at half time not postponed.

The second bit is also untrue AFAIK Thomson (already down £100k from ticket sales that rangers admin have) just stated he was going to sell tickets direct. The Daily Record made some stuff up about rangers fans not being welcome.

I really don't care if Gers fans boycott or not, I just don't like lies to continue.

Consider yerself telt eh!

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Firstly it wasn't just Gers fans that got charged twice, it was all non-season ticket holders and it was half price anyway! The game was abandoned at half time not postponed.

The second bit is also untrue AFAIK Thomson (already down £100k from ticket sales that rangers admin have) just stated he was going to sell tickets direct. The Daily Record made some stuff up about rangers fans not being welcome.

I really don't care if Gers fans boycott or not, I just don't like lies to continue.

Consider yerself telt eh!

Don't lie.

You're praying that every single one of them does. ;)

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If a NewCo Rangers are allowed to stay in Spl then I'll chuck fitba.

Totally pointless league.

Wouldn't happen to Killie or Hearts, so why should Rangers get special treatment?

Agree. Said same on You'll Never Take The Killie. If Rangers stiff the taxman and Scottish Clubs, had illegal contracts and stay in the SPL then I'm out - I've been going to Rugby Park for 34 years but I couldn't stomach that.

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Firstly it wasn't just Gers fans that got charged twice, it was all non-season ticket holders and it was half price anyway! The game was abandoned at half time not postponed.

The second bit is also untrue AFAIK Thomson (already down £100k from ticket sales that rangers admin have) just stated he was going to sell tickets direct. The Daily Record made some stuff up about rangers fans not being welcome.

I really don't care if Gers fans boycott or not, I just don't like lies to continue.

Consider yerself telt eh!

It was wrong to charge us twice, end off. Postponed or abandoned who gives really gives a f**k, it was wrong.

AFAIK? No idea what that means.

I'm sure that the record had quotes about El Baldylocks wanting to ban us --- i stand to be corrected.

Yes it was wrong for Whyte not to pay your team but remember that he's f**ked us over for millions and maybe finished us off in the process.

Gers fans won't boycott, we'll talk about it online but when push coems to shove it won't happen.

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You think that by wanting a new Rangers to be in the 3rd division rather than the top flight is a superiority complex then you my friend are off your head.

I must have missed the part where Rangers were found guilty of anything. If we are found to have done anything wrong then i'd have no problems what so ever with us being punished

The super/atlantic leagues were pie in the sky, i've never wanted us to move to England or any of that rubbish, we are a Scottish club in my eyes. You seem to have a lot of daft stereotypes concerning Rangers fans, i suggest you take the time out and actually talk to some of us.

Ahhhh, the old 'we're not all like that' argument. It always, ALWAYS boils down to this.

By reasoning that Rangers in the lower leagues 'would give the lower leagues a boost', then I'm afraid that's exactly what you're doing. Who from the lower leagues, ever said they want RFC, or their fans, about? You, in your first post, like most of your fellow fans have jumped to the conclusion that by gracing the lower leagues with your presence, then you'd be giving them a much needed shot in the arm by simply being there for a few years.

And that.....my friend..... is classic superiority complex.

And unfortunately, I live in a town, not 6 miles from Ibrox. It's awash (heh, a wash....ironic) with Old Firm fans, I've had enough conversations with them in my nigh on 30 years to form a suitable impression, thanks.

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Way back when this saga (for that is surely what it is) started to unfold, I stated my belief that there is no natural justice.

It seems to me that those who feed off our game, as opposed to those who simply follow our teams and hope for some form of fair and just competition to enjoy, will win the day. This is the climate we live in.

The parasites who contribute least - dried up hacks with their tittle-tattle in the red-tops; fawning buttock-parters such as Doncaster; semi-literate former players as 'pundits' etc. - will lobby tirelessly to ensure that the cash-cow lives on.

We are reaching a critical tipping-point in Scottish football now. I had deluded myself into almost believing that the situation at Rangers would serve as a wake-up call, and while the rest might take a short term hit, the overall outcome would be positive. Rangers fall would be the galvanising factor for other clubs to get their act together.

Sadly, however, I now cannot shake off the sense that things will tip the other way. Like many others, if things pan out as I fear they will, I will be thoroughly scunnered, and if my club contribute to this with a whimpering aquiescence, then I'll be as close to walking away as I've ever been. Closer than after suffering horror defeats, or enduring abject performance after abject performance. Diddy club supporters expect and accept that as part of the deal. I didn't sign up to witness a cheats charter being written, however. That isn't sport. Well, not for me it isn't.

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