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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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You don't want us then fair enough thats up to you but your attitude leaves a lot to be desired.

Think it pretty much the attitude of any fan that doesn't support rangers. How anyone can justify rangers walking away from this scot free is nothing short of a disgrace. If this was an election is some tinpot dictatorship the UN would be crawling over this. Unfortunately, its football, it's scotland so the rest of us have to bend over and take up the arse just so the mighty gers survive.

Criminal stuff.

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If Haudit and Daudit do indeed host a press conference tonight, my guess is that it would be to announce definitively that nothing else is happening tonight, to allow everyone to 'stand down' in regard to expecting late news. The media camped outside Minty Moonbeams Park can go home, and get a wee cup of tea.

If they announce anything more than that, I can't see it being any more than 'talks are ongoing', 'nothing has been ruled in or out'. 'everyone is working towards a resolution going forward'.... waffle, blah, blah, posturing, blah, blah, inactivity, waffle, waffle, bullshit....

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It was wrong to charge us twice, end off. Postponed or abandoned who gives really gives a f**k, it was wrong.

AFAIK? No idea what that means.

I'm sure that the record had quotes about El Baldylocks wanting to ban us --- i stand to be corrected.

Yes it was wrong for Whyte not to pay your team but remember that he's f**ked us over for millions and maybe finished us off in the process.

Gers fans won't boycott, we'll talk about it online but when push coems to shove it won't happen.

I will correct you...again

Non-season ticket holders paid 1.5 x for 135 mins of football. It would only have happened for an OF game because of the cost of the extra police. You have only yourselves to blame for the esteem that Taysides' finest hold you in.

The Record "MADE IT UP". Thomson never said you were unwelcome.

AFAIK...as far as I know.

Did Goodwillie having the good sense (now there is something i never thought I would say) not to go to your team not have something to do with this as well?

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Ahhhh, the old 'we're not all like that' argument. It always, ALWAYS boils down to this.

By reasoning that Rangers in the lower leagues 'would give the lower leagues a boost', then I'm afraid that's exactly what you're doing. Who from the lower leagues, ever said they want RFC, or their fans, about? You, in your first post, like most of your fellow fans have jumped to the conclusion that by gracing the lower leagues with your presence, then you'd be giving them a much needed shot in the arm by simply being there for a few years.

And that.....my friend..... is classic superiority complex.

And unfortunately, I live in a town, not 6 miles from Ibrox. It's awash (heh, a wash....ironic) with Old Firm fans, I've had enough conversations with them in my nigh on 30 years to form a suitable impression, thanks.

Like what exectly? Just like any other team we have decent guys and some not so decent in our support. I assume every single St Mirren fan is a gen up guy? We have a bigger support so we will have more dlcks in our support obviously.

Our fans filling up SFL grounds every fortnight would give those teams a much needed boost, if you think thats a superiority complex then thats up to you, your minds made up about it. I disagree with you but thats life my friend.

Oooh another stereotype, great stuff 8)

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Most of the Rangers fans I know are very comfortable with the fact that a newco Rangers would have to start again in division three.

In fact the ones I have spoken to about it would prefer that to any scenario that saw them slip straight back into the SPL.

Since a newco couldn't compete in European football for three years anyway they wouldn't really be missing out on much and the three years (at least) of bringing increased revenue to the SFL would at least see them doing some good in the sport after effectively cheating the national game for over a decade.

The fact the TV deal seems to mandate four old firm games and the old firm being in the top flight is an absolutely fucking ludicrous notion and goes completely and utterly against the whole competitive nature of the game of football. You cannot mandate where teams are going to finish before a ball is kicked, otherwise we may as well all chuck it.

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I will correct you...again

Non-season ticket holders paid 1.5 x for 135 mins of football. It would only have happened for an OF game because of the cost of the extra police. You have only yourselves to blame for the esteem that Taysides' finest hold you in.

The Record "MADE IT UP". Thomson never said you were unwelcome.

AFAIK...as far as I know.

Did Goodwillie having the good sense (now there is something i never thought I would say) not to go to your team not have something to do with this as well?

Whether we should have paid again for the game is matter of opinion, mine differs from yours.

What am i, public enemy number 1? (highlighted bit)

I'm not so sure about the Record making it up, Thomsons never been shy about having a dig in the past but i'll agree to differ.

I was never convinced that Goodwillie would have been a good signing for us, we needed someone to hit the ground running and i reckon it would have taken him a while to settle in )like Naisy did). Did i read somehwere that Blackburn haven't paid up for him yet?

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Agree. Said same on You'll Never Take The Killie. If Rangers stiff the taxman and Scottish Clubs, had illegal contracts and stay in the SPL then I'm out - I've been going to Rugby Park for 34 years but I couldn't stomach that.

Likewise, I was close a while back when these Celtic fucks were getting refs sacked etc, but this will definately spell the end for me. I was hanging on to a glimmer of hope that they'd get punished accordingly, but sadly and predictably the glimmer has gone.

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Whether we should have paid again for the game is matter of opinion, mine differs from yours.

What am i, public enemy number 1? (highlighted bit)

I'm not so sure about the Record making it up, Thomsons never been shy about having a dig in the past but i'll agree to differ.

I was never convinced that Goodwillie would have been a good signing for us, we needed someone to hit the ground running and i reckon it would have taken him a while to settle in )like Naisy did). Did i read somehwere that Blackburn haven't paid up for him yet?

This forum is all about opinions pardner. However the fact is that if you didn't want to pay for the half price game you didn't need to go. It ended up as 1.5 price for 1.5 games. Not robbery now was it.

Thomson has been vocal in the past about some of the practices in the SPL but I believe he has been even handed about it. No anti-Rangers bias , more anti-OF restrictive practices bias. He speaks for the wellbeing of his club as all chairmen should.

Can we agree that the Daily Record are lying scumbags?

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After Chick's ranting, I have to be honest - I never knew St Mirren really needed Rangers that much.

Oh we do - can't speak for anyone else but my Christmas was 10 times better thanks to watching Rangers the day before.

Chick Young is a bawbag of the highest order. He makes me want to smash my radio into pieces every time I hear his voice.

Perhaps we should write to Points of View?

"Dear Sir. While listening to Sportsound it came to my attention that Chick Young is a cock socket and sounds like a whiney little scrotum on the few occasions he withdraws his head from Walter Smith's ringpiece. Please do something about it."

You don't want us then fair enough thats up to you but your attitude leaves a lot to be desired.

We're not the ones who have been dropping our drawers every time someone involved with the Premiership or the North Atlantic Fisherman's League walks by.

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My thinking was always that no matter what, Rangers, or a newco Rangers, would waltz straight back to the SPL, after using administration / liquidation as a means to an end. Short term pain for the ultimate goal of cheating debts, shafting creditors, and just as Whyte said 'emerging stronger and fitter going forward'.

Then my view changed to 'no - this is serious stuff, there's a lot more still to come out, they're fcuked for sure'...

Then we have a day like today, with nothing at all from Haudit & Daudit, and that knobcheese Doncaster seemingly making noises about Newco Rangers coming straight back to the top table... and I go back to thinking that the basturts will escape Scot-free, just as I always thought.

The bottom line though is that no matter what i think, what knobcheese thinks, what Super Ally thinks, or what any of us think - we're only at the beginning of this. We haven't heard the last of possible double-contracts, wee tax case, big tax case, the legality of Whyte's take-over, the money in lawyer's accounts, the Ticketus deal, and HMRC themselves haven't said a word for a while. There's a million pounds a month still to be saved, there's money owed to other clubs, there's no sign of a genuine white knight or consortium ready, or able, to ride to the rescue.

Lots and lots of murky water to flow under this particular bridge yet.

Fasten your seatbelts...

Edited by pozbaird
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This forum is all about opinions pardner. However the fact is that if you didn't want to pay for the half price game you didn't need to go. It ended up as 1.5 price for 1.5 games. Not robbery now was it.

Thomson has been vocal in the past about some of the practices in the SPL but I believe he has been even handed about it. No anti-Rangers bias , more anti-OF restrictive practices bias. He speaks for the wellbeing of his club as all chairmen should.

Can we agree that the Daily Record are lying scumbags?

The record may have twisted what was said, i wouldn't put it past them.

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Bit melodramatic drooper, but good post mate

The melodrama comes from emotional exhaustion following the anticipation then deflation of the day.

This situation is messing with my head and turning me into a fucking luvvie :(

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The bottom line though is that no matter what i think, what knobcheese thinks, what Super Ally thinks, or what any of us think - we're only at the beginning of this. We haven't heard the last of possible double-contracts, wee tax case, big tax case, the legality of Whyte's take-over, the money in lawyer's accounts, the Ticketus deal, and HMRC themselves haven't said a word for a while. There's a million pounds a month still to be saved, there's money owed to other clubs, there's no sign of a genuine white knight or consortium ready, or able, to ride to the rescue.

Am I right in saying that is only to see them get to the end of the season? If they don't get a buyer by then they are officially fooked? Oh no, they will have season ticket money coming in then, wont they?

I am still wondering how they managed to get finance to pay for their pies on Saturday there to be honest.

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Am I right in saying that is only to see them get to the end of the season? If they don't get a buyer by then they are officially fooked? Oh no, they will have season ticket money coming in then, wont they?

I am still wondering how they managed to get finance to pay for their pies on Saturday there to be honest.

Its Admin fees are under a ton ;)

Edited by wunfellaff
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