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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I wonder if he actually enjoys the public side of his job a lot of the time.

It'll have it's enjoyable perks, for sure, but he's broadly reviled and mocked in equal measure - for policies which aren't, by and large, of his invention.

That may be so, but he is a clueless buffoon nonetheless.

At the very least, he ought to have the self-awareness and common decency not to come across as supercilious and smug as he does.

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So BBC Scotland interview Walter Smith..


He's sad at the administration and that.

Anyone else wonder why they never asked Walter about the second contracts or EBT's?

We have always been aware of the pro OF bias that exists in the Scottish sports media but their approach to this administration has taken them to a new low. Afraid to ask important and pertinent questions whilst ignoring the fact that the majority of supporters in Scotland think that Rangers should be paying the price for what has happened at the club.

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So BBC Scotland interview Walter Smith..


He's sad at the administration and that.

Anyone else wonder why they never asked Walter about the second contracts or EBT's?

Probably something to do with the fact that almost every single individual involved in Scottish football journalism is absolutely hopeless at their profession.

Edited by forkboy
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We have always been aware of the pro OF bias that exists in the Scottish sports media but their approach to this administration has taken them to a new low. Afraid to ask important and pertinent questions whilst ignoring the fact that the majority of supporters in Scotland think that Rangers should be paying the price for what has happened at the club.

I'm not surprised in the slightest, to be honest.

Nothing whatsoever will happen to Rangers in the long term. Too many fans in high places.

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I'm not surprised in the slightest, to be honest.

Nothing whatsoever will happen to Rangers in the long term. Too many fans in high places.

Whatever the reason - if the status quo remains and a post liquidated Rangers are re-admitted back into the SPL with a vote from Thomson then it only leaves me one problem. What to spend next next year's Season Ticket money on.

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If a newco Rangers are admitted directly into the SPL. Then f**k Scottish Football. :angry:

Have to agree with you,the only football i will be watching will be Match of the Day if Rangers are allowed to stay in the SPL.

Third division or nothing,thats what they deserve,cheating c**nts

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If Rangers players are being given the option of having their contracts ripped up and hence they are free agents (as with Wylde and Celik today) then why would ANY of them especially those at the lower end of their pay scale wish to wait and take a huge pay cut. Most would be able to pick up a club in the Championship almost certainly on more money than their reduced wage would be waiting at Ibrox.

Clearly it's in Rangers best interests to retain any player who would command a decent transfer fee once the window opens again so those will be the ones they will have to compromise with and by the sounds of it McGregor, Davis, Whittaker etc are all too aware of this and they appear to be the ones playing hard ball.

They can't afford to offload their biggest assets right now but to retain them means having to persuade the "poorer" paid player to take a bigger share of the pain which won't be easy. Bottom line is they cannot function with only the services of the 5 or 6 top earners - they need to retain some sort of squad to fulfill their fixtures.

What all of this farce does smack of is extremely weak administrators - sounds to me like the guys appointed to make the cuts and sort out the mess are being dictated to by the playing staff and management which is completely wrong. I honestyly can't see these guys being able to sort this out but who regulates the administrators - who are duff and phelps or whatever they are called responsible to ?

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FFS, what's with the gloom?

They are in massive hock to HM Revenue and Customs, who couldn't care a flying f**k about Scottish "traditions" and whatever "special treatment" Rangers are accorded up here c/o the funny handshake mob's grip all over the joint. As far as they're concerned Rangers are massive fraudsters in a tuppenny part of Great Britain PLC that 95% of its population won't bat an eyelid over their passing, least of all when English clubs like Portsmouth have to pay the price over far more trifling sums.

The irony is that the arch-Unionists may see still being part of that Union as being what finishes Rangers off. In an independent Scotland, HMRC would be leaned on politically to give them ultra-leniency. As part of Great Britain, what England says, goes, and no Coalition government is going to hand on a plate one hell of a "one law for the Jockos (and Northern Irish for that matter", another for the English" to the Disgusted Tunbridge Wells set of Middle England. With Darlington, Plymouth Argyle, Portsmouth and now Port Vale all up the creek, any political pressure to give leniency to a Scots club heavily associated with sectarian bigotry would be suicidal.

Add to that they now have the stock exchange after them as well, the Charity Commission on their case, UEFA unlikely to tolerate SPL or SFA rule bending at a time they're threatening to throw the very nation they're based in out of all FIFA competitions if they try the same for Servette and Sion, and growling similarly at the Turks - both nations of far greater importance to world football, let alone European - than our little backwater pathetically perpetually dining out on former glories of half-a-century ago.

There will be no magic escape capsule for them to zoom off in cackling in their wake, bloodied but scheming and arrogant as ever. This is the real world. In that real world Rangers are just another national business gone FUBAR. No one's interested in throwing massive sums to rescue a basket case that even if it remained alive would find itself being dragged through expensive court case after expensive court case for a decade, with no guarantee of more massive fines for malpractices from HM Government, UEFA, etc.

Donkeymaster and his pals in the media can play Rangers Twister for all they want - Rangers are dead. It's only a matter of when.

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Responsibility of the Administrators is meant to be to the creditors.

Not the fecking football club and its greedy players.

Fecking agreements are irrelevant.

Sack em all.

Welcome to the real world of business and what happens when you dont make a profit.

Sounds like McGregor and co would even go to the Govt for their statutory entitlement.

Edited by superbigal
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