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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I remember Hughes said it was the hardest thing he had to do as a manager - telling young guys from the academy they were being cut and not given contracts. lots of tears and it's not nice.

But it's a fundamental part of the job.

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12 hours away from my machine, nearly 500 new posted. I cannae keep up with this shite anymore. I take it other than a few verbal spats , nothing else new has occured today yet??dry.gif

The sum total of fuckall


Edited by EdTheDuck
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Looking at the SFA handbook I can't see any rule stating a club must have 3 years of audited accounts before becoming an associate member of the SFA. I think people are getting confused with the UEFA rule book. So New Rangers could apply for membership to the SFL or SPL, and the SFA, but couldn't compete in Europe for three years.

The criteria for Associate Membership aren't in the Handbook either - infact they don't appear to be online at all. However, they've been effectively (but perhaps not quite) harmonised with the Entry level Licensing, which does require 3 years audited accounts.

Also, Gretna 2008 have applied for SFA Associate Membership for next season, and notably this is the end of their 3rd year of existence. E.g.:


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The Rangers players only interest is getting the right (for them) release clauses in the new contracts.

The wage cuts are on the agreement they can walk away for nothing or next to nothing in the summer, and the Admin guys want something back in the summer. It is nothing to do with helping cleaners and cooks but agents and players looking for signing on fees rather than clubs getting transfer fees.

As for the Admin timetable - it's been 22days and we have had 4 voluntary walk and little else bar a fee for the Admin guys that must be in the high 6 figures by now and the debt of a club losing £1 Mill a month going up.

With that in mind what chance of offers being in by March 16th (9days away) and a CVA cleared and agreed and audited accounts done by March 31st (24days away), as keeps getting mentioned. Best long running comedy since Only Fools & Horese ended.

I reckon this is about the size of it.

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What I don't really get is here we are in the midst of one of the most significant periods of Scottish football, and people are discussing pyramid systems, which players should go or not and how many conspiracies are going on.

And then in the midst of it all, we have a TV programme looking at the future of Scottish football, and coaching techniques for kids.

All I am sure very important, but there is something much bigger at stake here.

We have one of the biggest, most successful and best supported clubs in Scotland (if not the world, not sure where Rangers ranked?) who have been run in what appears to be an illegal way for years, being acquired by a guy with a track record of dodgy dealings whom a judge/sherriff in a minor case found to be untrustworthy. And the club owned by a snakepit of interconnected companies that you could never pin down, and I am not just talking about Whyte's companies which had nearly the same name.

If this forum is a place for football supporters and normal citizens to have their say, the emphasis must be on weeding out the cancer that has been in the Scottish game. A shame on all of us. If we don't clean out the game now from top to bottom we will always have a corrupt game.

Fit and proper person test for ownership is a start and it must be better than what they have in England where Americans who cannot satisfy the criteria to own an American Football club come across to buy into a club here. Let us have a governing body that actually has the ability and will to govern. They are about as effective as the Press Complaints Commission has been shown to be. And clubs must run themselves legally and transparently and if they infringe then close them down, ban the directors. And supporters must be involved - with good existing models to work from including Barcelona, Real Madrid to the German clubs.

The guilty must be flushed out, some will go through the courts, others tainted enough to never be allowed near a sports club of any sort again. The guilty will be those who did the dirty deeds, but also those who turned away and did nothing usually because they were well paid to sit on their hands.

There will be naming and shaming which is long overdue.

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There will be naming and shaming which is long overdue.

The whole edifice would need flushed away and started again. The SFA and SPL have shown their true colours by waiting until Rangers are fucked/maimed/winged/wriggling before announcing their own investigations. They simply didn't have the balls to do it before

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It would be the end of the road for Celtic. Their crowds would dwindle.

Thge Old Firm's success is based on exploiting sectarianism, bigotry and hatred. They need each other to exist otherwise that exploitation would no longer be possible.

Once that goes then Celtic's days are numbered.

In the post war years before the mid 60s, the Edinburgh clubs got bigger gates than Celtic, and occasionally some of the other clubs. That is the way Celtic would be headed without Rangers. It would be a long slow death.

You are wrong.

Rangers and Celtic aren't really built on sectarianism, bigotry and hatred, those are just flags of convenience. Rangers and Celtic are built on tens of thousands of sad little scrotes who attach themselves parasite like to something which is successful to give their pathetic lives some sense of achievement.

The problem with one half of the duo failing is that it virtually guarantees a monopoly of success for the other side. I don't believe for a minute that if Celtic were aiming for a 10-in-a-row, which they surely will be, Celtic Park will be sitting half empty. Back in the 80's and 90's Celtic attendances struggled around the 10-15,000 mark but across the city, you couldn't get in to Ibrox, despite long periods when Celtic were barely a force.

As long as Celtic are successful, they will have a lot less problems than any of the rest of us.

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Fit and proper person test for ownership is a start and it must be better than what they have in England where Americans who cannot satisfy the criteria to own an American Football club come across to buy into a club here. Let us have a governing body that actually has the ability and will to govern.

I'm sure everyone on P&B would advocate adopting a robust fit-n-proper-persons test.

However, "the governing body" = the clubs, so it requires clubs to want that for themselves.

with good existing models to work from including Barcelona, Real Madrid to the German clubs.

Albeit when we're talking about debt (and debt-dodging), they're perhaps not the best examples.

Dundee also had strong supporter shareholding, and reps on the Board, but their latest debacle still happened.

But greater transparency would 100% be positive, yes.

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I don't believe for a minute that if Celtic were aiming for a 10-in-a-row, which they surely will be, Celtic Park will be sitting half empty.

Year 10 would be a sell-out and 9 would be busy. It's years 3 to 8 between the novelty value wearing off and TIAR being iminent when the crowds would be poorer. You don't have to have stayed the course to be making a noise at the end

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anyone else think there's a high-level in-joke with the Rangers former board; anytime you use the word incredulous or a derivative in a press release, everyone else has to pay into the pot.

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The problem with one half of the duo failing is that it virtually guarantees a monopoly of success for the other side. I don't believe for a minute that if Celtic were aiming for a 10-in-a-row, which they surely will be, Celtic Park will be sitting half empty. Back in the 80's and 90's Celtic attendances struggled around the 10-15,000 mark but across the city, you couldn't get in to Ibrox, despite long periods when Celtic were barely a force.

What you said about people wanting to attach themselves to success is true but there's no way Celtic won't lose fans in coasting to a non-Rangers SPL ten in a row. With money the way it is for most these days, significantly less people will buy season tickets for 19 games knowing the league is already won. there's no tension in these games - slip up? bothered, we're 20 points clear - and half of them will barely be competitive over 90 minutes. Instead they'll pick and choose their games on a walk up basis - no mid-weeks, rarely Sunday after Euro games and a lot less in the wind and rain. Yes, folk turned up at Rangers when they were dominant but they still had a rival to kick when they were down and a half the time were still challenged(ish) by Aberdeen, Hearts and even Motherwell for a couple of years. Coasting to a non-challenged title with no rivals at all is completely different imho.

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The criteria for Associate Membership aren't in the Handbook either - infact they don't appear to be online at all. However, they've been effectively (but perhaps not quite) harmonised with the Entry level Licensing, which does require 3 years audited accounts.

Also, Gretna 2008 have applied for SFA Associate Membership for next season, and notably this is the end of their 3rd year of existence. E.g.:


They require the last 3 years of accounts if they have been trading for that time. I don't know where it says they have to have been in existance for 3 years.


If you're right then neither the SPL nor the SFL would be an option, SFA menbership being a requirement of both.

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I'm confronting the reality of the Celtic support, not misty-eyed wringing hands bigot apologism.

Hibs have Irish traditions. They don't sing about Provisional IRA murderers. They are the progressive demonstration of "traditional" values.

Yes I thought so. Making looking forward more difficult. Hopefully there aren't too many like you who are prepared to keep the sectarianism fuelled up even after the demise of Rangers.

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They require the last 3 years of accounts if they have been trading for that time. I don't know where it says they have to have been in existance for 3 years.


If you're right then neither the SPL nor the SFL would be an option, SFA menbership being a requirement of both.

Airdrie United didn't have three years of accounts when they applied to join the SFL in 2002.

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I very much doubt any CVA will be agreed in the near future, especially with the outcome of the big tax case still pending and the fact that the administrators have done very little to prove that Rangers can operate as a going concern.

Rangers only hope of surviving in their current form is that they win the big tax case and somehow agree a CVA or a Billionaire oligarch comes in and pays off all their debt.

Liquidation is becoming more inevitable by the day.

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