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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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That leads us to the possibility that an unfeasably rich Arab will pop up and buy them this afternoon, but there was no sign of Sheik Sashma Fathawore over the period Minty Moonbeams had the club up for sale, so there won't be one now.

brilliant! :lol:

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Can you imagine a rich Arab did put a bid in. That Rangers Media forum would go into meltdown trying to find out if he was a good proddy Arab.

mibi the phoenix club will be an arab club run by brahim hemdani the "proddy arab"

Edited by itzdrk
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Can you imagine a rich Arab did put a bid in. That Rangers Media forum would go into meltdown trying to find out if he was a good proddy Arab.

No doubt they would. Rich Arabs or Russian oil billionaires buying Rangers... Oh my aching sides. There's an English Championship club just sitting there waiting on those Arabs and Russians... and it is easily imaginable that if bought by a Roman Abramovich type, Portsmouth could be taken back to the EPL with the associated riches and spotlight.

So Mr Proddy Arab or Mr Proddy Russian could do that... or buy Rangers.

Shit... I've just pished ma' pants. Time for a shower and a clean pair!

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Got a link for this? Pretty disgraceful if Rangers are treated differently to every other football club. HMRC voted against Dundee's CVA.

Unfortunately HMRC's leadership is utterly disgraceful. There's supposed to be a hardline against footballing shenanigans at the moment and I'm not sure how they can get away with accepting one CVA at Rangers and then rejecting another at (say) Portsmouth. If they accept this one they'll logically have to accept pretty much any one.

Edited by Baxter Parp
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I assume nothing of any importance will happen today. Today is the day Paul Murray needs to buy the club and save them. So, we can write today off as being Paul Murray Thursday, henceforth referred to as PMT.

I don't know much about buying a football club with unknown debts, unknown secured creditors, unknown tax timebombs, unknown dodgy Ticketus deals, or probably trading while insolvent... but I don't imagine it's something Paul Murray can rattle out in between taking the kids on the school run and nipping down to Tesco for some crunchy nut cornflakes and a pan loaf...

That leads us to the possibility that an unfeasably rich Arab will pop up and buy them this afternoon, but there was no sign of Sheik Sashma Fathawore over the period Minty Moonbeams had the club up for sale, so there won't be one now.

There can surely only be one outcome now. The liquidation that Whyte has planned all along will come to pass, in no small part down to the efforts of his pals Haudit & Daudit in doing the square root of fcuk-all over the last month. Good work, another stage in Whyte's plan (or the plan he is carrying out as an agent of others in the shadows) is nearing completion.

Our attention should turn immediately to post-liquidation Rangers, and what we can do as supporters to ensure knobcheeses like Doncaster and the fawning media pack of OF apologist hounds are not allowed to kill the last shred of sporting integrity or common decency Scottish football has left, by condoning cheating and debt dodging on an industrial scale.

Hope is at hand. Forbes rich list is sitting there just to be exploited http://www.forbes.com/billionaires/ I am sure can get a few phone numbers for them if anyone from Rangers Media wants to get them involved.

Number 10 looks a good bet, Ibrox would make one hell of an Aldi. But some names there might not fit, we all know what church Mexicans and Spaniards go to. wink.gif

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With the 'big' tax case still running this http://tinyurl.com/7llong2 gives a good summary of the attitude of HMRC. One comment on image rights (please tell me Lafferty's image right are negative!)

"for periods prior to 9 December 2010, HMRC has made it clear that it is prepared to negotiate settlements on back taxes. However, where it is not possible to reach agreement with the sports club and player, HMRC will take the case to court. "

If I pay a plumber say cash in hand and the tax man finds out, he doesn't chase me for the tax, but the plumber. If HMRC can't get their money from Rangers directly, will they go after each player individually (and directors, ex managers, ex Chief Execs, maybe even an agent(?)) to say you entered into an agreement that had a purpose of avoiding tax whether knowingly or otherwise and you now must pay it. OK it won't cover all of the £40 plus million, but a significant part of it.

Obviously HMRC need to show their teeth to football clubs, but also frighten off players innocently walking into similar


Anyone got the detailed knowledge to know if this is a possibility?

Rangers current predicament is due to HMRC trying to retrieve £14m worth of VAT and Income Tax unpaid since Whyte took over - nothing to do with the players.

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D&P could liquidate the assets prior to liquidating the company. Rangers Newco 2012 (Paul Murray, Dave King or whoever) could buy the assets (Murray Park and Ibrox, players' registrations) without the debts.

Paul Murray's group could get a new company set up.... Glasgow Rangers Football Club 2012 PLC?

The Newco can apply for Associate Membership of the SFA. Not a problem. They will also have to apply to the SFA for licence. Despite the SFA rules say that 3 years accounts are required they would just say 'Not trading'..... Licence issued.

The Newco then applies to the SPL to have the SPL share transferred to the Newco. Requires approval of SPL Board following consideration by the clubs. Money talks and very nervous Chairmen give it the nod...... Share transferred.

All of this needs to be carried out before Rangers Football Club PLC is necessarily liquidated.

It may be that if the Newco plays at Ibrox they could still get involved in Ticketus litigation. So they may decide to play at Hampden until season 2015-2016

What could emerge is a profitable and substantially debt free Rangers with same ground, strip and history.


Hampden?? But but the spl dont allow sharing with a non spl side lol

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Not sure if anyone has seen the animated film Megamind?

In it, an evil villain finally destroys the superhero, and after a brief celebratory period spends the rest of his days twiddling his thumbs, bored shitless, with nothing to do and nothing to fight against now his adversary is gone.

A fitting analogy for what will happen to Celtic and their support if Rangers (hopefully) are wiped from the face of the planet like Metroman. (excepting of course that both sides here are evil villains)

Going by their performance on here and my facebook news feed, Celtic fans are in the vinegar strokes of a particularly arousing masturbatory session. Unfortunately, all that lies ahead is one joyous second of shooting their man milk into an old and crusty sock, then emptiness and guilt and a lifetime of trying to chase that initial climatic joy, with nothing but one torn copy of The Sunday Post fashion section to get their juices going.

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Enjoying the thought of Aldi Ibrox laugh.gif

If anyone from the Forbes rich list

http://tinyurl.com/7doz299 bought Rangers what would they do with Ibrox?

Number 16, Walton would fill the ground with cheap rubbish, stack em high and sell em cheap (except for the players) and we could have Ally at the door as the greeter. (no not the Scottish greetin', the american one).

Number 23 Ferrero. New strips would be gold foil. Players must love themselves like chocolate, and Martin Bain must be brought back with his glossy permatan as a chocolate bar impersonator.


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With the 'big' tax case still running this http://tinyurl.com/7llong2 gives a good summary of the attitude of HMRC. One comment on image rights (please tell me Lafferty's image right are negative!)

"for periods prior to 9 December 2010, HMRC has made it clear that it is prepared to negotiate settlements on back taxes. However, where it is not possible to reach agreement with the sports club and player, HMRC will take the case to court. "

If I pay a plumber say cash in hand and the tax man finds out, he doesn't chase me for the tax, but the plumber. If HMRC can't get their money from Rangers directly, will they go after each player individually (and directors, ex managers, ex Chief Execs, maybe even an agent(?)) to say you entered into an agreement that had a purpose of avoiding tax whether knowingly or otherwise and you now must pay it. OK it won't cover all of the £40 plus million, but a significant part of it.

Obviously HMRC need to show their teeth to football clubs, but also frighten off players innocently walking into similar


Anyone got the detailed knowledge to know if this is a possibility?

Different scenario with the plumber as it is a one off job, if however you were a company and he/she was working under your control and direction then the liability would remain with the company. HMRC

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Hope is at hand. Forbes rich list is sitting there just to be exploited http://www.forbes.com/billionaires/ I am sure can get a few phone numbers for them if anyone from Rangers Media wants to get them involved.

Number 10 looks a good bet, Ibrox would make one hell of an Aldi. But some names there might not fit, we all know what church Mexicans and Spaniards go to. wink.gif

I've looked carefully, but I can't see Craig Whyte anywhere on the list - is he not a billionaire after all?

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Hampden?? But but the spl dont allow sharing with a non spl side lol

They do allow it so long as the SPL fixture list is given priority.

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I've looked carefully, but I can't see Craig Whyte anywhere on the list - is he not a billionaire after all?

Maybe we should ask Jim Traynor.

Perhaps he can take time out from his "I've been right all along" crusade to explain the Record's breathless hagiographic first article about the Whyte Knight.

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Oh really? Got any rules you can quote which outline this?

No rules but when we had to do the groundshare thing St Johnstone was the preferred option due to the A9 being slightly better for fans to travel than the A96, the St Johnstone chairman put a block on this because he did not want to give up his club's priority to the stadium. The SPL will allow it but SPL fixtures must be given priority this has led to the urban myth that the SPL blocked the move, My link

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@mattslaterbbc: Rangers crisis staggers to the Strand http://t.co/m829zZ5f admins argue for £3.6m of #RFC cash. At least 4 others say it's theirs

Wait for it :)

@mattslaterbbc: Those 4 parties arguing with admins for that £3.6m? Ticketus, HMRC, the players' pension fund &, wait for it, Craig Whyte! #RFC

:lol: popcorn moment already - smashing :lol:

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