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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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He claims he is going to create an incubator company whilst paying off the CVA through the current one. In reality he is going through the liquidation process in reverse, create newco whilst making claims to keep old Rangers alive, when dust settles liquidate old Rangers and it's too late to punish new Rangers for the liquidation. Smoke and mirrors.


Thats why I dont think theres any way the SPL will give him the assurances he wants, certainly not by Monday.

How can they, when they have proposals to punish newcos up for vote at the end of the month?

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@bbcsportsound: Miller planning new Rangers bid: American businessman Bill Miller challenges fellow bidders to make final offers....

I translate that as Bill Miller says 'Oh shite I'm winning this race to buy this pile of crap and debt, will somebody else please put in a bigger bid or I will have to make up ridiculous clauses and walk away as I really don't want this mess after having a good look at it but don't want to lose face'.

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BM: ' I have held a series of talks over the past week with officials from the SPL and SFA in an effort to ensure Rangers play in the 2012/13 season without further points deductions, fines or other punitive sanctions, relating to either the terms of my purchase or the actions of the prior administrations, beyond those levied during the 2011/12 season. My offer is contingent upon the regulatory bodies agreeing the club will begin play in the 2012/13 season in the SPL and that they will do so without any loss of points and with all historic titles intact. I will not acquire the club unless I receive written assurances. '


Well if he was planning to buy the club and had a CVA agreed and they were out of administration before whatever the deadline is and next season "officially" starts that would be fair enough, however it seems he wants to do something else and buy an incubator - I'm guessing so he can have some eggs benedict for his breakfast?

Looks as iff Bill Ng has confirmed what I've been wondering all along - you can have the cash to clear all the debts without a CVA, you can promise to give HMRC £100million and tell them to keep the change but you still can't buy Rangers until you've given Craig Whyte what he wants for his shares. Until it's proven in court that his takeover was illegal he is the one that owns the club and he can pretty much name his price - unless I've completely misunderstood things (which is more than possible).

I must admit I'm enjoying Brian Kennedy's fannying about. Rangers have specialised in making offers for players well below what clubs want for them and then ran to the media crying so it's good they're getting some of their own treatment now :)

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That statement of Miller's reads like one of Romanov's famous press releases.

In order to preserve the club's history, records, championships and assets, I will put the "heart" of the club into an "incubator" company while Duff & Phelps works to make the "sick patient" healthy through a CVA process that effectively works to "radiate" the toxicity of past administrations' sins out of the patient while the "healthy heart" is preserved and moves forward. Once the CVA process has been completed and the patient is on the mend, the administrators will return Rangers Football Club plc to me for a nominal sum.


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I'm no medical doctor, but if I ever go in for an operation and the surgeon explains that he is going to cut me open, take my heart out, and put it into an incubator while he works on me, then I am going to run a mile.

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I'm starting to wonder if Craig Whyte has underestimated just how f**ked Rangers are. As it stands, it looks like there will be no one trying to buy the assets from him. Suppose it would be quite funny if he ended up massively out of pocket as well as being credited with killing the gers.

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Well if he was planning to buy the club and had a CVA agreed and they were out of administration before whatever the deadline is and next season "officially" starts that would be fair enough, however it seems he wants to do something else and buy an incubator - I'm guessing so he can have some eggs benedict for his breakfast?

Thats exactly what he's trying to do.

Basically, he wants to take all the good bits out of Rangers - the stadium, the players, the SPL membership - and transfer it into this "incubator" company. It then carries on and plays in the SPL with - and heres the cunning bit - no penalties because it isnt in administration and isnt, technically, a newco. Because, meanwhile, the "oldco" still exists and is still trying to agree a CVA/get shares from Whyte/take people to court and whatever else takes D&P fancy.

Then, at some point in the future preferably when everyone has forgotten what went on, he says he'll merge the two companies back together. Again, no newco to punish under the SPLs new rules.

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Massively out of pocket? How is Whyte going to be massively out of pocket?

That £1 he put in seems to have been the only ready cash the guy had. Right now it looks like his investment could lose him every penny he had....

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There is not a chance in hell of that deal going through. I don't think the SPL will allow anyone to rip the pish like that but more important is the money - £11.2m includes the 500k deposit which is used for running costs and at least £1.2m for admin fees which must be paid in full. That leaves £9.5m for the other creditors which hardly covers the amount owed in tax since Craig Whyte took over. HMRC will not even consider this type of offer and neither will Ticketus, especially if Miller is deliberately winding them up now. Beyond that, he would still have to sort out a deal with Craig Whyte to buy his shares.

Miller may be serious about buying Rangers or he may not - but if he's serious it won't be with these numbers.

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by the way, where's McNee these days and whats he saying about the Rangers situation? Sycophantic c*nt.

I was forced to work with his daughter on a group project at uni, she's self-obsessed, important only to herself and a thick bitch. So just like her dad.

Before someone asks, no I definitely wouldn't, not even with someone else's

Edited by GordieBoy80
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so ...

the blue knights - no cash (we're stepping aside to speed up the process)

brian kennedy - no cash (I doubled my original offer & it was rejected)

bill ng - no cash (I've been treated badly by everyone & am withdrawing)

bill miller - no cash (well I put an offer on the table but it was knocked back)

what really, really puzzles me, though, is that no one at any of these Rangers fans groups that are demanding to be involved has just gone 'bugger this, let's just form a club with our own money where we get our own say & we'll bypass the whole lot & apply to the SFL now for the upcoming space" the third division is allegedly where they all want to play anyway? - they would (I'd imagine) be able to pull a decent whack of money & have a decent chance of a ground share at partick (worst case scenario go to Cumbernauld for a few years)

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