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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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First time I've ever clicked on a link to go to another club's forum - soooo glad I did.

Totally bonkers.

This one is my favourite:

"I know thats why I also suggested the players walk off the park at 1pm and we forfeit the points.

This would be a very bold statement and Sky would start to get involved especially as this will be the most watched fixture.

Remember the Scottish players kicked off without the other team being present, how farcical was that and a walk off the park leaving the Celtic players standing would show how farcical the SFA are being while we are in a crises. We should be getting supporting during these times but they are trying to strangle the life out of our club."

Where do they get this from?

It's like Nat Fraser's council saying "M'Lud, my client thought he'd got away with it for so many years that surely he shouldn't be being brought to justice now?"

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Plus, I would imagine UEFA and FIFA will have quite a lot to say about it if Newco are simply parachuted back into the SPL. Threats of international bans / isolation will rather concentrate the SFA's mind.

And what will the SFA be able to do about it? We're talking about the SPL here.

I understand swampy and chico's pessimism / cynicism but the longer this goes on, the less likely it seems to me that Rangers will survive unscathed. It could eb argued that public opinion has influenced tonight's decision and may just be a first step in reflecting that hardening of public opinion against the way Rangers have conducted themselves.

Public opinion matters infinitely less to the decision-makers than a TV deal.

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However is it not right that they can only be invited back to the SPL if they transfer the SPL Share over to the NewCo. If they do this, then the punishment goes with it, if i've read the various links correctly.

They can only avoid punishment by becoming a completely new and seperate entity, which would mean they'd need to apply to join SFL.


The SPL share isn't tradeable.

But I suspect a method will be found to make it so.

If the SPL properly apply their rulebook Rangers should be removed from the league, Dunfermline stay up and Ross County go up.

Sadly for our friends in fife, I don't think that will happen.

Also If Stewart Regan and Campbell Ogilvie DID lunch with Craig Whyte and offer any assurances,, I hope to hear of their resignations

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I don't consider myself a radical by any stretch of the imagination but this is too much. I will wait and see what those at the club have to say but i think the time has come when we need strong leadership. No right thinking person can honestly say the punishment fits the crime here.

Agreed, I'd have expected at least 24 month embargo since we all know it'll be shrunk on appeal.

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Hold on a minute, Whyte is now officially banned from owning a Scottish football club, yet he currently, eh, owns a Scottish football club. I know if it did he'd more than likely make a legal challenge and win but does this have any bearing on his shares in Rangers? The buyer, when one is decided (laugh.gif) will still have to pay him to get his shares, yes?

SFA aren't a law court or government.

They cannot force anyone to surrendur/sell their shares in a limited company.

They can, however, apply (further) footballing sanctions to a member which breaks its instructions - i.e. continues to have Whyte "involved" having been instructed otherwise. Subject to appeal etc.

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1. And what will the SFA be able to do about it? We're talking about the SPL here.

2. Public opinion matters infinitely less to the decision-makers than a TV deal.

1. The SFA are responsible for the correct operation of the domestic game in this country, and are accountable for the SPL just as they are for the SFL.

2. I'd have agreed a forrtnight ago. Now, I'm not quite so sure.

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The best yet, can it be real?


NaismithLoyal06 February 2012 - 05:01 PM

BROOMBROX, on 06 February 2012 - 04:59 PM, said:

Welcome Bears , just so we all know you really aint some Dheclans , just post your National Insurance numbers, Passport Numbers and Bank Details and I'm sure we'll all get along just fine

lol dunno how this helps but sure, what ever u guys need.

XXXXXXXXX, I dont have my passport on me but my bank number is XXXXXXXXXXXXXX, XXXX, XXX, Sort code: 804712 ACC Num: XXXXXXXX. HBOS.


Well it's an HBOS Glasgow Branch Sort Code.

Surely no one is THAT thick?

Edited by jupe1407
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I think it's written into the SPL's constitution that each club MUST have an SPL "share" or licence if you will, to play in the top division.

Right - and the SPL as a corporate body will grant that license to a Rangers newco. There is absolutely 0% chance that, unless forced, they will do anything other than that. The SPL exists primarily to sell live matches to TV channels. Rangers and Celtic are the biggest TV draw. So... they're in control of their own rules. They are incentivised to have their two most commercially attractive teams in the same competition. What else are they realistically going to do here? Grant Rangers a license?

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1. The SFA are responsible for the correct operation of the domestic game in this country, and are accountable for the SPL just as they are for the SFL.

2. I'd have agreed a forrtnight ago. Now, I'm not quite so sure.

1. And the PSSI are similarly responsible in Indonesia... where the most popular league is run far, far away from their influence. The SPL will go it alone before it will refuse Rangers a license.

2. Based on what? Really, what are the SFA able to do that's going to make a lick of difference? The only carrot I can see is European football for Celtic, and I don't think that one voice will outweigh those of the other ten clubs.

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