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Rangers demand urgent appeal hearing over SFA sanctions

By Matt Slater BBC sports news reporter

A Scottish Football Association panel could hear an appeal against the sanctions imposed on Rangers as early as next week.

Hmm....it'll be very interesting to see how this pans out.

Anyone care to place a bet? William Hill, of course :P

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Rangers demand urgent appeal hearing over SFA sanctions

By Matt Slater BBC sports news reporter

A Scottish Football Association panel could hear an appeal against the sanctions imposed on Rangers as early as next week.

Hmm....it'll be very interesting to see how this pans out.

Anyone care to place a bet? William Hill, of course :P

drive down in your vauxhall, pick up some carling at tesco on the way back?

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Rangers demand urgent appeal hearing over SFA sanctions

By Matt Slater BBC sports news reporter

A Scottish Football Association panel could hear an appeal against the sanctions imposed on Rangers as early as next week.

Hmm....it'll be very interesting to see how this pans out.

Anyone care to place a bet? William Hill, of course :P

Note the word demand. You'd think that they would have learned some humility by now.

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I can see a stadium there - you don't think they have one of them after all this.

For mine they can appeal but I would seee the SFA changes its tune as a backflip and a half. I would have thought it would take away from any credibility they have also.

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More H&D statementy goodness

"We have today written to the Chief Executive of the Scottish Football Association requesting an immediate expedited appeals process over the sanctions imposed on Rangers by the Association's judicial panel last night.

"The decision of last night's judicial panel is in our opinion quite extraordinary. Not only in our opinion do the panel fail to have properly apportioned culpability between the Club and Craig Whyte, they appear to have rendered a penalty which could have a very detrimental effect on the ability of the administrators to achieve a sale of the business or a Company Voluntary Arrangement. This, in turn, cannot be in the interests of Rangers Football Club or Scottish football in general.

"The football authorities are fully aware that we are in the throes of an extremely complex insolvency situation. There has been widespread support across the political spectrum and in the football world for Rangers to be saved as a club and a viable business, last night's decision can only hinder rather than help.

"The decision to prohibit the Club from signing new players is akin to a court ordering the administrator of a trading company not to buy stock. The principal operating and trading asset of a football club are its players and an inability to sign new players frustrates both the ability of the company to trade and the statutory objectives of administration.

"It is extremely disappointing that approximately three weeks ago purchasers were at the point of confirming unconditional offers which would have achieved the purpose of administration. This process was first delayed by the announcements of the SPL to implement the rule changes to be considered on 30th April, and has now been further hampered by the sanctions imposed last night.

"We are unsure as to whether the judicial panel fully understood or considered the commercial impact upon both the Club and Scottish Football of these measures, nor are we satisfied at this stage as to whether these sanctions are indeed lawful. Clearly time is running out to achieve a sale of the business or a CVA and the Club can ill afford further legal arguments. Accordingly, we are urging both football authorities to adopt a more pragmatic approach to sanctions to ensure that the administration of Rangers Football Club can be brought to a conclusion at the earliest possible date for the good of not only the Club but also for Scottish football generally.

"We would then encourage the footballing authorities to introduce a framework so as to provide clarity in circumstances such as these going forward, rather than allowing arbitrary measures to be introduced on an ad-hoc basis which clearly impede a process of administration.

"We are sure the authorities recognise that any potential purchaser or investor in a football club must have clarity in relation to its future playing capabilities and revenue potential. By failing to provide clarity in relation to pragmatic and commercially sensible penalties the authorities are by default prejudicing the survival of one of the clubs whose existence is key to the well being of Scottish football.

"We will continue to work tirelessly over the next couple of days to attempt to secure the comfort from the football authorities as to the level of future sanctions which will be raised, so as to enable one of the bidders to proceed with an acquisition of Rangers Football Club Plc without further delay."


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The peepul r untied :P


''The Admin of Vanguardbears have made a decision for the betterment of the club and the support, that from this moment forward we relinquish all personal disagreements between ourselves and others and offer the hand of friendship to all in our one common goal..To take on our enemies out there who will not be happy until they squeeze the very life out of our great club and see it buried.The time for unity is of the essence after the disgraceful actions of an SFA clearly being orchestrated behind the scenes by those who would see benefit to themselves with our club no longer in existance.We at Vanguardbears applaud the move taken by the RTID Northern Ireland Supporters to step up and play, we can all clearly see there is an agenda at work here, we aim to be part of the fightback to ensure the agenda is not only crushed, but those who are compliant in trying to have us buried are also removed from their positions post haste.

The Motto says ''Ready''.. Are you?

Vanguardbears are, and hope we all join as one to take the enemy head on....

Lutheran on behalf of Admin

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I feel that the SFA telling Rangers that they can't register any new players is like putting a condition on their SFA licence and the SFA run things so it is their rules - If you don't like it go and become a Junior, Amateur or Welfare setup - just go away.

Rangers are just bloody lucky not to be out of a club if the punishment relates to inappropriate actions.

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Ok, I'll put it a bit more simply then. I don't think our league would drop to the levels of Welsh league or the Irish league if Rangers went to the wall - either in terms of finance or quality. The fanbases of clubs in Scotland is too great for that IMO. I made a quip about Shamrock Rovers outperforming Scottish teams in Europe this year (again, apart from Celtic's reprieve) which is simply a fact and intended to highlight that the Old Firm are maybe not as important as they believe themselves to be.

Anyway, it's not really that big a deal. We essentially agree. Maybe you've just not realised how big a club St Johnstone have become these days! :D

Yep, life is too short.* beerchug.gif

*Ooops...wrong thread to say that on. But then again...

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Rangers demand urgent appeal hearing over SFA sanctions

By Matt Slater BBC sports news reporter

A Scottish Football Association panel could hear an appeal against the sanctions imposed on Rangers as early as next week.

Hmm....it'll be very interesting to see how this pans out.

Anyone care to place a bet? William Hill, of course :P

How long would it take for an appeal to be heard under normal circumstances?

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Unity didn't last long :lol:


FUDGIE52Today, 01:00 PM

We need to unite now brethern and take the fight to the enemy because if we don't we probably will never get the chance to ever again, the is the end game in more ways than one, if we don't stand up and be counted now I'm afraid our enemies will bury our club, the time has come for us to cross the rubicon.

bluepeterToday, 01:01 PM

Well said VB

heathen fish boyToday, 01:02 PM

we've been toothless for years now,the time has come to show people these bears can bite

Gazzas_FluteToday, 01:03 PM

This statement was removed from FF, pretty quickly!


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The peepul r untied :P


''The Admin of Vanguardbears have made a decision for the betterment of the club and the support, that from this moment forward we relinquish all personal disagreements between ourselves and others and offer the hand of friendship to all in our one common goal..To take on our enemies out there who will not be happy until they squeeze the very life out of our great club and see it buried.The time for unity is of the essence after the disgraceful actions of an SFA clearly being orchestrated behind the scenes by those who would see benefit to themselves with our club no longer in existance.We at Vanguardbears applaud the move taken by the RTID Northern Ireland Supporters to step up and play, we can all clearly see there is an agenda at work here, we aim to be part of the fightback to ensure the agenda is not only crushed, but those who are compliant in trying to have us buried are also removed from their positions post haste.

The Motto says ''Ready''.. Are you?

Vanguardbears are, and hope we all join as one to take the enemy head on....

Lutheran on behalf of Admin

So the bears groups are climbing over themselves to be the most vigilant in the struggle against the enemies. How fractured is there support. The first bit sounds like theey are about to unite with a sworn enemy not another support group from the same club!

The only way that this business benefits the SFA is that they might get a wee bit of credibility in Scotland for doing what is right.

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You gotta love H&D........

"It is a bit like a court telling the administrator of an engineering company that they can survive but they're not allowed to trade any stock.

"The buying and selling of players is a fundamental activity for any club, and any person with even a hint of commercial acumen will be greatly alarmed by this ruling, and the prospect of what might come next."

1. A transfer embargo doesnt mean you can't sell your players.

2. Engineering companies (I'm still not sure about the parallel there) make products that they sell on. If they already have the products (players) there, then they do not need to "trade" as they already have the stock.

3. If buying and selling players is so vital to clubs why didnt rankgers actually pay for the players they bought?

"The source said the transfer ban would make it almost impossible for Rangers to field a competitive team next season, and that could have a serious impact on gate receipts and sponsorship revenues.

It would also seriously hinder Rangers' chances of the early return to European competition that they so badly need to balance their books."

1. You mean they would just be like the rest of us? I would love my team to be competitive but realise that finances make that difficult at times. And if the fans are as loyal as they make out, why would it impact on gate receipts??? Surely they would still fill Ipox and pay as much as needed to get their club back to the "glory days"?

2. Can someone please show me where it says that rankgers have a right to be in europe?

I havent said this before................but please rankgers, just die!!!

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The peepul r untied :P


''The Admin of Vanguardbears have made a decision for the betterment of the club and the support, that from this moment forward we relinquish all personal disagreements between ourselves and others and offer the hand of friendship to all in our one common goal..To take on our enemies out there who will not be happy until they squeeze the very life out of our great club and see it buried.The time for unity is of the essence after the disgraceful actions of an SFA clearly being orchestrated behind the scenes by those who would see benefit to themselves with our club no longer in existance.We at Vanguardbears applaud the move taken by the RTID Northern Ireland Supporters to step up and play, we can all clearly see there is an agenda at work here, we aim to be part of the fightback to ensure the agenda is not only crushed, but those who are compliant in trying to have us buried are also removed from their positions post haste.

The Motto says ''Ready''.. Are you?

Vanguardbears are, and hope we all join as one to take the enemy head on....

Lutheran on behalf of Admin

Do you think he meant "complicit" as opposed to "compliant"

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Someone should show this thread to all Rangers sympathisers in the media and press. Or as someone said yesterday, have this thread on display on a continuous loop in the Scottish Footbal Museum in Hampden, to show what folk really think of this disgusting football club.

The sooner they're gone the better. And all of their fans who gloated to me and my mates about how they were going to destroy our 'wee diddy club' 4-0 feel fucking pig sick for the rest of their blue-collared job lives with no club at the epicentre of their sad existence.

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"The football authorities are fully aware that we are in the throes of an extremely complex insolvency situation. There has been widespread support across the political spectrum and in the football world for Rangers to be saved as a club and a viable business, last night's decision can only hinder rather than help."

I think you will find that Alec Salmond saying that hmrc should be gentle with rankgers doesnt amount to a "political spectrum". And as far as the football world goes, well we pretty much (secretly or otherwise) want you to just f**k off. dry.gif

"The decision to prohibit the Club from signing new players is akin to a court ordering the administrator of a trading company not to buy stock. The principal operating and trading asset of a football club are its players and an inability to sign new players frustrates both the ability of the company to trade and the statutory objectives of administration.

If you have no money how can you sign new players???? blink.gif

Edited by PeeTeeJag
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Nurse, nurse.....


happy birthday william of orange

jimmyblue75Today, 02:26 PM

with all the shite that has been going on today, lest us not forget the birthday of King Billy

a reason to unite and rally if ever i saw it

DevlinToday, 02:27 PM

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I think UEFA is getting fed up with clubs running with dodgy finances and if the national association is their enemy too then they are in a lot of trouble.

If Rangers think with an under 22 side they will be able to withhold a raft of Scotland Team players then they are still showing massive contempt for the SFA, UEFA and FIFA. Besides most of the useful national players would be in england anyway playing their trade there.

I have duly noted that County are doing work to bring Victoria Park up the SPL standards. Is Firhill up to those standards already? The domestos woiuld work better with terracing though.

Edited by Chuckinho
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Give Rangers their due, they've done more than anybody else to unite the rest of Scottish football.

If only Lennon would calm down, we could all be pals with Celtic too.

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