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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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The Daily Record has been a bastion of impartiality in the last few days, so I'm going to put my neck on the line and say that this is definitely true.

Surely truth, accuracy and impartiality.

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Probably time then to compile the John Knox League as it will stand for next season:




Motherwell (Stuart McCall lies down to them, beat Kafflick Celtic on Helicopter Sunday)

Dunfermline (for reasons given above)



East Stirling

Cowdenbeath (Donald Finlay and Union Jack bunting around the ground!)

Inverness Caley (the township first heard and heartily agreed with the Reformation in 1974)

Hamilton (They're not in the Dundee, Hamilton line without passing the staunch test)

FC Rangers 1690 will obviously have to apply for entry. A few funny handshakes and they should get in no bother though.

Surely Raith won't be allowed entry as they are currently doing everything in their power to murder the club of ra peepul?

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Who are they to judge who is fit and proper?? Fucking hypocrites honestly. Yeah Rovers are struggling financially but what club isint in Scotland?

It's about time other clubs in Scotland were given a boost and a chance of winning the league. You can argue all you want that an SPL without rangers would be a disaster in terms of revenue from fans and television but if more people in this country started supporting other clubs then we wouldn't have this problem in the first place.

Whyte is largely to blame but at the end of the day if he is doing wrong..then ultimately so are Glasgow Rangers football club, therefore they should be punished for the wrongdoings. Simple as that.

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I'd really like a place in either league please. Traditional Ayrshire bunnery might have seen us enter the Proddy league OK in the past but this has waned and we now even have an Ultras group who are tarred as a Green Brigade copycat, singing some Sellick songs. We also mocked the Govan lads singing jovially about 'knocking back David Murray' and HMRC.

I think a small minority of Ayr fans have perhaps cost our place in either league due to their sectarian singing a few weeks ago informing both the kaffy and proddy sides in close to f*** their respective figureheads. Shame really.

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Rangers sycophants to a piece of shite writing.

Unbelievable. What utter cretins these shysters are honestly. Eric's On the panel giving his view. If me or you were on the panel and were given the evidence to look over and decide on an outcome would it be similar? I'd like to think so...

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Unbelievable. What utter cretins these shysters are honestly. Eric's On the panel giving his view. If me or you were on the panel and were given the evidence to look over and decide on an outcome would it be similar? I'd like to think so...

Indeed, though I'd probably gone for expulsion ;)

boss =,baws.....

Im surprised these fucktards can turn on their computers let alone select emoticons.......

Edited by jagfox
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They will have got off lightly if they are even allowed a newco in the SFL. Let them never darken Scottish football again. They have contributed nothing to the game in Scotland, infarct quite the opposite.

They cheated and scammed their way to the top, to others detriment. Their fans have caused embarrassment to Scotland year on year on year, home and away and have helped to create some of the most unsavory stereotypes associated with this nation. The club have in the past actively encouraged bigotry and operated an apartheid signing policy until relatively recently. Their fans still hold views stuck back in the 17th century and a quick look on their fan's forums can confirm this. A blemish on Scottish society.

There is no appetite among fans of the game to see them in any senior league next season. For years they sung Nobody like us, we don't care. Well you know what, we don't care either.

As usual the real victims, the creditors of the club, which by the way through HMRC includes you, me and the next man, get disregarded because the orc fans, hacks, ex-player pundits (both of the latter who rely on tit-bits from the Rangers table to make a living) shout louder. The creditors have good reason to keep their traps shut. The despicable threats made to three men who tried to deliver a fair and just verdict proves this.

I could go on, mostly about the benefits Scottish football would reap from their annihilation, fairer voting rights, level playing field etc. etc.

Just remember this, they would be the first to walk away from Scottish football without looking back but holding up a middle finger. They have tried this often enough.

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I think we should start the Ayrshire Muslim League. Killie can be the Sunnis...

You've just reminded me of the best post ever on Steelmen Online, which I've found after trawling through it for ages. It was by Jay who posts on here aswell.

Today we wasted time at work discussing Scottish football and, more in particular, the sectarianism that consumes Celtic and Rangers, and to a lesser extent clubs like Hearts. We were discussing how the Old Firm cash in on the religious divide hugely and have a lot of their success and spending power due to the Catholic and Protestant nonsense.

So following on from that chat, I think it's time that we stopped criticising the Old Firm, and instead embraced this concept. If they can make money from religion, then why can't we? That's why I'd like to see the 'Well becoming Scotland's number one Buddhist football club.

Just think about it. Attendances would increase as local disenchanted bigots could latch onto another club based around religion, and merchandise sales would go through the roof as the club shop starts selling Tibet & Nepal flags, Buddha t-shirts, and CDs of traditional Buddhist music.

Already we would see revenue increases purely on the basis of the new found link with religion.

But not just that. On the park, the results would improve due to a much better atmosphere. For instance, randomly during the second half we could all just spontaneously start meditating. Imagine how unnverving it would be for opposition players if the entire Motherwell support just starting going "HMMMMMMMMM." As for our lads, well they would experience a whole new array of club songs from the stands.

Think about the possibilities. Such ditties as:

I've been a Buddhist Monk for many-a-year,

I've spent all my money on Buddhist Monk gear,

I follow five precepts and I think Buddha's great,

And if you kill me, I'll just reincarnate,



Are by far the greatest team

That Nirvana's ever seen.


He wore, He wore, A bright red Kathina robe,

A bright red Kathina robe in the merry month of May,

And when, I asked him why he wore a Kathina Robe,

He said it's for the 'Well and they're going to win the cup,

Win the cup, Win the cup,

He said it's for the 'Well and they're going to win the cup.

not to mention your standard efforts such as "The Dalai Lama, He's Our Friend", and "Four Noble Truths, There's Only Four Noble Truths", as well as the Tibetan national anthem with fives minutes to go in every game.

As financial problems continue to plague Scottish football, I think the only chance of survival and to potentially challenge the Old Firm dominance in years to come is for Leeann Dempster, John Boyle and the rest of those in charge at Fir Park to fully back this idea. I fully support this idea, and hope you all will too.

Motherwell F.C.: The third way in religious bigotry.

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Firstly, I know there's a multitude of threads running - many of which now only exist for our amusement, posting of 'pleasing' gifs, and general 'let's all laugh and point at Rangers' merriment....

The more I'm hearing though, the more I'm looking towards the actual end game here, and would like to gauge reaction as to where we will be a year, two years, however many years down the line. For as long as i remember I have personally felt disgusted by the way football clubs play fast and loose in a manner no 'normal' business can ever hope to get away with. I see this going the same way as so many clubs before them. They'll dodge the big one by playing the administration card. They won't be the first, they won't be the last. So, what's your prediction for the actual end to this?

To my eyes it's all set up with Whyte knowing all along that he would decide when to play the administration joker card to position himself as main creditor. I genuinely believe some sort of deal will grudgingly be accepted by HMRC. There will be pain for Rangers - but they will indeed dodge the big hammer blow. Short term pain, longer term, they'll weasel a way to rise phoenix-like from administration, as I say, like so many morally bankrupt cheating football clubs before them.

Thoughts? Hopefully not just of a 'LOL' nature! Really looking to see what you guys seriously see the end of this actually being when the dust settles.

Great post ,but we all know where our best interts lie now and thats div 3 ((((((( for the short term))))))) Sky tv if they have the guys with a hauf a brain and a whole heid will see that a Rangers tean in the champion ship is a money spinner

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well played

we have to be the shiite muslims

Im just arrived here on this forum and the firdt thing i see is a derogatory remark about Muslims,OH DEARY ME, a wonderfull race of folk you could not beat,honest,loyal,and politically asstute,,its NOT bring them onboard (they) our brothers in arms are aboard and kicking and fighting with the rest of us ,lets call a spade a spade here ,i stand with my pals dark skinned or lighter shade of milk bottle ,please dont go doon this fukin line PAISLET ROAD WEST IS WHERE THE HEART IS and dont let us forget it ,RANT OVER ILL BE BACK

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