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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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If the Newco waltz into the SPL, it be here for me.

A stone's throw from my front door (or about 5 minutes on the bike).

Done deal. No messing. No looking back.

And the most beautiful views in the summer time of any football club in Britain. :D

Pity about the decomposing stand mind, but Millburn Park is still one of my favourites.

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You're not getting it, it's not about a "protest" choice. It's not "we're doing this until we get our own way."

It's consumers doing what consumers always do - something sucks they move to something else and DON'T GO BACK.

Football is just an entertainment business like any other, if people find something that makes them happier, they'll move and throw their money at that instead. The days of "we'll support you ever more" are dead in the age of more entertainment choices than ever before.


But maybe you're right. Fans can't think much of their own clubs if they're going to desert them because Rangers don't get punished as much as they'd like (which is what it boils down to once all the fake moral outrage and dramaqueenery is stripped away).

I think reality lies somewhere between the 2... it's pretty silly to assert that football is no different to going to the cinema or picking which soap to watch, but equally, some people may be sufficiently fed-up that they will be prepared to give-up on their club without it being due to them not caring much anyway.

It'd also depend on the detail of how NewCo came about, what individual clubs did, what sanctions were applied to NewCo, etc. etc. etc... For all that many people are saying "I'd be off whatever" - even among those who'd actually think about it when the crunch came, there'd be differing thresholds for what constitued sufficient motivation to give-up.

However, to restate for clarity the point I was originally making... there's no way switching to physically attending EPL/EFL would be widely witnessed.

Edited by HibeeJibee
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Not to Rangers fans of course, it's a bit of reflected glory for triple chinned blubbersauruses to think they're part of a pretend master race with 20 inch knobs rather than the utter dregs of humanity with a collective IQ of plankton and the confirmation of everyone's in England's worst caricature of Glaswegians.

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Killie fan from Yorkshire. Gloryhunting b*****d :angry:

Ooohh.. Rumbled! :(

Gotta love those pies, though!


p.s. What you and yours gonna do when there's no "establishment" keeping celtic down? Gonna go to celtic park for the football? Have you SEEN the football? ;)

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But maybe you're right. Fans can't think much of their own clubs if they're going to desert them because Rangers don't get punished as much as they'd like (which is what it boils down to once all the fake moral outrage and dramaqueenery is stripped away).

Nope, got you on this one mate. I love my club, for what they are now and have always been. Honest. If they are any part of letting your lot back in, they lose that credibility and therefore my support and cash as they are deemed to have been self interested in money only and not given a second thought as to why I chose them over the other options available. Straightforward choice. That's what life is. Moral choices. I'm sure if you consult the bible that's beside your good proddy bedside you'd see that its just a book of moral tales. Right verus wrong. That's about it really.....rolleyes.gif oh wait, you haven't even seen a bible, right?

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Was listening to the Craigan interview on the way home. The guy is a Motherwell legend and that won't change. However......I was ashamed that he is the Club Captain listening to him dribble on about the arse cheeks being 'special cases'. He is starting to carve out a career as a radio/TV pundit and is going to fit in nicely with the other media sycophants.

Poor show Stephen, poor show sad.gif

Your manager made comments along the same lines on the BBC news this evening.

Gordon Strachan did as well. It really is sickening that no-one has the balls to come out and say something to the contrary.

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I think reality lies somewhere between the 2... it's pretty silly to assert that football is no different to going to the cinema or picking which soap to watch, but equally, some people may be sufficiently fed-up that they will be prepared to give-up on their club without it being due to them not caring much anyway.

It'd also depend on the detail of how NewCo came about, what individual clubs did, what sanctions were applied to NewCo, etc. etc. etc... For all that many people are saying "I'd be off whatever" - even among those who'd actually think about it when the crunch came, there'd be differing thresholds for what constitued sufficient motivation to give-up.

However, to restate for clarity the point I was originally making... there's no way switching to physically attending EPL/EFL would be widely witnessed.

No, but physically attending Juniors or lower leagues will be. Also those who, like myself, have moved away, might start following the local team in our new area. Yorkshire offers a range of footie, from Brid to Leeds and all levels in between. Most options down here are cheaper than Killie, even before I factor in £80 for diesel.

KTID (although the affair's over if Govan Zombies appear on the 12/13 fixture list)

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But maybe you're right. Fans can't think much of their own clubs if they're going to desert them because Rangers don't get punished as much as they'd like (which is what it boils down to once all the fake moral outrage and dramaqueenery is stripped away).

Bollocks, it's not about punishment, it's about fairness and cheats not prospering. Most of all it's about not running the league for the benefit of the vile old firm. If Rangers get through this unscathed every non-OF football fan will know that the league is biased and crooked.

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Nope, got you on this one mate. I love my club, for what they are now and have always been. Honest. If they are any part of letting your lot back in, they lose that credibility and therefore my support and cash as they are deemed to have been self interested in money only and not given a second thought as to why I chose them over the other options available.

Obviously that's where some grey areas could come in though? Killie might not have a say (you haven't a board member). If you did have a say, you might vote against, or abstain. It might be couched with "the alternative is financial strife". Etc. etc. There's plenty potential grey.

If it did hinge upon SPL Board alone, it could take only 1 man from 1 club to put it through. That's a different emotional kettle-of-fish to most/all SPL clubs backing it.

It'd all hinge on context, as they say.

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Your manager made comments along the same lines on the BBC news this evening.

Gordon Strachan did as well. It really is sickening that no-one has the balls to come out and say something to the contrary.

The problem is though, all those coming out are either Rangers fans or have something to gain from having Rangers in the league. Our Chairman, our ex-chairman AND our manager have all come up and said the SPL needs a strong Rangers in the league. No prizes for guessing what way St Johnstone will be voting when this does eventually come up.

It's actually sickening the special treatment they are getting here - even more sickening is the thought of my own club bending over so easily to these cheats, when they wouldn't do so for anyone other than Celtic.

Edited by Kyle
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Bollocks, it's not about punishment, it's about fairness and cheats not prospering. Most of all it's about not running the league for the benefit of the vile old firm. If Rangers get through this unscathed every non-OF football fan will know that the league is biased and crooked.

No, Harry. We already know everything is biased. What people want is change.

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Like i said, weak as piss. Dundee have done their time and taken their punishment.

Only after their fans threatened a boycott of other clubs. Sound like anyone?

Motherwell did what they had to do to get out of admin,

Yeh, they sacked players under contract, avoided debts and received no punishment whatsoever.

Rangers have done bugger all.

Rangers have so auffered much worse punishment than either Dundee or Motherwell.

Finally, comparing Rangers debt and duplicity to either of those teams is a complete and utter travesty of scale.

Indeed. On a like for like comparison, debt versus size of club, gates, turnover, etc, Dundee's debt was far greater.

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watched the C4 report with alex thompson there, brilliant, it just shows how good journalism in regards to this situation can be when you don't make deals with the devil, i was waiting for chick and his weegie media pals coming into the background with the torches and pitchforks for a good'ol lynching

one criticism from me is that he gets one point wrong. there will be no such thing as a shinny new rangers, the old adage that "you can't polish a turd" is so apt in this situation that it aint real.

i want my fucking £20 back rangers you robbing b*****ds!!!!!. and so does my wife and weans

C4 report with alex thompson

Edited by Drew Brees
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How long before all those bears who are claiming he is the messiah who will lead them to the promised land realise what he is saying.

'No Money. There is no money. Zilch, nada, rien, nichts. No more big signings, no more big salaries. No more big team in the Champions League every year."

How long before the newly converted Bears start baying for blood?

Indeed. Remember, they "deserve better". :rolleyes:

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Obviously that's where some grey areas could come in though? Killie might not have a say (you haven't a board member). If you did have a say, you might vote against, or abstain. It might be couched with "the alternative is financial strife". Etc. etc. There's plenty potential grey.

If it did hinge upon SPL Board alone, it could take only 1 man from 1 club to put it through. That's a different emotional kettle-of-fish to most/all SPL clubs backing it.

Its not about the club though is it? Its about the basic principle - if you go back to a match that you know some of the money is from television because that was the principle involved in keeping Rangers in the league, you either object morally as a person regardless of whether your club voted for it or not. Either way, if they're in, I'm out.

EDIT: typo

Edited by chrismcarab
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Just back from a night at a golf club , and got talking to ,,,or was listening in to a few legal types talking about today's Miller bid,,,,,basically said they've never heard so much shite in their lives ,,,total bullshit won't work can't work ,,up there with the rangers casino idea... :lol::o:lol:

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This thread is becoming like most of the threads on Rangers Media - boycott this, boycott that (they've always called for boycotts, even before admin) I'll tell you right now, there won't be a demonstrable difference in attendances next season.

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