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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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A tweet from Di Stefano about a bidder from the middle east will see Ra Berrz alright.

I thought Saddam Hussian was deid.

Saddam releases press statement through his media officer


"Having spoken with Duff and Phelps over a meal of the finest succulent lamb and red wines, we feel that real progress has been made to put forward a strong bid in moving towards saving the great institution that is Rangers football club. There are no problems with this club. The tax case is merely propaganda put out by those from outside the club. We get on fine with ticketus, who are a top group of people. Rangers haven't had any tax-dodging wage structures. WATP! The big hoose must stay open! We don't do walking away!"

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Hearing the end of Miller Time was a fantastic start to the day today.

However, I just dont believe that the 'Scottish Establishment' will let rangers die. There will be a "rangers" in the SPL next year. It will probably be pulled out the fire in the last couple of hours but it will happen unfortunately.

What sanctions or changes would make it acceptable?

  • 14 / 16 team top league?
  • Merge SPL and the "even diddier" leagues
  • Move to 8-4 voting or similar?
  • More even split of TV and advertising revenue?
  • Split of home game receipts?
  • Or the one I like. The establishment of a Scottish Draft. Create a pool of money, and a football centre of excellence, get money from the scottish government and all the clubs, create an academy where the best of the young players get trained and also a university education, catch is they have to sign up till they are 23, big payout at end of contract if they finish it, draft selection every year with the last team in the top tier gets the top pick etc all the way down to the winners of the league who get nothing. Salary paid by the draft academy for these top players - meaning that potentially the best young striker plays for yer st mirrens / dunfermlines (okay to be honest anyone out of the old firm), and plays there for a good few years without getting poached. This levels the playing field somewhat? If something like this was put in place, would the orcs presence be acceptable? Let alone what something like this could do for the national team....

Can you imagine the head explosions all around the country as OF fans try and get to grips with a draft system? "Eh but, we won the league, right. So, dinnae we get first pick then? How no? But they wer boatom. Wadda ye mean comp..eh...tish....on? Thats no fair, we won the league" BOOM!

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For the umpteen billionth time, Rangers and the SFA/SPL do not exist in a bubble, no matter how much Doncaster, Traynor and Young want them to be. They're not even going to see next season. Miller's public withdrawal and the reasons why have finished them.

You may as well pontificate on the ramifications of "what if Harry Potter comes flying into the rescue with all his gold from his vault at Gringotts, on the back of a hippogriff that shits Cadbury's Creme Eggs"

Thank you WTM for putting into clear language what I've been trying to say on here. I'll really have to up my efforts.

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Would the knuckle draggers instantly flock to the new club with no history?

I doubt it.

I reckon they would just to feel that they'd got one over everyone... and then give up on them when they start losing more than they win, using the ''it's not the same club' excuse to try and avoid the gloryhunter jibes.

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These were fresh tweets made last night saying the Qatar 'sheik' would now step-up in the light of Miller's withdrawal.

Clearly terrified before this at the sight of Miller's massive £11m stack.

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Been there, done that............. and moved on.

When you have an owner, who in their own wee world, that thinks there is nothing wrong with the way they run their business and yet is so at odds with normality, everyone gets screwed.

Both had owners who decided that it would be simpler to ignore the system while chasing the fame and glory.

Everyone knows that in reality there is nothing different between the way Rangers and Gretna were run - simply a matter of scale !!

In the end up the fans get screwed, have to take all the abuse from all other supporters that were shafted by their run to glory - and then move on

Rangers fans rightly dished out just as much abuse when Gretna went under and now simply have to take it themselves now.

Would you have honestly preferred it if Gretna had stayed financially prudent in the Junior Leagues, and not had that insane roller coaster ride?

(I'm not making any comparison to the Rangers situation there, just curious about Gretna)

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That Record link

it’s understood a number of players have become so disillusioned that, even if they do agree to join up with a future newco, they will not be inclined to rip up special escape clauses inserted into their contracts after the club went into administration.

Some of Ally McCoist’s most valuable players – including the likes of skipper Steve Davis and keeper Allan McGregor – will be able to leave for knockdown fees unless they agree to scrap the compensatory measures offered up to them by administrators when they accepted a 75 per cent pay reduction.

Since those savage cuts it is estimated that McCoist’s dressing room is owed in the region of £3million in lost wages.

That means the club’s own first team is now the company’s biggest single football creditor – which could also become one of the union’s major bargaining tools.

And all of the above may have helped make up Miller’s mind to run for the hills.

£11M to get in the front door, exactly who are Haudit & Doddit trying to kid?

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The only way any "Rangers" can exist now is either starting from scratch, or someone buying another club and rebranding them as a "Rangers".

Here is something to throw out on the forum, are there any fans of "diddy" clubs who would welcome Rangers buying them and being rebranded, can't imagine there are many but you never know,

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Would you have honestly preferred it if Gretna had stayed financially prudent in the Junior Leagues, and not had that insane roller coaster ride?

(I'm not making any comparison to the Rangers situation there, just curious about Gretna)

Where are Gretna now?

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So the "best" player from the draft would spend at least his first season playing in the 1st Division?

Maybe. Could there be a better parachute payment for the relegated club that they get a top notch striker that they dont have to pay for a season to get them back to the top flight?

This is standard stuff in leagues across the world. Go over the pond and the draft dominates the ice-hockey, "football", baseball etc. Draft could work in many ways. Maybe its only for the top six teams in the split? Getting Murray Park for a quid in the big hoose fire sale as the start of the new academy for the rest of scottish football would go someway for rangers repaying the debt they owe to scottish football in the last 20 years?

The draft levels the playing field and breaks the grinding monotony of the teams that are winning, attract the best players, so they keep on winning, get the most money, get the best players etc etc.

Edited by Arab in Exile
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Here is something to throw out on the forum, are there any fans of "diddy" clubs who would welcome Rangers buying them and being rebranded, can't imagine there are many but you never know,

Cant imagine there would be any fans who would welcome this. Might be some chairmen though!

Where are Gretna now?

Dead :lol:

Seriously, though, the fans started again and Gretna 2008 played last season in the East of Scotland Premier Division.

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Hearing the end of Miller Time was a fantastic start to the day today.

However, I just dont believe that the 'Scottish Establishment' will let rangers die. There will be a "rangers" in the SPL next year. It will probably be pulled out the fire in the last couple of hours but it will happen unfortunately.

Rangers as a company ARE insolvent, Duff & Phelps are trying to hide this to keep taking cash out.

HMRC will do what they have always done to companys in this situation and serve a winding up notice so they have first dabs on all assets, and they will sell them for the most they can, and if that involves taking £5 or 6 million for Ibrox for land value and the same for Murray park they will, they will sell the players, the computers the club cars the club shredder machines.

This is standard procedure for all at Portcullis house when the administrator cannot get the revenue the full value or good return with a proper payback plan agreed for the rest outstanding.

This has happened to many companys in Scotland and wider UK in the last 36 months

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Maybe. Could there be a better parachute payment for the relegated club that they get a top notch striker that they dont have to pay for a season to get them back to the top flight?

This is standard stuff in leagues across the world. Go over the pond and the draft dominates the ice-hockey, "football", baseball etc. Draft could work in many ways. Maybe its only for the top six teams in the split? Getting Murray Park for a quid in the big hoose fire sale as the start of the new academy for the rest of scottish football would go someway for rangers repaying the debt they owe to scottish football in the last 20 years?

The draft levels the playing field and breaks the grinding monotony of the teams that are winning, attract the best players, so they keep on winning, get the most money, get the best players etc etc.

The US has a very different sporting set up though. Kids there play for their high school, the go onto play at college, before being 'drafted' into the professional leagues.

Here, kids are snapped up by clubs at a very early age. How do you then transfer them into an academy at a certain age? Im not saying it wouldnt work, but it isnt quite as simple as saying we'll adopt the US model.

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Here is something to throw out on the forum, are there any fans of "diddy" clubs who would welcome Rangers buying them and being rebranded, can't imagine there are many but you never know,

Should any "Rangers" fans want to see football in the 3rd division, there is already a "Rangers" playing in it. As an alternative to travelling to Berwick, should their application to the SFL be accepted, another could be brought in. Resulting in having to travel to Allan Park, in Cove, to continue in that "Pioneering way" that the name Rangers invokes within you.

Both these clubs are functioning & have an infrastructure behind them.

Should these not be suitable, there are another 3 clubs in Glasgow, outwith Celtic, to attend Scottish Senior football at.

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Here is something to throw out on the forum, are there any fans of "diddy" clubs who would welcome Rangers buying them and being rebranded, can't imagine there are many but you never know,

Where are Gretna now?

Ooh....spooky :unsure:

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All hilarity aside I think it is time we as football fans got organised and started asking questions. Questions like is there anything we as football fans could do to speed up the death and final burial of RFC?

That way this thread can be encased in claret and amber

Fixed that for you ;)

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Rangers as a company ARE insolvent, Duff & Phelps are trying to hide this to keep taking cash out.

HMRC will do what they have always done to companys in this situation and serve a winding up notice so they have first dabs on all assets, and they will sell them for the most they can, and if that involves taking £5 or 6 million for Ibrox for land value and the same for Murray park they will, they will sell the players, the computers the club cars the club shredder machines.

This is standard procedure for all at Portcullis house when the administrator cannot get the revenue the full value or good return with a proper payback plan agreed for the rest outstanding.

This has happened to many companys in Scotland and wider UK in the last 36 months

What do you think, 0900 Monday morning at the Court of Session?

Only another 8k views til the 1.5M mark! :o

Edited by kiddy
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