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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I think that HMRC will issue a winding up order in the next couple of weeks. They cant surely be sitting back and thinking that Duff and Duffer are working sensibly and for the benefit of creditors first, company second. Why havent they been hauled up over this complete incompetence?

Why bother? Duff and Phelps can keep humming and hawing all they want - the contract deferrals run out on June 1st, as does the cash.

There cannot be a CVA before then: not that a CVA would be actually entertained by a serious bidder, given the huge HMRC tax bill waiting in the wings. It's not going to happen.

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As a minor shareholder in HMFC I'm barred by league rules from being involved in any P&B takeover bid for Glasgow Rangers

But my 5 year old Jack Russell Terrier could take a stake. Harry Redknapp has established a clear precedent for this kind of thing,

His interests include barking at Dobermans, stealing the food from peoples plates if they're not carefull and leaving small piles of crap for other people to dispose of.

I suggest he be made spokesman for the bid.

He won't be acceptable if he's a tarrier.

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Craig Whyte is either a brilliant genius or an absolute buffoon. The intriguing part is that nobody , weeks and weeks later, can say which option it is. Could he really walk away with a few million after putting in zilch with his smoke and mirrors opening show ?

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Deal. Although I'm currently working on a financial restructuring of our bid. Rather than a tenner a head it'll be a tenner per post made in this thread. The benefits of this structure are threefold: it will up the coffers considerably, it will weed out the serious bidders, it should (if my estimations are correct) result in a consortium to buy out rangers headed up by St. Mirren supporters and that really tickles my fancy.

I'm not sure if the quantum on this bid is deliverable, and is possibly based more in optimism than reality.

£10 a post I can cope with, but i only have one out of date jonny so if its one per post for that too then I'm out.

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The one puzzling thing is Alex Thomson's recent tweets- he remains convinced that Rangers will still exist in the SPL next season but isn't going into details. He is one journalist who hears regularly from Whyte so his view has to be taken seriously.

Look what happened to the last lot that listened to Whyte, expect 'Thomo' to be reading the news on bid up TV this time next year.

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I will have to withdraw my bid as it's my daughter's birthday today and I paid for pony lessons.

You can still be involved, get her and the pony along to the first match to help with crowd control.

As regards to my earlier post requesting the position of choirmaster after the P&B consortium gains control of "The Rangers". I've been thinking (yes it's a quiet day at work) and the first home game of the new season will be Abba themed. All orcs will be required to come dressed accordingly and must learn the following songs in preparation,

As Good as New

Burning My Bridges

Crying Over You


Dream World

Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!

I Have a Dream

The King Has Lost His Crown

Man In The Middle

Money! Money! Money!

Move On

Our Last Summer

People Need Love

Should I Laugh or Cry

Slipping Through My Fingers

So Long

Take a Chance on Me

Under Attack

The Winner Takes it All

I Googled them, honest, I'm no Abba geek. In fact, even accounting for their prodigious output, given the number of relevant songs did Abba know something even back then that we're only finding out now?



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As a minor shareholder in HMFC I'm barred by league rules from being involved in any P&B takeover bid for Glasgow Rangers

But my 5 year old Jack Russell Terrier could take a stake. Harry Redknapp has established a clear precedent for this kind of thing,

His interests include barking at Dobermans, stealing the food from peoples plates if they're not carefull and leaving small piles of crap for other people to dispose of.

I suggest he be made spokesman for the bid.

David Murray has already filled this role adequately.

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Brian Kennedy insists the Blue Knights' bid for Rangers stands and he has been informed he will hear by Friday morning whether it can proceed.

Kennedy says his lawyer held a meeting with administrator Duff & Phelps and was told it would "revert to us with an answer one way or the other" by Friday.

Jings crivens if it isn't another D&P deadline...

Edited by Ric
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Kennedy is back he is like a bad smell

from the bbc

Brian Kennedy insists the Blue Knights' bid for Rangers stands and he has been informed he will hear by Friday morning whether it can proceed.

Kennedy says his lawyer held a meeting with administrator Duff & Phelps and was told it would "revert to us with an answer one way or the other" by Friday.

The offer is the same as the one beaten to preferred bidder status by Bill Miller last week.

"To clarify, we were asked to get to a quantum, which we did," said Kennedy.

"And, having been told it was acceptable, we made a written offer."

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Look what happened to the last lot that listened to Whyte, expect 'Thomo' to be reading the news on bid up TV this time next year.

Hm I'd be surprised if that was his fate tbh. Not so sure about poor Chic and big Jim though. Apart from acting as comperes at future Third-Lanark style "Rangers Remembered" gigs at the Scottish Football History museum at Hampden, it's hard to see who else will give them houseroom.

Edited by Ivo den Bieman
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Kennedy is back he is like a bad smell

from the bbc

Brian Kennedy insists the Blue Knights' bid for Rangers stands and he has been informed he will hear by Friday morning whether it can proceed.

Kennedy says his lawyer held a meeting with administrator Duff & Phelps and was told it would "revert to us with an answer one way or the other" by Friday.

The offer is the same as the one beaten to preferred bidder status by Bill Miller last week.

"To clarify, we were asked to get to a quantum, which we did," said Kennedy.

"And, having been told it was acceptable, we made a written offer."

He is a strange, strange man.

I can't see the Blue Shytes being able to do anything but delay the inevitable. It really is farcical.

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