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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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whats going on with the bbc thing can someone fill me in?

Someone is going to court to have the new BBC doc on Rangers by Mark Daly suppressed. It seems that it's not about Whyte this time, which makes me think it'll be either an investigation into Murray and player registrations, or D&P's role in all of this.

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Earlier today:-

Someone is going to court to have the new BBC doc on Rangers by Mark Daly suppressed. It seems that it's not about Whyte this time, which makes me think it'll be either an investigation into Murray and player registrations, or D&P's role in all of this.

chrz guyssss

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Someone is going to court to have the new BBC doc on Rangers by Mark Daly suppressed. It seems that it's not about Whyte this time, which makes me think it'll be either an investigation into Murray and player registrations, or D&P's role in all of this.

what was fat sally saying again about everything being out in the opendry.gif

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There were a number of threats on that thread. The police would have a field day if they took the new laws seriously.

It's important to preserve RM, however, to remind us all just how big a collective c**t the Rangers support is.

The Big Website must stay open!

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Guest Kincardine

That thread on RM about bringing back 'the policy' highlights perfectly why it's better for everyone that this club dies and dies now.

I'm not a member of RM unlike yourself. I did have a quick browse through and couldn't see a thread about "bringing back 'the policy'".

Could you post a link?

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post number 9

I'm not a member of RM unlike yourself. I did have a quick browse through and couldn't see a thread about "bringing back 'the policy'".

Could you post a link?

Edited to add: The whole thread is shockingly offensive, so really post number nine is just a small sample of the knuckle dragging scum attitude that should be eradicated from our society permanently. These pondlife totally disgust me. How does this forum manage to stay online. I thought there were laws against things like that?

Edited by ReasonableGeezer
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I'm not a member of RM unlike yourself. I did have a quick browse through and couldn't see a thread about "bringing back 'the policy'".

Could you post a link?

This is really going to endear them to new buyers , time to move on perhapsrolleyes.gif

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Excerpt from RM Editorial:

I deliberately used the Pearl Harbour analogy because it describes precisely the behaviour of the Scottish media throughout the Rangers administration saga. Not for us an understanding and helping hand but, rather, wave after wave of unremitting and unrelenting attacks much like those unleashed by the Japanese on the unsuspecting American fleet anchored at Pearl Harbour.

For them the demise of our great club will not be a, ‘date which will live in infamy’ but, rather, a date to be celebrated much like the sneaky Japanese attack on sleepy Hawaii.


Enemies within and enemies without

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I think he meant in respect that if you'd been out the country and stumbled into a Rangers game, you'd still be seeing McGregor, Whittaker, McCulloch, Aluko & Co in blue jerseys, and not some bunch of kids and a handful of lower-earning pros.... which is what we should be seeing, if Haudit & Daudit had done their job properly.

They did do their job properly in terms of making savings on their player budget, it's just that they did it by blackmailing players into taking wage cuts rather than by sacking staff members. Their wage bill was reduced substantially, but they still managed to keep the squad together to secure 2nd place (and the prize money which comes with this), and managed to keep potentially sellable assets on the book.

That was about the only thing they've done right.

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Just how out of touch with reality can people get ?

Is that a serious question?

Correct, when we are back success is a given.

Been downhill ever since we lost the propaganda war against that lot, convincing people we are the bad guys, This group of scum who hate our beliefs, our country, who celebrate acts of terrorism against innocent people

We have scum in almost every section of the media these days, just whispering away telling everyone how bad we are etc.... and slowly over time people are starting to believe it.


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Apart from that RM being full of zoomers the fcuking site makes their ads like posts and they're targeted at things I search for all day every day, annoying as fcuk.

Always posted at 4:21pm.

Edited by ayrmad
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Guest Kincardine

post number 9

Edited to add: The whole thread is shockingly offensive, so really post number nine is just a small sample of the knuckle dragging scum attitude that should be eradicated from our society permanently. These pondlife totally disgust me. How does this forum manage to stay online. I thought there were laws against things like that?

I've not read this before and have no great interest in RM. Parts of the thread are distasteful. To say the, "whole thread is shockingly offensive" is a wee bit dramatic. Some quips are humorous - so it certainly isn't 'the whole thread'.

Sad, though, that a few of our support haven't moved on in a generation. David Holmes was the Chief Exec who broke 'the policy' in the 1980s. What he said was sensible:

Edited to tidy up some typos.

Edited by Kincardine
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1336692985[/url]' post='6223011']

Excerpt from RM Editorial:


Enemies within and enemies without

I find the Pearl Harbor analogy quite apt. After all, FDR had been trying to sell it for years but found it difficult due to the long standing rumors about weak air defenses. Also, in November of 1940 a Japaneses blogger started a website called "Pearl Harbor Defenseless Against Carrier Attack". Lastly, when the new Naval commandant was appointed in 1941 basic research indicated he had been banned from command positions for eight years due to misconduct. The situation was exactly the same.

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