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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Wednesday after the appeal or Thursday makes sense.

Hopefully the original decision is upheld and Rangers and Green can dream about Europe for a wee while whilst they climb through the leagues. How would you promote a Division 3 side to investors in the far east - maybe that are money laundering triads or something - shady characters.

Rangers being somewhere between Green and Whyte is something you couldn't dream of from a comedy perspective.

I'm sure he'll soon enough join the bears hate list.

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One thing that might be important: If the consortium really does contain 20 members than each individual is putting in less £500K even with announced acquisition fees to date. Thats not a lot of money for rich folks. If everything breaks perfectly for them (sanctions reversed, BTC result goes shockingly in their favor, Collyer Bristow gets hammered, SFL and SFA roll over, etc.) they each have a piece of a huge upside.

If things go as expected largely pear shaped they might be able to recover something from milking the Orcs via share issues, etc., may get lucky with stringng along a bargain basement team and may find a buyer once the club has its debts cleared even if its a shell of itself.

If everything goes against them as we hope, then well each of them is out about the price of a not terribly impressive fourth home. Green seems to be de facto retired so his reputation is less relevant, the others are keeping hidden and are probably abroad and in any case the Murrays and Whyte will draw most of the peepuls venom if it all goes Third Lanark.

If I had piles of cash looking to invest in this grim economic climate the above might not look a bad deal. But I don't think I would be interested in pouring lots of money into a club starting with a damaged team and with only one CL spot available by the time Rangers were eligible again. I certainly wouldn't want to "speculate to accumulate" to use the phrase Rangers Media has started to drag up.

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Will update the Hughie Green 'we do do walking away' sweepstake when I get home (assuming they haven't liquidated by then'.

Am I the only person that saw that tweet from the Herald reporter this am who got D& P to admit that a CvA was pretty much a non starter and that the club was nearly out of cash and couldn't get through the close season.

Edited by Araminta Moonbeam QC
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Will update the Hughie Green 'we do do walking away' sweepstake when I get home (assuming they haven't liquidated by then'.

Am I the only person that saw that tweet from the Herald reporter this am who got D& P to admit that a CvA was pretty much a non starter and that the club was nearly out of cash and couldn't get through the close season.

No it was posted here a little earlier, but much like media and the SFA report in to Rangers conduct it hasn't been picked up all that well.

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"Green has vowed to raise £1bn for Rangers and will accept investment from anyone so long as the cash is clean."

No problem Mr Green, I will be on the phone to you - just as soon as it has dried out.

I saw that billion pounds thing as well. I assume HMRC, Ticketus, Rapid Vienna and all the other creditors might have seen it too. What's to stop them saying "Pennies in the pound? Balls to that. We'll hang on until the billion gets here. Thanks for the heads up Charlie."

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1337000898[/url]' post='6235067']

No it was posted here a little earlier, but much like media and the SFA report in to Rangers conduct it hasn't been picked up all that well.

Jolly good just checking. Media still busy buying the spin, I see. I had selected next Sunday in the sweepstake, but am starting to winder if they'll be out of business by then.

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From footballnews24 - Gattuso has not played since suffering vision problems due to conflict with Alessandro Nesta, the Serie A match against Lazio, September 2011

Might not be able to play but he sounds like the perfect person to look at the books ...if they ever got round to doing them

He seems to think he's paid money for exclusivity - naive at best

Indeed - Miller was given preferred bidder status and access to all the information but when he pulled out it became clear that D&P were at "advanced stages with 4 other bidders"

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"Green has vowed to raise £1bn for Rangers and will accept investment from anyone so long as the cash is clean."

That really has to be the single most embarrassing statement in this whole farce. The great global brand and Scottish institution basically advertising for money, any money, from anybody, please, to keep it alive. I'd hammer Green with a bringing the game into disrepute charge before he's even been given the keys.

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No it was a reduction. If it was a deferral then it would not have been a saving as the players would have become creditors.

The quid pro quo was that there were clauses put in their contracts regarding release under certain circumstances, though the details were never made available.

What, no transparency? That can't be right, Ally was most insisitent regarding transparency.

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1337000711[/url]' post='6235054']

I've read this twice, does anyone have a scoobie of what he's talking about?

It's actually relatively coherent by his recent standards. He doesn't like the fact his beloved Troo Bloo Knights have lost and is playing the xenophobia card ("Arabian Knights") and the Whyte M.II card against team Green. Calling for somebody else to do due diligence on the shadowy foreign types and helpfully providing contact details to What he thinks is Green's solicitors so the Orcs can get their retaliation in early and flood the phone lines and email system with stupid questions and veiled threats. I'm sure that will Really help Field Fisher's motivation to stay with a process that has already led to litigation and horrific publicity for another law firm.

Never mind Parkhead's agent Whyte - is someone on P&B picking up Leggo's drinks bill so as to make the Bears look bad and scare off bidders? If so, such a massive monetary sacrifice should not go unrewarded.

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It's actually relatively coherent by his recent standards. He doesn't like the fact his beloved Troo Bloo Knights have lost and is playing the xenophobia card ("Arabian Knights") and the Whyte M.II card against team Green. Calling for somebody else to do due diligence on the shadowy foreign types and helpfully providing contact details to What he thinks is Green's solicitors so the Orcs can get their retaliation in early and flood the phone lines and email system with stupid questions and veiled threats. I'm sure that will Really help Field Fisher's motivation to stay with a process that has already led to litigation and horrific publicity for another law firm.

Never mind Parkhead's agent Whyte - is someone on P&B picking up Leggo's drinks bill so as to make the Bears look bad and scare off bidders? If so, such a massive monetary sacrifice should not go unrewarded.

If that's coherent then I'll have to treat myself to an archive read. So much to do and so little time!

Seriously, thanks, I read it for the third time and just about get what you've summarised.

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