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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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There are lots of players in the SPL that I am sure Rangers will have been looking at, and the bottom line is that buying these guys from other Scottish clubs benefits the game.

"If you take that out for a year then I am sure there will be one or two clubs who will feel it

There are no words.

This guy seems to think the SPL will be worse off because Rangers aren't stealing our best players.

Staggering, just fucking staggering :blink: :blink:

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Just a point of order.

Is the smug look on that panda's face thanks to A) recent consumption of the rather tasty looking morsel clutched in the left paw or, B), the fact that a session of self-pollution is about to take place?

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Surely if a championship or epl team wanted him they would've came in with a bigger bid than Rangers' then?

Oh, what is the p&b record for the most pages? tongue.gif

They may well have done but the selling club can't force a player to sign for the club making the highest bid. Some players seem to develop blinkers once Rangers or Celtic are mentioned. Look how close Goodwillie was to going to Rangers for a fraction of what Blackburn eventually paid.

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There are no words.

This guy seems to think the SPL will be worse off because Rangers aren't stealing our best players for sweeties because they're conned into thinking they're going to a BIG club.

Staggering, just fucking staggering :blink: :blink:

Just saying like.

Edited by Fasda
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These empty threats to bring the sky down on Scottish football and damage the business prospects of SFA sponsors really are laughable.

Rangers are about to find out- in death- how little they really matter to a healthy and functioning game. These threats are unlikely to endear them to the already-raging authorities and will only strengthen their resolve. The threat of further legal action is absolutely ludicrous. The SFA's punishments are covered by their own statutes, and in any case it's a private members' organisation for which there is no appeal under common law.

As for the statement of the "Rangers Supporters Assembly", it really does take the breath away. Cluelessness, massive Arrogance and Delusion surely will be a winning formula in "righting" the "injustices" visited on a fast-dying club. :wacko:

Contrition and Humility is the only reverse gear out of this situation- the average Rangers fan probably thinks Contrition & Humility is the local undertakers firm.

Scottish football may have to adjust to a loss in funding for a couple of years but it will adapt and move forward successfully. The collateral- the demise of the absurd, greedy, overblown SPL cartel, as a result of the liquidation of one of its most important cash-generating members- would be absolutely marvellous. Even if the SPL does somehow manage to stay intact, the rotting carcass of Rangers will be left behind.

Those chairman still sobbing into their brandies about losses of funding are those who haven't bothered doing a projected budget for a Rangers-less scenario. They have only themselves to blame. f**k them and their money-grubbing self-interest. There's a bigger picture here which we should all be pulling towards- a national game freed from domination by one utterly corrupt, morally bankrupt, bigoted institution, a national game that liveds within its means and where the speculate-to-accumulate model of running a club has been forever discredited.

Bring it on.

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Some of the sheer idiocy coming from the RSA fellow, really does beggar belief.

I'd love a proper, reasoned, analysed insight from one of these people which could clearly spell out why their punishment for effectively cheating is unfair. Instead of whataboutery and dummy spitting. It's unbelievable that they still, after everything that has come to light, feel they are as a club, being victimized in all of this.

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Rangers really aren't handling the realisation that they aren't Real Madrid or Manchester United very well, are they. They enjoyed the trappings - the marquee Souness era signings, the European adventures, being mentioned with Celtic as being candidates for any Euro 'Super League', and generally acted the Johnny big baws. When it comes crumbling down, it must be hard to take - especially when you know that it was all done in a manner that would embarrass Quick Quid or Pounds to Pocket.

Hard to take when you need to accept you aren't Real Madrid from the Bernabeau, but a bunch of cheating cnuts from Govan.

Fortunately, I will never face such a fall from grace, and talk of retribution or getting it right up the rest of Scottish football in a fit of pique. The team I support are generally a bit on the pish side anyway, so I'm pretty happy with a cup win every 25 years and the odd rogering of Morton. Easy the Mirren.

You just need to look at Sampdoria, once competing in European finals and having the amazing accolade of being on the Subbuteo cover, now playing in Serie B. Most kids today probably don't know much about them.

Pub conversation in Genoa 5-10 years from now (translated from italian of course):

"Remember a team called 'Rangers?"

"Not really"

"Scottish team, Gattuso went there for a bit."

"Oh yeah, them, were they not the ones with the whole Protestant / Catholic thing going on?"

"Think so"

"F***ing archaeic eh?"

"Got that right. Whatever happened to them anyway"

"Dunno. Money problems, relegation I guess."

"Oh well"

"two Moretti's?"


[never brought up in conversation ever again]

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Cards on the table time. I don't agree with the transfer embargo. I thought there would have been a compromise solution such as large financial penalty + pay all footballing debts in full from your price money and only then will you be allowed to sign players..I even thought they might make it a 1 window ban but they have decided to well and truly shaft Rangers..Make no mistake that is what has happened here as we all know that the top players will leave on cut price deals in June and there is no way to replace them. The nonsense talked about 40+ professional players is misleading as we have so many youngsters on our books...We couldn't fill a subs bench on occassion this season!! I dread to think what will happen come December/ January when injuries and suspensions start to bite...What happens when we cannot field a team as we simply don't have the players?

That all said what exactly do the Rangers Supporters groups want? The club did wrong and before anybody says nobody knew about the non payments and it being down to 1 man...Pish!! I knew months beforehand that Whyte had not paid 1 outside contractor for work on the stadium. The company that put in the PA system for example were threatening to take it out as they were never paid for it..If i knew i am sure others knew..Including Andy Kerr!

The club need to be punished..We have to just have to get on with it..We need to do all we can to support the club and forget boycotts as that is not helping anyone. I am sure the majority on FF who are advocating for the away game boycot never travel anyway!!

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Rangers really aren't handling the realisation that they aren't Real Madrid or Manchester United very well, are they. They enjoyed the trappings - the marquee Souness era signings, the European adventures, being mentioned with Celtic as being candidates for any Euro 'Super League', and generally acted the Johnny big baws. When it comes crumbling down, it must be hard to take - especially when you know that it was all done in a manner that would embarrass Quick Quid or Pounds to Pocket.

Hard to take when you need to accept you aren't Real Madrid from the Bernabeau, but a bunch of cheating cnuts from Govan.

Fortunately, I will never face such a fall from grace, and talk of retribution or getting it right up the rest of Scottish football in a fit of pique. The team I support are generally a bit on the pish side anyway, so I'm pretty happy with a cup win every 25 years and the odd rogering of Morton. Easy the Mirren.

Green dot purely for the use of the phrase "Johnny big baws" :D

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Reminds me of our European campaign when the magazine 442 tried to laugh at foreigners trying to look up Raith on a map. Unfortunately any feelings of superiority was lost when they stated that Raith Rovers actually play in a town called 'Fife'. Nummuts


We all know Fife is a wee village :P

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Cards on the table time. I don't agree with the transfer embargo. I thought there would have been a compromise solution such as large financial penalty + pay all footballing debts in full from your price money and only then will you be allowed to sign players..I even thought they might make it a 1 window ban but they have decided to well and truly shaft Rangers..Make no mistake that is what has happened here as we all know that the top players will leave on cut price deals in June and there is no way to replace them. The nonsense talked about 40+ professional players is misleading as we have so many youngsters on our books...We couldn't fill a subs bench on occassion this season!! I dread to think what will happen come December/ January when injuries and suspensions start to bite...What happens when we cannot field a team as we simply don't have the players?

That all said what exactly do the Rangers Supporters groups want? The club did wrong and before anybody says nobody knew about the non payments and it being down to 1 man...Pish!! I knew months beforehand that Whyte had not paid 1 outside contractor for work on the stadium. The company that put in the PA system for example were threatening to take it out as they were never paid for it..If i knew i am sure others knew..Including Andy Kerr!

The club need to be punished..We have to just have to get on with it..We need to do all we can to support the club and forget boycotts as that is not helping anyone. I am sure the majority on FF who are advocating for the away game boycot never travel anyway!!

I assume you actually mean that you don't like it, because you go onto provide a pretty compelling argument as to why it is difficult not to agree with it.

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These empty threats to bring the sky down on Scottish football and damage the business prospects of SFA sponsors really are laughable.

Rangers are about to find out- in death- how little they really matter to a healthy and functioning game. These threats are unlikely to endear them to the already-raging authorities and will only strengthen their resolve. The threat of further legal action is absolutely ludicrous. The SFA's punishments are covered by their own statutes, and in any case it's a private members' organisation for which there is no appeal under common law.

As for the statement of the "Rangers Supporters Assembly", it really does take the breath away. Cluelessness, massive Arrogance and Delusion surely will be a winning formula in "righting" the "injustices" visited on a fast-dying club. :wacko:

Contrition and Humility is the only reverse gear out of this situation- the average Rangers fan probably thinks Contrition & Humility is the local undertakers firm.

Scottish football may have to adjust to a loss in funding for a couple of years but it will adapt and move forward successfully. The collateral- the demise of the absurd, greedy, overblown SPL cartel, as a result of the liquidation of one of its most important cash-generating members- would be absolutely marvellous. Even if the SPL does somehow manage to stay intact, the rotting carcass of Rangers will be left behind.

Those chairman still sobbing into their brandies about losses of funding are those who haven't bothered doing a projected budget for a Rangers-less scenario. They have only themselves to blame. f**k them and their money-grubbing self-interest. There's a bigger picture here which we should all be pulling towards- a national game freed from domination by one utterly corrupt, morally bankrupt, bigoted institution, a national game that liveds within its means and where the speculate-to-accumulate model of running a club has been forever discredited.

Bring it on.

this has been on the cards for longer than rangers going into administration, even with them going into admin, you would think that the chairmen would try to budget for the worst case scenario for the finances of their club and try and cut their cloth accordingly, and if they find out that there is a bit more cash available than first thought then maybe try and reduce the overdraft/debt the club has, i know that some clubs have a far greater level of debt than others (not looking to far from my own club), even down south they have started to realise that the bubble is not long for bursting and are bringing financial fair play into their leagues, leagues 1 + 2 have already got a cap on % of turnover to wages rule, the championship clubs have not long agreed a financial ruling as well, shame our clubs have not bothered and only just gave soundbites of trimming the costs.

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Cards on the table time. I don't agree with the transfer embargo. I thought there would have been a compromise solution such as large financial penalty + pay all footballing debts in full from your price money and only then will you be allowed to sign players..I even thought they might make it a 1 window ban but they have decided to well and truly shaft Rangers..Make no mistake that is what has happened here as we all know that the top players will leave on cut price deals in June and there is no way to replace them. The nonsense talked about 40+ professional players is misleading as we have so many youngsters on our books...We couldn't fill a subs bench on occassion this season!! I dread to think what will happen come December/ January when injuries and suspensions start to bite...What happens when we cannot field a team as we simply don't have the players?

That all said what exactly do the Rangers Supporters groups want? The club did wrong and before anybody says nobody knew about the non payments and it being down to 1 man...Pish!! I knew months beforehand that Whyte had not paid 1 outside contractor for work on the stadium. The company that put in the PA system for example were threatening to take it out as they were never paid for it..If i knew i am sure others knew..Including Andy Kerr!

The club need to be punished..We have to just have to get on with it..We need to do all we can to support the club and forget boycotts as that is not helping anyone. I am sure the majority on FF who are advocating for the away game boycot never travel anyway!!

Having one of your 'true colour' moments again? :rolleyes:

How can the punishment be reduced to signing players after paying all your football debt - this is going to happen anyway :lol:

It matters not one jot if the players are youngsters or not. If you have to play them, play them. If that means getting pumped every week then Rangers FC (2012) will, indeed, be the gift that keeps on giving

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Man, I cannae keep up with this thread, it's growing so fast I think it may soon generate it's own atmosphere. Tried catching up but gave up after 10 fucking pages :lol:

Anyway, just wanna say I am delighted that the 3 man appeal board had the balls to uphold the previous punishment. Not sure what will happen next but I suspect sportsound will be an enlightening experience tonight.:D

As for the RSA guy.. Who the f**k does he think he supports?? Someone needs to tell him, "the're a fucking fitba team nothing more" and as such they can posture and threaten all they like but apart from him and his knuckledragging followers, naebody give a flying f**k and we aint scared by his billy big bully outbursts. Boycott what the f**k yee like. The world will keep turning and the rest of Scottish fitba will move on.

What a fucking zoomer :blink:

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Cards on the table time. I don't agree with the transfer embargo. I thought there would have been a compromise solution such as large financial penalty + pay all footballing debts in full from your price money and only then will you be allowed to sign players..I even thought they might make it a 1 window ban but they have decided to well and truly shaft Rangers..Make no mistake that is what has happened here as we all know that the top players will leave on cut price deals in June and there is no way to replace them. The nonsense talked about 40+ professional players is misleading as we have so many youngsters on our books...We couldn't fill a subs bench on occasion this season!! I dread to think what will happen come December/ January when injuries and suspensions start to bite...What happens when we cannot field a team as we simply don't have the players?

That all said what exactly do the Rangers Supporters groups want? The club did wrong and before anybody says nobody knew about the non payments and it being down to 1 man...Pish!! I knew months beforehand that Whyte had not paid 1 outside contractor for work on the stadium. The company that put in the PA system for example were threatening to take it out as they were never paid for it..If i knew i am sure others knew..Including Andy Kerr!

The club need to be punished..We have to just have to get on with it..We need to do all we can to support the club and forget boycotts as that is not helping anyone. I am sure the majority on FF who are advocating for the away game boycot never travel anyway!!

I must agree having read the report I thought they would reduce it to one window, enough to stop Rangers winning the league next season but not enough that they could not trade out of it if the team were in trouble at Christmas.

It looks like there are not as many Rangers fans who can see reason like you can and the more the likes of Jardine pump up the support the greater the chances of some doing stupid things are.

There are also others looking in from the outside. On another forum I use there are questions from Portsmouth fans as to how you have such a big squad when they had to let go of all bar 20 players and its now down to 15. Why they had to let go of most of the management team yet Sally still has assistants and ex players on the bench with him.

Then there are the fans, many of whom are making a tit of themselves on twitter.

What will they do if the tax case goes against the club, or the double contracts, or the CVA is rejected?

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