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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Nae need for that, Stranraer will be a league above them next year if they keep the heid in the second leg of the play off final.

Exactly. What sort of ridiculous club would need to bring players in on loan from clubs below then in the league? I mean, imagine if Rangers were forced to go to the likes of Aberdeen and say "we can't fill a position in the team, can we have some of your players plea..." ... oh, wait.

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I read somewhere that if Rangers take the SFA/SPL to court it could potentially mean no Scottish teams in Europe. Does anyone know if there is any truth in this?

Also the #FucktheSFA tag on twitter is comedy gold. Never seen so much loyalist imagery/slogans in a long bloody time.

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Oh, I really really want them to try some Olympic disruption protest. The Polis will be armed to the teeth and a quick Tazering would be highly amusing.

They could always combine an Olympic protest with handcuffing themselves to the Hampden turnstiles at the cup final...


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Is Andy "juan" Kerr the chief that got done for drink driving on his way back to Harrogate after the game at IBronx v Killie?

He doesn't do sober driving away.....

looks like HarrogateBlue has just been outed.

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I just cannot for the life of me understand why the ragers fans are supporting a "let's f**k them all and join the English leagues".Firstly they don't need them or want them ! AT ALL.

The sectarian bile a lot of them have towards their own biggest rivals here and the amount of trouble that happens each old firm game is astounding :unsure: imagine what the orcs would do when they suddenly come to realise when they get shafted at least once a fortnight down there that "THEY ARE ENGLISH" ?.Not having the catholics and some diddy teams to blame for all their troubles they would have a field day with every effing team down there except the Welsh unless they beat them as well.Then the protests at Ibrox because they are not spending hundreds of millions in EBT's to compete in the Northern Premier League.The ragers will be totally in their element on a rampage every second week till they got booted out of England for bring the game into disrepute down there as well.

The mind boggles.

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Rangers Charity Foundation

The tribunal report from the SFA identifies Craig Whyte clearly as being guilty of behaviour unacceptable in his position as chairman of a company. This also applies to John Greig in his role as a director of Rangers.

Summary and comments from Alex Thomson at http://blogs.channel4.com/alex-thomsons-view/rangers-luckiest-club-britain/1533

But if we look at the Rangers charity foundation site we see the following trustees listed.


Craig Whyte, Chairman

Craig Whyte became the new owner of Rangers on 6 May 2011 when he concluded a deal with Sir David Murray to become the majority shareholder.

As part of the constitution of the Rangers Charity Foundation, Craig Whyte became Chairman of the Foundation when he assumed the role of Chairman of the Club.

John Greig MBE, Honorary President

John Greig was named the ‘Greatest Ever Ranger’ by Rangers supporters in 1999, having led the Club to honours as both Captain and Manager. John embodies the spirit, passion and determination of Rangers. He is Honorary President of the Charity Foundation.

Jacqueline Gourlay, Trustee

Jacqueline, a graduate of the University of Glasgow and a chartered accountant, has over 15 years experience in various financial and operational roles within the electronics and leisure industries. Jacqueline is a member of the Executive Management Team at Rangers and provides day to day management and direction of the charity's activities working very closely with the Charity Manager. She also currently serves as a Director and Treasurer in another charitable organisation within the voluntary sector.

The obvious question is should OSCR (The charity regulator in Scotland) accept that a charity continues to operate and raise money while the majority of the trustees (2 out of 3) have been accused (without protest) of completely inadequate governance elsewhere? Have a read of http://www.oscr.org.uk/managing-your-charity/trustee-duties/

I would hope OSCR moves quickly as the risk of inappropriate behaviour must be real and significant

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Everybody that mattered at the club knew what was going on, from the directors and manager down to the players with their dodgy contracts.

Walter never knew. Oh no. Didn't have a clue did Walter. I know this as a FACT as No8 told me in no uncertain fashion that Walter didn't know when I said he must have. So he didn't know.

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Had the SFA been more pro-active, as some in the know are suggesting they should have been, then such carnage could have been avoided.

You know, the more I read these things, perhaps the SFA are incredibly corrupt and anti-Rangers. :o

A football club which has conducted itself with honour and dignity for well over a hundred years is being punished...

... and then I got as far as there :lol:

The army of Rangers supporters could bring this country to a standstill should they withhold their right to work for a day.


Half of them would still be at home on the dole!

Behaving with dignity and decorum does not appear to be effective in fairness or justice. Perhaps a more militant response will prove more beneficial.


Edited by Hedgecutter
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Sorry if this has been posted before, but even for RM it's absolutely drenched in deluded triumphalism and over inflated self worth.

A Call To Arms

It is scarily unbelievable. It is the belief that the deserve assistance to 'recover & re-establish' themselves - they truly believe that they can only be in aposition where they are competing to be first or second, nothing else is acceptable. This is supposed to be a league where teams can finish in different positions. I am old enough to remember teams like Morton & Dumbarton in the top flight, I have even seen Clydebank in the top flight. I have been at Hampden and seen the Scottish Cup lifted by Hearts, Aberdeen, Rangers & Celtic.

The guy also basically calls for a general strike of Rangers fans - I am now struggling to differentiate between the parody and the serious sometimes. Is that written by a P&B genius and being taken seriously by RM people or is it really serious ?? :o

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The sectarian bile a lot of them have towards their own biggest rivals here and the amount of trouble that happens each old firm game is astounding :unsure:

The above applies to both of you. News flash: no one wants your half of the cheek either, especially not England

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It is scarily unbelievable. It is the belief that the deserve assistance to 'recover & re-establish' themselves - they truly believe that they can only be in aposition where they are competing to be first or second, nothing else is acceptable. This is supposed to be a league where teams can finish in different positions. I am old enough to remember teams like Morton & Dumbarton in the top flight, I have even seen Clydebank in the top flight. I have been at Hampden and seen the Scottish Cup lifted by Hearts, Aberdeen, Rangers & Celtic.

The guy also basically calls for a general strike of Rangers fans - I am now struggling to differentiate between the parody and the serious sometimes. Is that written by a P&B genius and being taken seriously by RM people or is it really serious ?? :o

think of how much peace the staff in the job centres and benefits centres will get if their usual clientèle don't show up for a day

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Sorry if this has been posted before, but even for RM it's absolutely drenched in deluded triumphalism and over inflated self worth.

A Call To Arms

It is the duty of every Bear, man woman or child, to step up and play when the conductors baton directs them.


Surely a bill must be rushed through Parliament to introduce eugenics.

ETA: this sentence kind of takes the biscuit:

The time for dignified silence is over. :lol:

Edited by Drooper
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A call to arms.

#1 D'Artagnan


Group:True Blue




Joined:04-January 07

Posted Today, 01:57 PM


".... You ask, What is our policy? I will say; "It is to wage war, by sea, land and air, with all our might and with all the strength that God can give us: to wage war against a monstrous tyranny, never surpassed in the dark lamentable catalogue of human crime. That is our policy." You ask, What is our aim? I can answer with one word: Victory - victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory there is no survival. "

(Sir Winston Churchill)

When a tyrant assumes a position of leadership within a country often the people are powerless to prevent it. They suffer the ravages of such tyranny until the oppressor is overthrown and removed from power. Events in Iraq the last few years are a timely reminder.

However post tyranny you don't see the United nations seeking to punish the people of Iraq for events which they had no control over. Instead money, aid and expertise has been thrown towards them in an effort to help them re-establish themselves.

Craig Whyte assumed control of Rangers when our former owner betrayed both his previous promises as well as his sense of moral duty. The carnage which followed is now well documented.

One man's totalitarian rule at Ibrox has ravaged our club. He sold some of our cherished heritage, he banished Rangers legends making their role at Ibrox untenable, he sold star players for less than their market value and by his actions tarnished the name and reputation of Rangers Football Club. Had the SFA been more pro-active, as some in the know are suggesting they should have been, then such carnage could have been avoided. In fact if it was not proceduraly possible for them to intervene perhaps their energies should be to exploring their own constitution and procedures to ensure there is never a repeat.

In fact here's a novel, although not unique, idea. Instead of seeking to punish Rangers for the actions of one totalitarian leader, perhaps the SFA, like the United Nations are doing in Iraq, should be helping in any way they can to allow Rangers Football Club to recover and re-establish themselves, post tyranny.

Of course it's clear its not going to happen. What is happening to our club by way of punshment for the actions and conduct of Whyte is totally unfair and against the rules of natural justice. A football club which has conducted itself with honour and dignity for well over a hundred years is being punished with Draconian measures for the actions of one man during his tenure of several months.

But the arguments have been heard and the decisions have been reached. Let their unfair punishments of Rangers Football Club be the indictment. Let the unfairness and injustice of it all serve as a catalyst and motivation to every single one of us.

The Rangers supporters Groups and Assemblies who have been sitting despondent after attempts to take control of our club were doomed to fail, may have thought their chance for glory had gone. Let me tell you this there is a far greater opportunity presenting itself right in front of them. That opportunity is to channel in a united fashion the moral indignation being felt by every Bear, on mesageboard forums, supporters clubs and buses...in fact just about anywhere into an effective fighting force and protest against the injustice against our club.

They need to make sure the boycotts which are been called for ad hoc on messageboards, are directed and organised into an effective weapon and explore all other avenues for effective action.

It is the duty of every Bear, man woman or child, to step up and play when the conductors baton directs them.

The army of Rangers supporters could bring this country to a standstill should they withhold their right to work for a day. But we are talking about potential here.

Potential has to be realised and actioned, not threatened in newspapers or on messageboards.

There is the potential for Scottish Football to be turned upside down by the Rangers support acting together as one with boycotts, withdrawing support from away games etc. This is not revenge, this is about fighting for justice for our club.

And on the subject of unity – the guardians of our club need to join this protest. Withdrawal of Rangers players from representing Scotland would be a fine start. If the SFA are going to severely restrict our options on players with a transfer embargo, then why should we risk injury to those players we do have left representing a governing body who has done nothing to help, but plenty to hinder our recovery ?

I sincerely hope the leaders of our supporter's groups rise to this challenge. Behaving with dignity and decorum does not appear to be effective in fairness or justice. Perhaps a more militant response will prove more beneficial. It certainly cant be any worse. Do I really want to fill the coffers of clubs who have sought to kick us when we are down ?

It is time Bears.

The soundbites of the politicians who promised to help seem to have faded away. Its up to every one us to do our bit to help our recovery. Its also time for us to show, but more importantly exercise the same disdain towards others, as they appear to show towards us.

The time for dignified silence is over.

The time for expecting fairness and justice is over.

The SFA by their conduct and draconian punishments have unleashed a fury. A fury which only seems to grow with each passing day. Its time to channel that fury towards our enemies and those who seem indifferent to our plight.

Its time Churchill's pledge which opened this article to be resurrected and put into practice.

If we do so with the same vigour and commitment as those whose responded to it over 70 years ago, then woe betide the enemies of our club.



Lengthy, I know but it warrants an appearance here because it simply won't get the fcuking ridicule it deserves on their own forum biggrin.gif

It would be an act of mercy to kill this club stone cold dead if this is an example of a "considered argument"

Edited by GreenockRover
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It is scarily unbelievable. It is the belief that the deserve assistance to 'recover & re-establish' themselves - they truly believe that they can only be in aposition where they are competing to be first or second, nothing else is acceptable. This is supposed to be a league where teams can finish in different positions. I am old enough to remember teams like Morton & Dumbarton in the top flight, I have even seen Clydebank in the top flight. I have been at Hampden and seen the Scottish Cup lifted by Hearts, Aberdeen, Rangers & Celtic.

The guy also basically calls for a general strike of Rangers fans - I am now struggling to differentiate between the parody and the serious sometimes. Is that written by a P&B genius and being taken seriously by RM people or is it really serious ?? :o

This is obviously an educated guy. I suspect a PhD from Belfast University, his thesis was on "The Speeches of Ian Paisley"

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