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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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when did we cheat, i've seen this thowing about but have yet to see this first hand, rangers haven't been found guilty of cheating yet.

tax evasion yes, match fixing no

You evaded tax... You cheated.

You brought in players you couldn't afford. You created a team that others couldn't compete with.

If you hadn't done this, other teams could have competed with you for that second champions league place.

You cheated. You, as in your club. Not one person. Your club.

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when did we cheat, i've seen this thowing about but have yet to see this first hand, rangers haven't been found guilty of cheating yet.

tax evasion yes, match fixing no

when you signed lee wallace among others, knowing that the only way you could afford to do that was to stop paying your PAYE, that was cheating, clearly. rangers fans talk like white kept the PAYE money in his drawer. fact is if he had paid PAYE you had to have sold a few more players or you would have been in administration much earlier.

and no, you are right, you havent been found guilty of cheating yet in terms of illegally registering players and avoiding tax on them, over a period of well over a decade. however this is a forum not a court of law. on the balance of probablilities, its pretty likely, looking at what we know, that you are going to be found guilty, and if rules are followed fairly, you will be banished from scottish football.

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Whatever the reasons or logic, it won't make any difference in court. Amazing they haven't tried to spin some tale through the media after the SFA report came out.

Probably spoke to lawyers who would have told them, 'you are done for'. 'Best thing now is just keep your heads down and the police will hopefully move on to bigger stuff. '

And the verdict on Greig, McClelland and Olverson will be ......Guilty.

I agree, but as usual, there will be a kickback for their 'omertà', documents will have been shredded or lost somehow and although disgraced, they won't see the inside of a court never mind the pokey.

But they didn't blow the whistle whilst their side was winning, so they'll be welcomed back at Ibrox under the new regime.

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So if they do show any, it's next to none. An amount that wouldn't have an effect on their attendance/income?

The way it obviously does with every other team?

I'd always thought Sky saw it as a two way street with the viewing figures v attendance argument. For every home game they show from Ibrox or Parkhead there are between 45 and 60 thousand folk inside the ground that can't be watching the game on Sky.

Can't imagine the viewing figures for SPL games are high enough that they'd want to regularly take that number of people out their figures.

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awesome, i can't wait to dedicate my award to all the poor soles who lost their innocence to torbett

Nice to see RangersMedia are sending their bigoted, child abuse-obsessed morons over here for us to have a laugh at.

BTW it's "souls" you fucking 'tard.

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awesome, i can't wait to dedicate my award to all the poor soles who lost their innocence to torbett

Maybe dedicate it to all the beaten wives and the innocent folk attacked on the night of an old firm game?

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Mr Green stated that while not a test case, if we were Crewe Alexandria or Arbroath, the punishments would not be sever, indeed there may be calls to assist us.

That one is a belter. laugh.gif

Am I right in thinking the tv deal means the only live games to be aired from Ibrox and parkhead must be old firm games?

So whilst our nations journalists pour scorn on the diddy's half empty ground. They can never pass judgement on a half empty Ibrox or parkhead. As with the tv deal, that will not happen.

I believe they're allowed four league games at each ground a season, giving them the four OF games, the flag day for whoever won the league the previous season and another three to be used up throughout the season.

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Nice to see RangersMedia are sending their bigoted, child abuse-obsessed morons over here for us to have a laugh at.

BTW it's "souls" you fucking 'tard.

I wanted to point out the spelling mistake :angry:

Fucking Jupe dry.gif:P

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I will sign off by saying that I do not (unlike a lot of the OF extremists), tarnish everyone by the same brush. I have a lot of great friends in Glasgow, but the amount of narrow minded bigoted people on that side of the country is disturbing and museum standard. Take a step back and look at the situation from a modernist point of view. The attitudes of the OF in general is largely aimed at maintaining a narrow minded point of view that is centuries old and not befitting a nation that should be looking to the future and shaking off the negatives of a dodgy past. All Glaswegians who believe in a bright future can join us at the museum gates to change the damage done. Dundee ain't perfect (far far from it and at times complicit in the "problems"), but let's make use of this collective opportunity to rid ourselves of a backward attitude that makes Scotland look like a country forever a few chapters behind in the writing of world history. Now is the perfect opportunity to rid ourselves of this ridiculous stereotype that tarnishes our game and our cultural image.


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Remember when they put a £2m bid in for Grant Holt back in January? Still not sure how they were going to pay for him.

And yet guys like Sandy Jardine and every other Rangers fan, seems to wonder why they are under a transfer embargo?! Maybe, just maybs its the SFA way of not only punishing Rangers, but also a way to protect other clubs from being ripped off just like Rapid Vienna & Hearts.

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Sir Winston Churchill)

When a tyrant assumes a position of leadership within a country often the people are powerless to prevent it. They suffer the ravages of such tyranny until the oppressor is overthrown and removed from power. Events in Iraq the last few years are a timely reminder.

However post tyranny you don't see the United nations seeking to punish the people of Iraq for events which they had no control over. Instead money, aid and expertise has been thrown towards them in an effort to help them re-establish themselves.

Craig Whyte assumed control of Rangers when our former owner betrayed both his previous promises as well as his sense of moral duty. The carnage which followed is now well documented.

One man's totalitarian rule at Ibrox has ravaged our club. He sold some of our cherished heritage, he banished Rangers legends making their role at Ibrox untenable, he sold star players for less than their market value and by his actions tarnished the name and reputation of Rangers Football Club. Had the SFA been more pro-active, as some in the know are suggesting they should have been, then such carnage could have been avoided. In fact if it was not proceduraly possible for them to intervene perhaps their energies should be to exploring their own constitution and procedures to ensure there is never a repeat.

In fact here's a novel, although not unique, idea. Instead of seeking to punish Rangers for the actions of one totalitarian leader, perhaps the SFA, like the United Nations are doing in Iraq, should be helping in any way they can to allow Rangers Football Club to recover and re-establish themselves, post tyranny.

Of course it's clear its not going to happen. What is happening to our club by way of punshment for the actions and conduct of Whyte is totally unfair and against the rules of natural justice. A football club which has conducted itself with honour and dignity for well over a hundred years is being punished with Draconian measures for the actions of one man during his tenure of several months.

But the arguments have been heard and the decisions have been reached. Let their unfair punishments of Rangers Football Club be the indictment. Let the unfairness and injustice of it all serve as a catalyst and motivation to every single one of us.

The Rangers supporters Groups and Assemblies who have been sitting despondent after attempts to take control of our club were doomed to fail, may have thought their chance for glory had gone. Let me tell you this there is a far greater opportunity presenting itself right in front of them. That opportunity is to channel in a united fashion the moral indignation being felt by every Bear, on mesageboard forums, supporters clubs and buses...in fact just about anywhere into an effective fighting force and protest against the injustice against our club.

They need to make sure the boycotts which are been called for ad hoc on messageboards, are directed and organised into an effective weapon and explore all other avenues for effective action.

It is the duty of every Bear, man woman or child, to step up and play when the conductors baton directs them.

The army of Rangers supporters could bring this country to a standstill should they withhold their right to work for a day. But we are talking about potential here.

Potential has to be realised and actioned, not threatened in newspapers or on messageboards.

There is the potential for Scottish Football to be turned upside down by the Rangers support acting together as one with boycotts, withdrawing support from away games etc. This is not revenge, this is about fighting for justice for our club.

And on the subject of unity – the guardians of our club need to join this protest. Withdrawal of Rangers players from representing Scotland would be a fine start. If the SFA are going to severely restrict our options on players with a transfer embargo, then why should we risk injury to those players we do have left representing a governing body who has done nothing to help, but plenty to hinder our recovery ?

I sincerely hope the leaders of our supporter's groups rise to this challenge. Behaving with dignity and decorum does not appear to be effective in fairness or justice. Perhaps a more militant response will prove more beneficial. It certainly cant be any worse. Do I really want to fill the coffers of clubs who have sought to kick us when we are down ?

It is time Bears.

The soundbites of the politicians who promised to help seem to have faded away. Its up to every one us to do our bit to help our recovery. Its also time for us to show, but more importantly exercise the same disdain towards others, as they appear to show towards us.

The time for dignified silence is over.

The time for expecting fairness and justice is over.

The SFA by their conduct and draconian punishments have unleashed a fury. A fury which only seems to grow with each passing day. Its time to channel that fury towards our enemies and those who seem indifferent to our plight.

Its time Churchill's pledge which opened this article to be resurrected and put into practice.

If we do so with the same vigour and commitment as those whose responded to it over 70 years ago, then woe betide the enemies of our club


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